

Confucius Political Ideology and the Construction of Harmonious College Campus

【作者】 夏都颖

【导师】 崔延强;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 逻辑学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 孔子不但是中国古代史上最伟大的教育家、哲学家,而且也是一位杰出的政治家,他生活在一个礼崩乐坏、诸候争霸的年代,他对当时的社会现状极为不满,有澄清天下之志,力图把整个社会恢复为和谐有序的状态。在凝聚了孔子主要思想的《论语》中,包含了许多为政理念,他以仁爱为核心,以德治为原则,以富民、教民、举贤任能等为主要方法和内容的为政治国思想,对后世产生了深远的影响,并最终形成了一整套具有中国特色的为政思想。这种伦理型的为政思想与西方的管理思想相比,显得那样温馨与和谐,在现代社会产生了深远的影响。党的十六大把社会更加和谐作为我们党要为之奋斗的重要目标明确提了出来,十六届四中全会、六中全会进一步明确了构建社会主义和谐社会的主要内容,反映了建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家的内在要求,体现了全党全国各族人民的共同愿望。高校作为社会的重要组成部分,担负着人才培养、科学研究、服务社会、引领风气的重要职能,在和谐社会建设的方方面面都处于极其重要的地位,发挥着重要作用。但是,随着高等教育大众化的实现,高等教育各种要素之间,各种主体之间既有和谐的一面,同时也存在着突出的矛盾和问题,如:高校中的职务犯罪不断增多,学生道德困惑与混乱,教职工职业道德水平下滑,人心涣散,人情淡漠,等等。在高等教育改革发展的新形势下,高等学校能否建设一个全体广大师生员工各尽其能、各得其所而又和谐相处的校园,是对高校管理工作者的重大考验。笔者通过深入分析孔子为政思想的积极面,发现其构建和谐社会的为政理念与当前和谐高校的建设有很多相似之处,借鉴学术界对孔子为政思想的研究成果,取其精华,将其引入高校管理工作中,有利于解决当前高校存在的许多复杂矛盾和问题,从而提升师生员工的整体素质,为师生员工的才能和潜力的发挥营造一种高效、宽松的环境和良好氛围,最终实现校园结构稳定、关系融洽、广大师生员工能够心平气和地干事业、求发展的和谐局面。

【Abstract】 Confucius is not only the greatest educator and philosopher in the ancient history of China, but an outstanding statesman, who lived in a confused feudal society of which the rules and regulations were about to abolish. Confucius felt critical of chaos in the society during that time, so that he owned the ambition to renew the system, striving to resume a harmonious and well-regulated society. The Analects of Confucius crystalized the main thoughts of him, includes a number of political ideology. The kernel of his ideology about politics and managing state affairs is humanity, the principle is rule of virtue, the means and contents are enriching people, civilizing people, and recommending the able and wise to the governors. Confucius’ ideology about politics and managing state affairs has been influencing us deeply. And finally constructing a whole range of ideologies on politics and managing state affairs with Chinese characteristics. This ideology of ethic is more harmonious than that of management in the west, so it exerts deeply influence on mordern society.In the 16 National Congress, our Party clearly put forward an important goal for struggling, as to construct a more harmonious society. In the Fourth and Sixth Plenum of the 16th, the main content of building a harmonious socialist society is further defined, which reflects the people’s internal requirements for building a modern society with the characteristics of prosperity, democracy, civilization and harmony and embodies the common aspiration for the whole country in all peoples. As an important part of the society, colleges and universities are charged with the function of personnel training, scientific reseach, social services and atomosphere leading. They occupy an extremely vital position and play an important role in all aspects of building a harmonious society. However, with the popularization of higher education to achieve, there exists not only harmony but conspicuous contradictions between the various elements and main sides in higher education, such as: increase of job-related crimes in universities, moral confusion and chaos of college students, decline of professional and ethical standards in university faculty, lax of people’s minds, indifference of human relationship, and so on. Under the new situation of reform and development in higher education, it is a major test for the university management to build a harmonious campus in which the faculty and students can fully paly their ability and be properly provided.Through the deeply analysis of the positive aspects in Confucius political ideology, it shows there are many similarities between his ideology and current concept of building harmonious universities. So the essence of his ideology can be chosed to introduce into the management of universities based on the research results from academic community. Furthermore, it will be beneficial to the solution of existing complex contradictions and problems, so as to enhance the overall quality of faculty and students and creat a highly efficient, relaxed environment and good atomosphere to play their potential. The ultimate goal is to build a campus of structural stability and harmonious relations, where the students can merrily study and the faculty can calmly work and seek the opportunities for development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G649.2
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】225

