

Research on Problems in Situation Creating of Mathematics Teaching in Junior High School

【作者】 王爱凤

【导师】 宋乃庆; 刘静;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 基础数学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 《全日制义务教育数学课程标准(实验稿)》(以下简称《标准》)提倡“问题情境——建立模型——问题求解——解释和应用”的课堂教学模式,可见我国的数学课程改革把情境创设提到了一个新的高度。在初中数学课堂教学中,情境创设成为该模式的关键所在。然而,教师在课堂教学情境创设的实践中出现了一些不容忽视的问题。因此,对初中数学教师在课堂教学情境创设中存在的问题及其原因进行深入研究,对有效地实施《标准》所倡导的课堂教学模式,提高教学质量有着重要的意义。本文以山西省九所不同性质学校的132名初中数学教师为研究对象,运用问卷调查、课堂观察、访谈等研究方法,对初中数学教师在课堂教学情境创设中存在的问题及其原因进行研究,得到如下主要结论。初中数学教师在课堂教学情境创设中存在的问题是:(1)大部分教师忽视了情境素材的全程性作用,这使得教师创设的情境以小而碎居多,贯穿整堂课的情境相对较少。(2)部分教师创设的情境偏离教学目标。主要表现在以下四个方面:第一,情境过于生活化,淡化了数学的本质;第二,教师在创设情境时,没有考虑学生的实际生活背景,尤其是农村教师;第三,教师对情境的难易度把握不准;第四,情境与情境之间缺乏层次性和发展性。(3)大部分教师创设的情境缺乏多样化。即关于同一个学习内容的情境设计几乎是千篇一律。(4)在课堂教学过程中,大部分教师缺乏从情境中提炼数学知识的教学技能。只注意注入血肉,却忘了数学原来的骨架。(5)教师在教学中没有处理好“尺度”与“方向”的关系,无法在情境中引导学生进行正确地思考。笔者结合问卷调查、教师访谈和课堂观察情况,针对以上存在的问题进行归因分析,出现上述问题的原因是:(1)由于一些公开课评课的误导,教师对《标准》提倡的关于情境创设的教学模式的理解出现偏差,不管教学内容是否需要,就盲目创设情境。(2)教师创设情境的能力比较薄弱。(3)教师创设情境的教学技能没有得到有效的培训。(4)关于情境创设的课程资源匮乏。据此笔者提出了以下几点建议:第一,《标准》应明确提出评价情境的一些关键标准;第二,教参应该加强对相关情境的分析;第三,应该加强教师培训力度,丰富情境创设的培训内容。

【Abstract】 The Standard of Mathematics Curriculum for full-time Compulsory Education (Trial Draft) (hereafter as "Standard") has promoted the classroom teaching model of "problem situation—building model—problem solving—interpretations and applications", from which it can be found that our mathematics curriculum reform has raised the situation creating to a new height. The situation creating becomes the key of the teaching model in mathematics teaching in junior high school. But many problems which should not be ignored appear as a result of the situation created by teachers. Therefore, a further study and attribution analysis on the problems of situation creating is necessary and significant not only for implementing the classroom teaching model which is advocated by "standard" effectively, but also for improving the quality of mathematics classroom teaching in junior high school.By snowball sampling, one hundred and thirty-two teachers are selected from nine different natures of junior high schools in Shanxi Province. This thesis studies the problems and corresponding reasons in situation creating of mathematics teaching in junior high school through some research methods such as questionnaire survey, classroom observation, interview and so on. The conclusions show as follows.The problems in situation creating of mathematics teaching in junior high school are: (1) Most teachers do not pay attention to the whole course of situation material, thus causing that the situations consist mainly of small and broken ones, while that throughout the entire class are few. (2) Situations created by some teachers deviate from the teaching objectives, which mainly lie in four aspects. First, situations are so adapted that playing down the nature of mathematics. Second, teachers, especially, rural teachers do not consider students’ actual life background when they create situation. Third, it is difficult to hold the difficulty level of the situation accurately for teachers. Fourth, there have the hierarchy and expansibility between the situations. (3) Situations created by most teachers lack diversification. That is, the situations design about the same learning content are stereotyped nearly. (4) In classroom teaching, most teachers lack teaching skills for refining mathematics knowledge from the situation. Teachers only focus on the flesh and blood, while neglect the skeleton. (5) Teachers’ teaching guidance has not grasped the relation between "the criterion" and "the direction", which is unable to guide students to ponder correctly in the situation.For all the above problems, the author has summarized reasons as follows on the basis of questionnaire survey, interview and classroom observation: (1) Because of the misleading of some public lectures evaluation, teachers’ understanding about the teaching model of situation creating exists deviation. No matter whether it is necessary for teaching content, they create situations blindly. (2) The ability of teachers is still quite weak. (3) Teaching skills of situation creating have not received training effectively. (4) The curriculum resources about situation creating are deficient.So the author puts forward the following proposals: First, "The Standard" should propose some key standard of evaluating situation explicitly. Second, the teaching reference books should strengthen analysis of relevant situations. Third, we should increase the intensity of training teachers and enrich the training content.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】1128

