

A Study of "Story-centered" English Teaching Strategy

【作者】 王林锋

【导师】 靳玉乐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着英语课程改革的坚持、反思与深入,以及教育部对《英语课程标准(实验稿)》的修订征求,教学途径的有限性日益突出,任务型教学途径的设计日益受到重视。“故事中心”英语教学正是对英语任务型教学途径的拓展,研究“故事中心”英语教学就在于考察“故事中心”理念的内涵、特点、存在依据及其实施策略。在此,本文以“故事中心”英语教学的内涵及特点为分析起点,以“做中学”的教学理念及相关理论作为“故事中心”英语教学合理性的理论支撑,分别从语言观、语言学习观、语言教学观三个维度对“故事中心”英语教学的基本理念进行系统阐述,并以教学策略作为理论与实践联系的纽带,探讨了“故事中心”英语教学实施的基本策略与实现条件,从而为教师的真实课堂应用提供参照和借鉴。“故事中心”英语教学是在英语课程标准的变革、现代外语教学理论的发展以及我国英语教学实践中的问题与挑战催生下的对英语教学的重新思考。“故事中心”英语教学虽然从标题上令人耳目一新,但是对其精髓的实践却由来已久。在国外的有关“故事中心”教学的研究文献中,大多数学者主要集中在研究教学背后所隐现的哲学基础或教育理念,在我国,对“故事中心”教学的研究多倾向于对传统“故事”表面意义的阐述,但对其内在所渗透的理论价值的挖掘不免浅显。因此,有必要从理论与实践两个角度对国内外的研究进行探讨。“故事中心”英语教学就是以学生未来生活中有可能发生的“故事”为出发点,以模拟情境进行“故事”为教学过程,通过行动体验完成“故事”承上启下进入下一个“故事”为循环原点的生成性教学形态。“故事中心”英语教学是从实践论的层面,在呼唤具有中国特色的外语教学理论的背景下,在对“故事中心”教学理念的深刻剖析中所做出的尝试,充分体现了以“故事”为起点、以真实的行动为核心,以有意义情境的提供为条件的特点。“故事中心”英语教学的合理性可以从杜威“做中学”、马克思辩证唯物主义的活动理论和陶行知“教学做合一”的研究成果中获得理论支撑,并由此衍生出“故事中心”英语教学的基本理念。反观现实课堂,从教学策略入手,针对组织、激励、提问、评估等教学过程的环节设计出探求共生“故事”、情境体验“故事”、言语传递“故事”、角色模拟“故事”的“故事中心”英语教学实施的有效策略。要使教师有效地实施“故事中心”英语教学策略,就需要从学理上分析教学过程中出现的问题及其实现条件,包括对师生观的转变、选取“故事”的原则与方法以及对语言学习模式的应用。

【Abstract】 With English new curriculum reform’s persistence, reflection and penetration, the limitation of teaching approach is becoming more and more obvious; therefore, task-based teaching approach begins to be valued, which arises by amendment of "English curriculum standard (experimental)". As improvement of task-based teaching approach, "story-centered" English teaching research focuses on its theory, feature, basement and strategy. This paper begins with analysis of its connotation and characteristic; then, it bases on "learning by doing" and reference theories, and it interprets systematically its basic ideas from the view of language, language learning, and language teaching. The paper relies on teaching strategy as key between theory and practice, which is examined into specific strategies and implementation conditions, supplying consults for teachers’ real application."Story-centered" English teaching is re-thought of English teaching under the background of English curriculum reform, modern foreign language teaching theory, and challenges of practical problems. Although it is fresh in hearing, "Story-centered" English teaching has a long history. In western study, it focuses on philosophy behind teaching research; while, in Chinese study, it orients on traditional meaning of "story", which is lack of deeper understanding of its inner value. Therefore, it is necessary to discuss it from theoretical and practical view."Story-centered" English teaching is kind of being teaching, starting with students’ possible "story", in which students finish experiencing story one by one in the teaching process of simulating situation. From the practical view, "Story-centered" English teaching tries to explain its teaching believes, which embodies its characteristic: story as start line, real action as core part, and meaningful situation as condition. The rationality of "Story-centered" English teaching can be found in "learning by doing" theory, activity theory and "teaching-learning-doing" theory, which induces its basic believes.Reflected on real class, effective teaching strategy is brought out according to procedures of teaching process: searching co-being story strategy, experiencing story under situation strategy, transferring story by words strategy, and role-playing story strategy.In order to effectively implement teaching strategy, it requires rational consideration of realizing condition, which including role transfer of student and teacher, rules and methods of selecting stories, and adoption of language learning model.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】846

