

Update Training Concept and Building Science Training Guiding Ideology

【作者】 张培

【导师】 郭立亚;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 奥运会金牌,室内、室外世锦赛金牌,世界杯冠军,世界纪录保持者。刘翔的成功引发了田径界乃至整个体育界对于训练观念的重新思考。运动训练观念是指:在运动训练理性认识的基础上,为完成训练目的,任务所建立直接指导或支配实践的思想,是运动训练理论指导实践过程的中介。也就是竞技体育“为什么练”,“练什么”,“怎么练”,“练多少”的思想。从运动训练学的角度分析训练计划的制定,专项素质的培养,比赛能力的提高等在我国田径项目训练中存在的一些问题,并运用相关理论加以分析,阐释,提出了一些改进问题的对策。从而为构建在新的训练观念指导下的运动训练提供借鉴。第一部分,引言。以刘翔的成功为切入点,就运动训练学的一些相关理论进行探讨,如训练周期,训练计划,一般身体训练,专项身体训练等。从而确立研究的理论视角。第二部分,研究内容。本研究主要采用文献资料法,专家访谈法并结合自身的训练体会总结,对运动训练目前存在的一些问题进行了调查研究。第三部分,研究结果与分析。提出新的训练观念,即主要通过适宜的负荷强度以及训练量的延伸,使运动员身体器官对训练负荷产生比赛所要求强度的适应性,从而有效提高运动员的竞技水平和比赛成绩。第四部分,讨论与总结。在过去的传统的训练观念,即“三从一大”训练原则的指引下,我国的竞技运动曾出现过一段辉煌的时期,郑凤荣打破世界纪录,朱建华三次打破世界纪录,邹振先取得17米34的好成绩。但现在我们在很多项目上与世界先进国家的差距还有很大,而且这种差距还有逐渐被拉大的趋势。主要的问题就是训练观念的差距。现在孙海平指导带出了刘翔,他取得的这一系列成功,给我们带来了认识上的转变和理念上的突破。通过对他们师徒训练经验的分析与学习,使更多的教练员进一步解放思想,转变训练观念,大胆实践,在北京奥运会上取得更加优异的成绩。

【Abstract】 Olympic gold medals, indoor. outdoor championships gold medal, the World Cup champion and world record holder. Liu Xiang’s success triggered a track and field circles and even the entire sports sector to rethink the concept of training. Movement training refers to the concept: in the exercise training on the basis of rational knowledge, for the completion of training purposes, the mandate to establish direct guidance or control the practice of thinking is the practice of sports training theory to guide the process of intermediation. Sports is "Why practice," and "practicing what," "how to practice", "the number of practicing" thinking. Campaign from the point of view of training in the formulation of training programmes, the quality of the special training, such as the improvement of competition in China’s track and field training in a number of problems, and apply the theory analysis, interpretation, put forward some measures to improve the problem. In order to build new training under the guidance of the concept of training for reference.The first part of the introduction. Liu Xiang to the success of the starting point and the training of a number of theories to explore, such as the training cycle, training programmes, the general physical training, special physical training. Research to establish the theoretical perspective.The second part of research. This study used mainly literature, expert interviews and training in light of its own experience summed up the existing sports training some of the problems were investigated.The third part, the findings and analysis. Proposed new training concepts, mainly through appropriate training load and intensity of the extension of the body organs of the athletes training load required by the intensity of competition have the adaptability to effectively raise the competitive level of athletes and competition results.Part IV, discussed and summarized. In the past the traditional training notion that the "three from a" training under the guidance of the principle, China’s sports have undergone a splendid period, Zhengfengrong a world record, a world record three Zhu Jianhua, the first needle Zou 17 m 34 made good results. But now we have many projects in the advanced countries in the world there is a great gap, and that gap still gradually pulled the trend. The main problem is the gap between the concept of training. Now Sun Haiping Liu brought out the guidance, he achieved success of the series, to bring us the understanding on the concept of change and a breakthrough. Based on their analysis of apprenticeship training and learning experience, so that more coaches to further emancipate the mind, changing training concept, be bold in the Olympic Games in Beijing made more outstanding achievements.

【关键词】 运动训练运动训练理论训练观念刘翔
【Key words】 trainingexercise theoreticaltraining conceptLiu
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G808.1
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】344

