

To Comparative Research the Local Products of Southwest, the South Area of Yangzi River in Dynasty Tang

【作者】 郑玉萍

【导师】 卢华语;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 中国古代史, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 土特产品,不仅是人类体力与脑力劳动的结晶,更是一定时期、特定区域生产力发展水平的重要标志,并能反映出一个地区经济结构的状况。西南、江南地区是两个相对独立的传统经济区,在大唐帝国创建、巩固和发展的历史进程中,都充分发挥了经济支柱作用。将两地的土特产品进行比较研究,不仅有助于认识当时不同地区经济发展的共同规律,探寻不同地区经济发展的不同模式,而且可为今天市场经济条件下的西部大开发提供历史借鉴。土特产品种的繁多是当时经济繁荣的重要标志之一。对两地产品种类的差异的探讨主要依据《唐六典》、《通典》、《新唐书·地理志》、《元和郡县图志》和《太平寰宇记》等所载土贡、土产、赋调等资料及相关其他古代资料进行列表的基础上得出结论。两地土特产品种的共同点有三:即种类繁多、经济附加值高的产品总体所占比例较高、后期品种多于前期;主要差异有:江南品种总体多于西南、江南后期品种增幅高于西南、附加值高的产品江南多于西南。出现上述异同的主要原因在于经济发展水平的差异、生产技术的差异及自然环境的差异。土特产的分布特点是一个地区内部经济发展差异的重要体现。对唐代两地土特产地理分布特点的考察,也主要是通过上述文献资料来完成的。经疏理可知,两地土特产地理分布具有如下特点:1、产地分布面广,但西南产地分布的广泛程度总体不及江南。2、地理布局颇不平衡,西南更为突出。3、土特产的分布格局与地区经济发展水平呈正相关关系。4、土特产产地在唐后期呈扩大趋势,江南更加突出。唐代西南、江南两地的土特产品对当地经济发展产生了重大影响。首先,土特产品,除了上贡之外,还大量投放市场,极大地推动了两地商品经济的发展。其次,土特产品的发展促进了两地水路交通运输的发展。最后,众多的土特产品成为商品,进入流通领域,促进了两地城乡市场的繁荣。

【Abstract】 The local productsare not only the crystallization of human’s physical and mental work, are but also an important symbol of the development level of productive forces in a certain time and specific region, and may reflect the condition of economy structure in some area.Southwest and Jiangnan regions are two relatively independent traditional economic zones, and played the roles of economic pillars in the historical processin of the creation, consolidation and development in Empire Tang.Comparative study the local products in both areas at that time, not only may help to understand different parts of the common law of economic development,explore different parts of different models of economic development,but also may provide historical reference for developing western region under the condition of today’s market economy .Numerous varieties of native products is one of the important symbols of economic prosperity.Discussion on two different types of products ,is mainly based on "Tang VI Code," "Tongtian", "Xintangshu Geography," "dollar and the counties Maps" and "One world credited in Peace" which record tributes from some area,local products, Fu-related information and ancient other information, to list and draw on the basis of conclusions.Commpn species of native products in both fields were threefolds:types were numerous,economic value-added products had a higher percentage of the overall higher,varieties were more later than early.Main difference:species were more Jiangnan than Southwest overall, the growth rate of the varieties in Jiangnan was higher than that of Southwest late,Jiangnan’s products with higher added-value are more than them in Southwest. And the differences in the levels of economic development, different production technologies and natural environments are the main reasons for these similarities and differences.The feature of the distribution of native products is an important embodiment of economic disparities within a region.The study on native products of geographical distribution characteristics in both areas in Danasty Tang, is mainly through the documentations to complete.Depence on the dredging arguments, we can see the geographical distribution of both native products with the following characteristics:first, the distribution of the origin was wide ,but the latter was wider than the formerjsecond, geographical distribution was quite uneven ,southwest was even more prominent. Third, the distribution pattern of native products and regional economic development was directly a positive correlation.Last,the origins of native products in the late Tang was a expanding trend, and Jiangnan became even more prominent.The specialties of southwest and Jiangnan had a major impact on local economic development in Danasty Tang .First, native products, in addition to tributes, were put on the markets large, which had a big push to the development of commodity economy in both regions.Secondly, the native products’development promoted the development of the transports in both regions.Finally, a large number of native products became commodities, entered circulation field,which had promoted the prosperity of urban and rural markets in two regions.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】F329;K242
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】230

