

The Construction of Pre-school Education Curriculum in Tropism of "Learning to Live Together"

【作者】 叶谦

【导师】 靳玉乐;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作为21世纪教育的四大支柱之一,“学会共处”理念对幼儿良好素质的发展有着积极的作用,它能激发幼儿的良好情绪,培养幼儿的乐观性格和良好品德,是幼儿适应未来社会的重要素质之一。以“学会共处”为取向的学前教育课程,力求在幼儿身心发展的关键期,为其提供促进幼儿共处意识和共处行为适宜性发展的课程环境,构建有利于幼儿合作、分享、尊重等共处能力发展的课程体系。论文在分析现有学前教育课程取向的基础上,对“学会共处”取向的学前教育课程的意义、理念、设计、进行了探讨,同时提出了“学会共处”取向的学前教育课程的实施、评价等建设策略。全文分为六个部分:第一部分,导论。概述了问题的提出,研究的意义、研究方法、研究思路,以及对学会共处和学前教育课程取向等相关研究的文献综述。第二部分,“学会共处”作为学前教育课程取向的意义。论述了“学会共处”作为学前教育课程新取向对同伴共处、师幼互动和幼儿园文化氛围营造的积极意义。第三部分,“学会共处”取向的学前教育课程理念。主要包括儿童“自我意识”的培养,儿童“他者意识”的培养和“群体意识”的培养三个方面。第四部分,“学会共处”取向的学前教育课程设计。论述了“学会共处”取向的学前教育课程目标定向、课程内容设定路向以及课程组织形式等。并在此基础上提出了具体的目标设定、学前教育课程内容选择价值和学前教育课程内容选择方法,并以弹性的游戏课程作为共处课程的主要组织形式。第五部分,“学会共处”取向的学前教育课程的实施条件与策略。在前文分析的基础上,提出了以园本课程制度为依托的学前教育课程实施条件以及基于教师指导的师幼共处的课程实施。第六部分,“学会共处”取向的学前教育课程评价。主要包括“学会共处”取向学前教育课程评价的原则、内容与方法等。

【Abstract】 "learning to live together", as one of the four major educational ideals, is propitious to the building of children’s personality. It not only cultivates their healthy emotion, optimistic character, and virtue, but is an important diathesis with which they adapt to the future life. Pre-school Education Curriculum in tropism of "learning to live together" strives to provide children a fitting curriculum environment which boosts their sense and behavior of live together during their key development phase, and constructs a curriculum system which is helpful to the development of the children’s abilities in cooperation, participation, and respect. Based on the analysis of the current tropisms in pre-school education curriculum, the thesis discusses the significance, ideals, and design of the Pre-school Education Curriculum in tropism of "learning to live together", and its implement and assessment.The thesis includes six parts:The first part—Introduction. It summarizes the origin of the question, the significance, method and thoughtway of this study, and the review of relevant study.The second part—The significance of the tropism of "learning to live together" to Pre-school Education Curriculum. It dissertates the positive function of the new tropism—"learning to live together" to the "living and intercommuning together with school companions and teachers" cultural circumstance in a kindergarten.The third part—ideals of the Pre-school Education Curriculum in tropism of "learning to live together", it consists of the foster of self-awareness, other-awareness and group-awareness.The fourth part—the design of the Pre-school Education Curriculum in tropism of "learning to live together", which includes the direction of the curricular objects , the choice of the curricular content and the frame of curriculum. Furthermore, the author brings forward the approaches of the selection of concrete curricular objects, the value and method choice of the curricular content, and chooses flexible game-curriculum as the main frame of curriculum. The fifth part—the implementary condition and strategy of the Pre-school Education Curriculum in tropism of "learning to live together". After the preamble foundational analysis, the author makes "kindergarten-based curriculum system" as the the implementary condition, and "living together with teachers and their guides" as the implementary strategy.The sixth part—the assessment of the Pre-school Education Curriculum in tropism of "learning to live together", i.e. the principals, content, and methods.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G612
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】795

