

Study on the Life Value Orientation of Early Childhood Education

【作者】 刘小红

【导师】 廖其发;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 幼儿教育价值取向,就是对幼儿教育价值的一种自觉选择。它不仅是教育理论层面的一个重要问题,同时直接指向教育的实践层面,一定程度上决定着从幼儿教育目的到幼儿教育结果的整个过程。尤其是当今,幼儿教育被格外关注和重视,早教被奉为“人生起跑线”,而恰逢经济全球化、信息多元化、社会转型以及传统、现代与后现代思想的交汇糅合的时代,幼儿教育价值取向极易在急功近利的心态和众多的思潮中迷失方向。学界对此问题已有关注,但无直接关于幼儿教育生命价值取向的研究。因此,本文立足在教育对象本质属性和幼儿教育的特殊性,立足在学校教育生存论转向的必然性,呼应基础教育改革对生命的呼唤,对一种新的价值取向——幼儿教育生命价值取向进行了初步研究。以期对当前幼儿教育提供一种可参考的价值取向。研究共分五个部分:第一部分,导论。论述本研究的对象与目的,研究缘起与研究意义,研究现状与不足以及研究的思路和方法等。第二部分,幼儿教育价值取向的困惑和出路。用叙事的方法,通过对幼儿园观察到的事件或现象的呈现,指出实践中幼儿教育价值取向存在的困惑;通过分析,指出产生困惑的原因是价值取向的偏差和不确定性。在分析的基础上,提出走出困惑的出路——确立幼儿教育生命价值取向。第三部分,幼儿教育生命价值取向的内涵。首先明确了教育价值和教育价值取向的内涵,为阐述生命价值取向铺垫。通过对生命和幼儿生命的特征的剖析,论述了幼儿教育生命价值取向的内涵:立足幼儿生命发展的规律:幼儿教育生命价值取向的逻辑起点;生命情感教育:幼儿教育生命价值取向的核心内容;让孩子走入自然:幼儿教育生命价值取向的强烈要求;实现幼儿身心的健康和谐发展:幼儿教育生命价值取向的终极目的:发挥幼儿教师师爱之特性:幼儿教育生命价值取向的根本保证。然后,把幼儿教育生命价值取向与传统幼儿教育价值取向做了比较。最后,对当前存在的对生命价值取向的认识误区进行了澄清。第四部分,确立幼儿教育生命价值取向的必要性。从教育的本质属性、幼儿自身的特殊性和现实需求三个方面深入地论述了幼儿教育生命价值取向确立的必要性。第五部分,幼儿教育生命价值取向实现的基本策略。从幼儿教育决策层面和幼儿教育机构的生命教育理念的树立,幼儿教育教师和家长幼儿教育观的转变,生命课程的设置,幼儿教育教育评价的生命化和儿童媒介的引导等七个几方面初步探讨了幼儿教育生命价值取向切实实现的基本策略。

【Abstract】 The value orientation of early childhood education, that is a kind of self-conscious choosing to the value of early childhood education. It is not only an important issue on educational theory, but directly point to the practical education, and it decides everything from the educational aim to result in some way. Especially today, early childhood education has been cared much and is called the starting line of the whole life, meantime, it’s an era with economic globalization, society transformation and multi-information that various thoughts mixed with the traditional, the modern and even the post-modern. Early childhood education is easy to lose its way at this era, so based on the nature of educational object and the particularity of early childhood education, based on the certainty of existential turn of school education, and echoing to the call for life of the new elementary education reform, this paper try to have a study on life value orientation of early childhood education, a new value orientation. Hoping to provide one more referenced value for nowadays early childhood education. This paper totally includes five parts:Part 1. Introduction. In this part the object and aim of research, reason and significance of research, research situation, research thought and method were discussed.Part 2. Puzzles and the way out. First, the writer presented some issues and phenomena observed in kindergarten through narrative method, pointed out the puzzles exist in the value orientation of early childhood education. Then, through analysis, found out the reason for generating puzzle is the deviation and uncertainty in value orientation. Based on the analysis, the way out of puzzles was put forward: To set up the life value orientation in early childhood education. Part 3. The connotation of life value orientation of early childhood education. First, making the connotation of educational value and value orientation clear, to be background for next segment. Second discuss the connotation of life value orientation of early childhood education based on the analysis on life and children’s life. Then made a comparation between traditional value orientation and life value orientation. At last, clarified the existing misunderstanding on life value orientation.Part 4. Neccessity to set up life value orientation of early childhood education. The writer discussed the necessity to set up the life value orientation of early childhood education through three aspects: the essential nature of education, the particularity of children’s life and the practical demands.Part 5. The basic strategies to guarantee the implement of life value orientation. Made a preliminary study of the basic strategies to guarantee the life value orientation of early childhood education conducting thoroughly from seven aspects: the educational idea of the decision rank, kindgarten, children’s teachers, children’s parents, children’s media, curriculum and childhood education evaluation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G611
  • 【被引频次】15
  • 【下载频次】1577

