

Research on Death Compensation and Perfection of the Legal System

【作者】 李健

【导师】 时显群;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 民商法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 我国立法上虽然有多部法律、行政法规、司法解释等对死亡赔偿金作出过规定,但是相互之间出现互不统一、相互矛盾的现象,引发司法裁判上的困惑;而最高人民法院的《人身损害赔偿解释》因其根据城乡户籍把生命区别对待而深受众人指责;地方出台的死亡赔偿金规定因各地规定不一,导致裁判自相矛盾,为世人所诟病。一场同命究竟是否应同价之争席卷全国,上至最高人民法院,下至普通百姓,观点纷呈。究其原因,是由于死亡赔偿金的性质无法确定导致其相关理论嗳昧不明,制约了死亡赔偿金立法和司法实践发展的进程。文章主要分五部分,通过考察死亡赔偿金法律制度的历史演变,分析我国死亡赔偿金法律制度的现状与不足,进而从法理的角度阐述死亡赔偿金法律制度的三个逻辑层面,在论述平等理论的基础上,提出了我国死亡赔偿金法律制度的新构想。第一部分探讨死亡赔偿金法律制度概述及其历史流变。首先对死亡赔偿金法律制度做了概述,对死亡赔偿金的定义及其内涵进行界定。其次是探讨了中外死亡赔偿金法律制度的历史演变过程,特别梳理了我国现行死亡赔偿金法律制度的演进。第二部分探讨我国死亡赔偿金法律制度的现状及存在的问题。首先阐述我国死亡赔偿金法律制度的现状,对立法和司法各自存在的问题作了归纳总结,指出死亡赔偿金称谓不一、法出多门、死亡赔偿金计算标准多样化、司法实践操作不一等是当前存在的主要问题。第三部分探讨死亡赔偿金法律制度的法理基础,从为什么赔偿、赔偿什么、如何赔偿等三个层面展开论述。“为什么赔偿”层面分析死亡赔偿金的成因,文章从生命伦理、生命权、侵权责任法等角度进行探讨。“赔偿什么”层面分析死亡赔偿金的性质。文章在分析精神抚慰说、逸失利益说等学说基础之上提出死亡赔偿金赔偿的是属于物质损失的继承丧失。“如何赔偿”层面探讨死亡赔偿金的赔偿模式及其标准,提出定型化的赔偿模式和差异化的赔偿标准是较为合理的选择。第四部分探讨法律平等与同命不同价之争。文章首先阐述平等的涵义,其次论述对法律平等的理解,提出在法律面前人人是平等的,但法律不能使人人平等。法律面前人人平等也并不代表人人对等、一视同仁、毫无差别,这在任何一个社会都是无法做到的。文章最后分析了法律平等与同命不同价之契合。第五部分探讨我国死亡赔偿金法律制度之新构想。一是统一我国死亡赔偿金法律制度立法,以保证法律统一;二是建立惩罚性精神损害赔偿,以体现生命平等与珍重生命;三是以合理填补为原则确立死亡赔偿金赔偿标准;四是建立国家死亡抚慰金制度,从更大层面体现生命的价值和对生命的珍重。

【Abstract】 In China’s legislation, a number of laws, administrative regulations and judicial interpretation have been stipulated the compensation for the dead, but many of them are not integrated and incompatible to each other, which lead to the juridical confusion. In addition, "The Explanation to Compensation for the Person Injury" constituted by the Supreme People’s Court has been being criticized by the mass for its discriminatory treating of life on the basis of urban and rural household registration. It has also been being denounced that the judgments are paradox as a result of the different local laws on the amount of death compensation. Thus the argument on whether the same death should get the equal compensation or not is sweeping across the country, with various viewpoints ranging from the experts of Supreme People’s Court to the average people. This is because the uncertainty of the nature of death compensation results in the vagueness of related regulations, and this restricts the process of the lawmaking on it and its judicial practice development. The article mainly includes five parts, in which firstly the historical evolvement of death compensation laws is summarized, and then the actuality and shortcomings of the death compensation laws in our country will be analyzed and consequently the three logical levels of this regulation will be expounded from the legal point of view. At last, new ideas on the death compensation law will be proposed in the light of discussing the equal theories.In the first part, the historical evolvement of death compensation law and the law itself are summarized. At first, the summary includes the definition and meaning of the death compensation, and then the historical evolvement of the law on it in home and abroad is discussed, with more focus on the evolvement of our present laws on the death compensation.In the second part, the actuality and shortcomings of the death compensation law in our country are discussed. The actuality of this law and the weakness in the legal and judicial areas are summarized. The problems such as the unidentical name of death compensation of compensation, the multiple departments for lawmaking, the multiform of the death compensation calculating standards and the disorder of judicial practice primarily exist nowadays.In the third part, the legal base for the death compensation regulation is explored. The reason, the content and the way for the compensation are discussed. The reason is analyzed from the aspects of the life ethic, the right of living and the law on responsibility for the rights abuse. The content is analyzed from the nature of death compensation. The article argues that the death compensation belongs to the succeeded loss of material loss, which based on the theory of mind comforting and losing interests. At last, the way for compensation refers to the model and standards of death compensation, and then the fixing for model of the compensation and differentia of the compensation standards are considered to be reasonable.In the fourth part, the legal equality and different compensation for same death dispute are discussed. The article first expounded the meaning of equality, followed on understanding of the legal equality, and then the concept of "everyone was born equally in front of the law, but the law can not be able to make everyone equal" is proposed. The concept of "everyone was born equally in front of the law" doesn’t mean that everyone is the same without any difference and should be treated equally without distinguishing because nowhere can this be accomplished. In the ending, the interaction between the legal equality and different compensation for same death is analyzed.In the last part, the new ideas for our country’s death compensation law are discussed. These ideas include integrating the legislation of our country’s death compensation law to ensure the integration of the law, setting up the regulation of punishing compensation for the mental injury to prove that the life is equal and highly valued, confirming the standards of the death compensation amount on the basis of reasonable expiation principle and establishing the national death solatium system so that the value and cherishment of life can be better embodied.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】10
  • 【下载频次】819

