

Research on the Regional Landscape Architecture of the Mountainous Residential Area in Chongqing

【作者】 石忠贵

【导师】 周建华;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 社区公园是居住区中的一个重要组成部分,其对居民的日常行为及其心理、生理健康有着直接的影响。一个良好的社区公园不仅可以为社区居民提供一个交流的场所,丰富居民的户外活动,特别是老年人与儿童的活动,还有助于改善邻里关系,增进城市中日益淡漠的人与人之间的情感交流。因此,社区公园设计越来越多地受到业内外人士的重视,近年来新建的居住区中有无社区公园以及公园的好坏都已经成为人们是否购买的一个重要参考条件。但目前重庆主城区社区公园的规划设计与建设并不尽人意,存在着诸多问题,其中有一些只重视大、绿等视觉方面的追求,而对于人的需求、行为规律等方面尚欠考虑,造成社区公园“中看不中用”的后果,形成很大的浪费。本文主要以城市规划学、园林美学、景观学、生态学为指导理论,以重庆主城区社区公园为研究对象,通过调查研究提出了重庆主城区社区公园规划设计的途径与方法。该项研究对重庆主城区社区公园规划设计提供了一定的理论依据。本文研究的内容包括以下几个部分:1.社区公园与其他公园进行对比:通过对社区公园的功能与作用、服务对象和内容的分析,以及与其它公园的差异进行对比,来更好的界定社区公园。2.重庆市主城区社区公园规划设计的探讨:从社区公园景观构成要素,规划设计的基本原理和影响因素着手,得出重庆市主城区社区公园规划设计的途径与方法。3.实例调查与分析:利用实例分析总结重庆市主城区社区公园的优点和不足。4.结论:通过本文的研究,对论文进行总结收尾,提出论题研究成果,指出不足之处,并对不足之处进行理论指导。

【Abstract】 Community Park is a residential area in an important part of their daily behavior to the residents and their psychological, physical health has a direct impact. A good community park for the community residents can not only provide an exchange of places, the rich residents of outdoor activities, especially the elderly and children’s activities, but also help to improve neighborhood relations and enhance the city’s increasingly indifferent to the people The emotional exchange between. Therefore, community park designed to be more and more attention outside the industry in recent years, new residential areas in the community whether the quality of parks and parks have become an important whether or not to purchase the reference conditions. But in Chongqing City Community Park Planning and Design and Construction and unsatisfactory, there are many problems, some of which only attach importance to large, green, and other visual aspects of the pursuit, and for people’s needs, behaviour and other aspects of the shortfall to consider, resulting in Community Park "-looking but useless," the consequences, a lot of waste.In this paper, to study urban planning, landscape aesthetics, landscape science, ecology theory as a guide to the community in Chongqing City Park for the study, investigation and study summed up by the Chongqing City Park community planning and design methods. The study of Chongqing City Planning and Design Community Park provides a theoretical basis.In this paper, the content include the following:1. Community Park and other parks were compared: the community through the function and role of parks, the service targets and content of the analysis, and parks and other differences compared to better define the community park. 2. Chongqing City Community Park City Planning and Design of: from the community park landscape elements, the basic principles of planning and design, and factors influencing proceed, come to Chongqing City Park City community planning and design ways and means.3. Examples of investigation and analysis: The Case Analysis concluded Chongqing City Park City community the strengths and weaknesses.4. Conclusion: This study, to sum up the paper end, subject to research results, pointing out that inadequate, and the inadequacy of the theoretical guidance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】TU986.2
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】548

