

The Study of Classroom Teaching Management Strategies under the Perspective of the Concepts of Inclusive Education

【作者】 张慧敏

【导师】 王德清;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育经济与管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 全纳教育是国际教育民主化进程中产生的一种新的教育思潮,是当代国际教育研究的一个新领域,已成为当今世界各国教育发展的一大趋势。作为一种新兴的教育思潮,全纳教育已从特殊教育界走向普通教育界,它的实施要求改变我国普通学校的教育体制、学校建设、师资力量、课程设置、教学方式等,同时它主张加强学生的参与和减少学生被排斥,其宗旨是追求民主、平等、合作的教育。运用全纳教育理念审视我国的教育现状,我们发现其中仍存在诸多不公平现象,我们应在全纳教育理念指导下着手消除教育中的不公平现象。在我国目前的教育现实中,仍存在种种与全纳教育理念相悖的现象,这些现象引发了我们从新的视角对课堂教学管理策略的再思考。因此必须树立全纳教育理念,进一步改革课堂教学管理,唤醒学生的学习兴趣,使人人参与,人人学有所得,从而实现和谐发展。本研究主要分为五个部分进行阐述:第一部分阐释了全纳教育提出的客观背景、全纳教育的基本观点以及全纳教育理念的基本内容。全纳教育关注所有学生的学习和参与,提倡平等、民主与合作。第二部分从全纳教育人人平等的人性观、人人都能学习的学习观和所有教师能够教所有学生的教育观这三个前提假设出发,进一步分析全纳教育的几个理论基础。第三部分重点通过调查问卷和观察访谈分析了全纳教育理念视角下当前课堂教学管理的现状和问题,如师生关系不平等、课堂教学管理中的排斥现象以及忽视学生个性的发展等。第四部分通过全纳教育理念在普通学校课堂教学管理中的可行性分析,深化了全纳教育理念对课堂教学管理提出的三大要求:转变师生关系、教育面前无差生、教师角色的变化。第五部分在前文分析论述的基础上,基于全纳教育理念的挑战和全纳教育理念对的课堂教学管理原则的指导下,提出了全纳教育理念下课堂教学管理的五大策略:师生和谐关系的建立策略、课堂良好环境的塑造策略、人际平等合作的沟通策略、课堂课程评价的改革策略和课堂控制方式的发展策略。

【Abstract】 Inclusive education is a new educational current that is produced in the progress of international democratic education, and it is also a new realm of the contemporary international educational research and has become a main trend in current educational development around the world. As a new mode of thinking in education, the all-inclusive education has entered the general education circle from the circle of special education. Its aim is to seek a democratic, equal and just education. The adoption of all-inclusive education will no doubt ask for corresponding changes in the educational system, school development, teaching faculty, curriculum setup and teaching methods in China’s universities. Inclusive education,which aims to equality, democracy and cooperation, advocates that education should strengthen the students’ participation and reduce the exclusion of students. There are many unfair phenomena in the departure, procession and result of education when we use the principle of inclusive education to survey the present education of our country. We should eliminate these unfair educational phenomena with the guidance of the inclusive education principle from the fields of society, government, school and family, etc. However, there are still lots of phenomena against the concepts of inclusive education. This initiates us to contemplate the exclusion of the strategies of class teaching management. Therefore, we teachers must set up the idea of inclusive education, try to further reform classroom teaching management, waken students’ interest, make sure all students take part in maths learning and then get some knowledge from it. If so, we can make students develop harmoniously.This dissertation consists five main parts:The first part of this thesis elaborates the background of inclusive education, its basic concepts and basic contents of it. Inclusive education which promotes equality,democracy and cooperation concerns all students’study and participation.The second part firstly embarks the premise supposition in the inclusive education,which contains equality of human nature, everyone can learn and study, all teachers can teach all students. Then further analyzes several theoretical basis of inclusive education. In the third part, the writer through the questionnaire and the observation interview analyzes the current classroom instruction management present situation and the existence question from the perspective of the whole concept of inclusive education. The problems contain the unequal relationship between teachers and students, the exclusion in the classroom teaching management and the neglect of the student’s personality development and so on.The fourth part analyses the feasibility of using the concepts of inclusive education in classroom teaching management of ordinary schools. It also promotes three requests of the classroom teaching management, which are the transformation relations between teachers and students, the no discrepancy to live and the changing of teachers’ role.On the base above all, the last part of this thesis through the guidance of the concepts of inclusive education and the principles of classroom teaching management puts forward the top five management strategies. They are the establishment of a harmonious relationship between teachers and students strategy, shape good classroom environment strategy, interpersonal communication strategy of equality and cooperation, the reform of the classroom curriculum evaluation strategy and the development of classroom control mode strategy.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G760
  • 【被引频次】9
  • 【下载频次】1120

