

The Study on Allelopathy of Trifolium Repens L. to Raspberry

【作者】 隋宝强

【导师】 曾明;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 果树学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 树莓为蔷薇科(Rosaceae)恳钩子属(Rubus)植物,是目前世界上发展最为迅速的新兴小浆果类果树。其果实营养价值高、风味好,尤其是V_E和SOD(超氧化物歧化酶)含量为水果之最,被称为“第三代水果”。除鲜食外,还可进行多途径的开发利用,在医药、化妆、保健、食品、加工等方面有着广泛的用途。树莓是重要的浆果类果树,在世界范围内有着广泛的栽培。果实及其系列产品畅销世界各国,风靡欧美市场,国际市场热销,供不应求。栽培种植与综合开发经济效益显著并可形成出口创汇产业。目前,我国树莓栽培主要集中在东北、华北地区,其它地区尚未形成规模生产。化感作用是指植物或微生物通过向环境中释放一些特殊的化学物质而对其它植物或微生物产生直接或间接的、有益或有害的作用。植物化感作用普遍存在于自然界,是一种重要的生态机制。化感作用的深入研究对认识植物群落结构及演替、对农业耕作制度的合理应用、进行生物除草和新型农药的开发,都具有重要的意义。白三叶草为豆科多年生草本植物,目前在果园生产管理中广泛栽培。在果园种植草种可以提高土壤肥力,抑制杂草生长,增强生物防治的能力。植物化感作用普遍存在于自然界,如何应用化感作用原理,以充分利用作物间有益的化感效应,消除或降低有害化感作用。将果园生态系统的环境控制与生物控制有机结合少见研究报道。本文以树莓为材料,研究了不同间作草种对树莓生长发育的影响、不同浓度白三叶草水浸提液的化感作用效应大小、对树莓生长发育以及树莓根际环境条件的影响,以期为树莓的优质高产、白三叶草化感作用在果园中的合理应用、进行生物除草等提供科学依据。主要研究结果如下:1.栽培白三叶草和百喜草能促进树莓的生长,提高树莓的光合特性和N、P、K含量,提高膜保护酶的活性,其中栽培白三叶草的促进作用最显著。说明白三叶草是适宜的间作草种。2.白三叶草和百喜草的分泌物对离体条件下树莓的生长有明显的促进作用.以白三叶草的促进作用最显著。表明间作草种对树莓的生长发育确实存在化感效应。3.以萝卜和绿星青菜作为受体,对不同浓度白三叶草水浸提液的化感作用进行生物测定。结果表明不同浓度白三叶草水浸提液对受体进行处理后,都明显促进或者抑制了种子萌发、植株鲜重的增加、根长和苗长的生长。表明白三叶草存在明显的化感作用。4.不同浓度白三叶草水浸提液对萝卜的化感作用效应由强到弱排列为:20%>10%>5%>50%>100%:对绿星青菜的化感作用效应由强到弱排列为:20%>1096>50%>5%>100%。由此可以看出,白三叶草水浸提液对受体存在低促高抑的浓度效应。5.将不同浓度白三叶草水浸提液分别加入MS培养基中,研究白三叶草水浸提液对离体条件下在树莓生长的影响。结果表明,低浓度浸提液对离体条件下树莓苗生长有显著的促进作用,在培养基中加入浓度为20%的水浸提液对树莓苗生长的促进作用最为显著,而在100%高浓度条件下,则对树莓苗生长有显著的抑制作用,表现出在低浓度下存在促进效应,高浓度下存在抑制效应的现象。由此可见,白三叶草水浸提液中存在影响树莓苗生长发育的化感物质,这种物质表现出低促高抑的效应。6.用不同浓度白三叶草水浸提液对移栽后的树莓幼苗进行浇灌处理,通过对树莓苗光合产物、膜保护酶活性、根系活力等的比较来看,10%利20%白三叶草水浸提液对树莓苗的生长发育促进作用最大,是适宜的浇灌浓度水平,而100%浓度处理则对树莓的各项生理生化指标有显著的抑制作用,高浓度浸提液不适宜用来浇灌。7.与对照相比,施加10%浓度白三叶草水浸提液促进了树莓根际土壤过氧化氢酶和多酚氧化酶活性,20%浓度浸提液促进了树莓根际土壤蔗糖酶和酸性磷酸酶活性,而100%浓度处理则明显抑制了根际土壤酶活性。可见,低浓度浸提液处理有利于营养物质的转化吸收、植株的生长发育等。8.白三叶草中存在水溶性的化感物质,这些化感物质存在浓度效应,因此,在果园生草栽培中要注意白三叶草的种植密度。

【Abstract】 Raspberry belongs to Rubus L.of Rosaceae.It is a kind of bacca plants developping very quickly throughout the world nowadays.The fruits have beautiful color,good taste,abundant nutrition, especially the contents of V_E and SOD are the highest of all fruits.It proved that the raspberry fruits are potential benefits to people’s health.So raspberry is called the third generation fruit.The fruits not only can be eaten directly but also exploited in many fields including medication,dressing, health care,and food process.Raspberry is a kind of important bacca plants cultivated in many countries.The fruit and the processed products are very popular in the world,especially in the European and American market. Therefore,big profits must be achieved from exploitation and seedling cultivation.At present, raspberry is mainly concentrated in the Northwest and the North China,and it is not yet formed scale cultivation in others regions in our country.The phenomenon,plants or microorganism can produce any direct or indirect,beneficial or bad effect on other plants or microorganism through releasing some special chemical compound(allelochemical)into circumstance is called allelopathy.Allelopathy is a very common and important ecological mechanism in nature.The research on plant allelopathy deeply is important on knowing the structure and succession of plant community,logical application of agricultural cultivation system,measures of biology-weed and exploitation new type pesticide.White clover(Trifolium repens L.)is a vivacious and leguminous plant.White clover was planted widely in the orchard nowadays.It can enhance the soil fertility,control weed,enhance the ability of biological controlAllelopathy exists in the nature universally.ln cultivation the problem must be considered that how to make use of the mechanism of allelopathy to make the best of beneficial allelopathy and remove harmful allelopathy between plants and between plants and microorganism,and to combine the environmental control with biological control in orchard ecosystem.At present the research on the problem is rarely reported.In order to investigate the allelopathic potential of the different concentration aqueous extracts of Trifolium repens L.and the effects of applying aqueous extracts of Trifolium repens L.on the growth of raspberry and the environment of rhizosphere soil,the experiment were conducted with raspberry as acceptor.The study was expected to provide scientific theory for improving the quality and the production of the raspberry,applying the allelopathy of Trifolium repens L.in the orchard and biology-weeding and so on.The main results are showed as follows.1.Planting Trifolium repens L.and Paspalum notatum Flugge could promote the growth of raspberry,improve the photosynthesis of raspberry and the content of N,P,K,increase the activity of membrane protective system.And the effect of Trifolium repens L.was notable.So it was concluded that Trifolium repens L.was the best orchard grass species.2.Trifolium repens L.and Paspalum notatum Flugge could notably promote the growth of raspberry in vitro,and the promotion effect of Trifolium repens L.was notable.It was concluded that intercropping grass species could produce the allelopathy to raspberry.3.The allelopathic effects of the different concentration aqueous extracts of Trifolium repens L.were studied on Raphanus sativus and Brassica chinensis.The results showed that the different concentration aqueous extracts of white clover(Trifolium repens L.)promoted or inhibited the germination rate of seeds,the fresh weight of the acceptors,the growth of the plants obviously.The experiment showed that white clover existed obviously allelopathy.4.Allelopathy of the different concentration aqueous extracts of white clover for Raphanus sativus from strong to feeble is:20%>10%>5%>50%>100%;but for Brassica chinensis is 20%>10%>50%>5%>100%.Therefore,it was concluded that the allelopathy of white clover(Trifolium repens L.)was different with different concentration.The stimulative effect was found with low concentration extracts of white clover.However,inhibitory effect was appeared in high concentration extracts.5.Applying the aqueous extracts of Trifolium repens L.into MS culture medium,research on the effects of the extracts of Trifolium repens L.on the growth of raspberry seedling in vitro was conducted.The results showed that the aqueous extracts could promote the growth of raspberry seedling obviously.The stimulative effect was most significantly when the concentration of the aqueous extracts is 20%.And the inhibition rate increased with the concentration of the aqueous extracts increasing.The treatment with the water extracts of white clover was notably inhibited in the concentration of 100%.The experiment showed that the allelochemical existed in the aqueous extracts of Trifolium repens L..And the allelochemical had the stimulative effect with low concentration extracts and inhibitory effect with high concentration extracts.6.Raspberry seedling transplanted from MS culture medium was treated by the aqueous extracts of white clover.By comparison of the treatments’ product of photosynthesis,the activity of membrane protective system,the activity of root system and so on,it showed that the concentration of 10%and 20%were the best concentration level.However,the treatment of 100%inhibited physiological index of raspberry seedling obviously.7.The irrigation of the different concentration aqueous extracts of Trifolium repens L.reduced or enhanced the soil enzyme activities in raspberry rhizosphere soil.The treatment with irrigating the concentration of 10%enhanced the activities of polyphenoloxidase and catalase in the soil.The treatment of 20%enhanced the activities of saccharase and acid ahosphatase in the soil.But the concentration of 100%could notably inhibit the soil enzyme activities in raspberry rhizosphere soil.The results showed that the low concentration extracts of Trifolium repens L.could promote the absorpotion of mineral nutrition,the growth of raspberry seedlings and so on.8.The allelochemical existed in the aqueous extracts of Trifolium repens L.,and the allelochemical had concentration effects.Therefore,the sod-culture cultivation in the orchard should notice the planting consistency.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】S541.2;S663.2
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】307

