

On Civil Liability for Appearor of Commercial Advertisement

【作者】 谭尧曦

【导师】 张新民;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 民商法, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在竞争日益激烈的今天,商业广告在当今的社会经济发展当中充当了非常重要的角色,商业广告的形式也越来越丰富。与此同时,各种不实的商业广告大量存在并已经成为我国第一位的商业欺诈行为,给我国的市场经济秩序造成了严重的破坏,侵害了广大消费者和其他市场竞争者的合法权益。不实商业广告出演人民事责任立法不足是导致不实的商业广告泛滥的重要的原因。文章主要分四个部分对商业广告出演人的民事责任进行探讨。第一部分主要对商业广告出演人民事责任相关的基本问题进行研究。首先界定了商业广告出演人的概念,指出商业广告出演人首先是自然人,包括所有参与商业广告演出,为商业广告中的产品或服务传递信息、推荐或提供佐证的影视明星、体育明星、行业精英、专家学者和一般普通大众。接着分析指出商业广告出演人的民事责任是侵权责任,并根据侵权责任形态理论认定商业广告出演人的民事责任是直接责任、单方责任、连带责任。最后阐述了商业广告出演人民事责任的价值,即对于经济和社会生活的秩序的维护作用以及对于正义的体现作用。第二部分对商业广告出演人民事责任进行学理分析。文章认为,从法理学的视角看商业广告出演人承担民事责任体现了法律责任的预防、救济、和惩罚功能;从伦理学的视角看商业广告出演人的不实演出对社会的诚信体系、特殊群体及社会价值观产生了不良的影响;从社会学的视角看商业广告出言人承担民事责任是其作为一个社会人的必然,是实现其自身价值的要求;从法经济学的视角看多种因素降低了商业广告出演人的违法成本使得不实的商业广告泛滥,这一部分的分析为本文提供了基本的理论支撑点。第三部分对商业广告出演人民事责任的比较研究。本部分从美、法、德、加等多国对商业广告出演人特别是名人的广告的规范和日本的两个判例中,总结出其对商业广告出演人从事商业广告活动的真实性是最高的要求,并且如果名人不是其所宣传或推介的产品或者服务的使用者或受益者,就要承担民事责任,严重的甚至要承担刑事责任。第四部分对构建商业广告出演人民事责任制度。本部分在分析现阶段我国的商业广告责任立法,总结我国针对商业广告出演人的行政法规和制度的基础之上,构建我国商业广告民事责任制度的体系。笔者认为商业广告出演人的民事责任的归责原则应当采用由商业广告出演人承担举证责任的过错责任原则,商业广告出演人具有一定的注意义务,如果其没有尽到其应尽的注意义务,那么他就有了过错,在过错、因果关系、损害事实三者同时具备的情况之下,商业广告出演人则要承担民事责任,如果损害事实的发生是因为消费者自己或第三人的过错所造成,那么商业广告出演人可以减轻或免除民事责任,商业广告出演人的行为使得消费者的人身和财产权利受到了损害,那么商业广告出演人应根据不同的情况做出相应的赔偿或补偿。

【Abstract】 Today, commercial advertisement serves as a very important role in the contemporary socio-economic development. At the same time, there are a lot of commercial advertising has become China’s first commercial fraud which has caused severe damage to the market economic order and the rights of the consumers.One key reason which has caused the consequence is the lack of civil liability for appearor of false commercial advertisements.The thesis divided into four main parts.The first part researchs the basic problems related to the civil liability for appearor of false commercial advertisements . Firstly, the thesis defines the concept of appearor of commercial advertisement and thinks appearor of commercial advertisement is only natural person, including all those involved in commercial performances, for commercial advertising the products or services in the transmission of information, recommend or provide corroboration of the Movie Star, sports stars, industry elite., experts and scholars and the general public in general. Then the thesis analyses the characteristics and the value of appearor of commercial advertisement.The second part analyse the civil liability for appearor of commercial advertisement. This thesis contend that the basic functions of legal obligation such as prevention, relief and punitive will be carried out through in bearing civil liability for appearor of commercial advertisement .The content of the appearor of commercial advertisement is not identical to fact, which have negative affect, by the perspective of sociology, to credit system and special group administration of social value. And the appearor of commercial advertisement responding civil liability is a direct result of the pursuit of the personal value and action as a society .3y the perspective, the phenomenon illusory commercial advertisement prevail on our daily life which is consequent upon reduce the cost, with diversity factors, of responding civil liability for appearor of commercial .Based on the analysis, this part of thesis supply the pivot to the basic concept.Then in the third part of the thesis compare the diversity rules of civil liability for appearor of commercial advertisement between Canada, the United, France and Germany. Based on the comparison and two cases happened in Japanese, the theses conclude that the ultimate request is to be true. If the famous is not a beneficiary or user of the produce, he should respond the civil liability or criminal liability in some serious cases.The fourth part establish the institution of civil liability. Based on the analyse of China’s commercial liability legislation, summed up China’s regulations and laws for the commercial ads appearor, the thesis establish a institution of civil liability.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】D923
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】209

