

Effects of Sex and Tolerance of Ambiguity on EFL Reading Strategies

【作者】 吴蕾

【导师】 林文治;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 阅读是外语教学中的重要组成部分。但目前初中生的阅读能力大大低于预期水平,学生间的差异也在增大。这个问题已引起许多语言学家和中学英语教师的普遍关注。大量研究表明,学生的英语学习策略与英语学习成绩有紧密的关系,而学生的歧义容忍度可能跟学习策略有联系。同时,也有不少研究表明性别是影响英语学习的诸多因素之一。为此,本研究考查了初中学生的性别和对英语阅读中的歧义的容忍度对英语阅读策略使用情况可能的影响。研究首先通过对深圳市竹林中学初三(7)班的40名受试的问卷调查,获得了学生阅读策略的使用现状,学生的歧义容忍度,以及性别数据。根据调查所获得的数据,对受试的英语阅读策略的使用(因变量),进行了2×2双因素方差分析:两个自变量分别为性别(男与女)与歧义容忍度(高与低)。结果发现性别与歧义容忍度的高低分别对总的阅读策略的使用没有显著的影响,也没有显著的交互作用。并且当把阅读策略拆分成3个构成部分以后,性别和歧义容忍度对于阅读中的自我管理策略、文章理解策略也分别都没有显著影响,且无显著的交互作用。但是,对于英语阅读中的词汇策略部分的使用来说,性别和歧义容忍度虽然分别都没有显著的影响,但是二者的交互作用却是极其显著的。同为歧义容忍度高时,女生比男生的词汇策略使用情况显著地好;同为女生,歧义容忍度高的受试比歧义容忍度低的受试在使用词汇策略方面有显著的优势。研究结果说明,性别和歧义容忍度至少对英语阅读策略中的词汇策略部分是有影响的。女生天生的认真细致可能相对于男生来说有一定的优势;歧义容忍度高比歧义容忍度低可能有一定的优势。因此,研究的结果表明,在初中英语教学中,教师有必要重视性别差异,有针对性地对男生和女生在阅读策略的使用上进行引导。有必要根据学生的特点在歧义容忍度方面进行一定的培养。教师应指导学生正确对待学习中的新的语言现象或模糊现象,提高对歧义的容忍程度,并正确、合理地使用阅读策略。

【Abstract】 Reading strategy is an important aspect of English reading.But many junior middle school students’ reading abilities are far below where they should be,and the differences between students are great.This has drawn close attention of many linguists and researchers.And lots of previous research shows that learners’ English learning strategies are related to their English learning achievements,and differences in sex and tolerance of ambiguity(TOA)are also important factors that might affect English learning.In addition, TOA may affect learners’ use of learning strategies.Based on previous studies,therefore, this research investigated the effect of sex and TOA upon the junior middle school students’ use of English reading strategies.40 junior middle school students in their third year,at Zhulin Middle School, Shenzhen,participated in the survey.Ely’s Second Language Tolerance of Ambiguity Scale,Wu’s learning strategies and Wen’s learning strategies questionnaires were adapted and used.The data of the subjects’ sex,tolerance of ambiguity,and their English reading strategies were thus collected.And the data were given a 2×2 analysis of variance,with sex(Male vs.Female)and TOA(High vs.Low)as the 2 factors(or independent variables) and the subjects’ use of English reading strategies as the dependent variable.It was found that neither sex nor TOA significantly affected the use of strategies in general,and the two factors did not interact significantly in their effects.And when the reading strategies were analyzed separately in terms of the three component parts,the subjects’ sex or TOA did not significantly affect their use of self-management strategies or text comprehension strategies,and the two factors did not have significant interaction, either.For the strategy component of lexical processing,neither of the two factors had significant effect,but they had an extremely significant effect of interaction.In particular, for subjects with high TOA,females did significantly better than males in their use of lexical processing strategies;and for females,those with high TOA did significantly better than those with low TOA.The results show that sex and tolerance of ambiguity at least may affect the use of the examined junior middle school students’ use of lexical processing strategies in English reading.They suggest that the teacher should attach due importance to the role of sex difference and guide male students and female students a bit differently in their use of reading strategies.In addition,students should be trained in tolerance of ambiguity so as to help them adopt the appropriate strategies in reading.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】H319
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】583

