

A Discussion about Issues of Rural Collective Land Registration

【作者】 王兆林

【导师】 杨庆媛;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 人文地理学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 农村集体土地登记问题探讨以土地登记相关理论为基础,即新制度经济学的交易成本理论、民法学的物权变动理论和公共管理学的有效政府理论,结合我国目前的农村集体土地权利体系及有关法律、法规,分析了目前集体土地所有权、使用权及他项权利登记的意义、必要性,进而探讨了目前集体土地登记中存在的问题与登记制度本身存在的缺陷,针对这些问题与缺陷提出相应的政策及技术方面的解决措施,同时构建农村集体土地登记体系;在此基础上,结合重庆市作为统筹城乡发展综合改革配套试验区在发展中须进行土地制度革新的宏观背景,以作为统筹城乡发展试点的重庆市江北区鱼嘴镇双溪村为实证贯穿全文,对其在农村集体土地权利登记的必要性、存在问题与集体土地权利登记预期效益加以分析。本文分为共分为七部分,其中重点部分为五、六两部分。第一部分是绪论,概述了本研究的宏观背景、研究的意义及研究的方法,并对目前有关农村集体土地权利登记的有关文献从五方面进行了简单回顾。第二部分是土地登记理论基础,概述了土地登记的理论基础(交易成本理论、物权变动理论以及有效政府理论)及其与土地登记的关系,以此作为研究农村集体土地登记管理的理论基础,同时简单介绍了现存在的三种基本土地登记制度(契约登记制度、权利登记制度及托伦斯登记制度)及我国现行的土地登记制度。第三部分是我国农村集体土地权利体系分析,在明确农村集体土地含义及范围的基础上。概述了农村集体土地权利类型(所有权、使用权及他项权利)及其与农村集体土地登记关系,明确了农村集体土地登记范围。第四部分是农村集体土地登记必要性分析,此部分从土地登记的作用与效益入手,结合重庆市江北区双溪村实例,分析了农村集体土地权利登记的作用与必要性。第五部分是农村集体土地权利登记中存在的问题与登记制度本身缺陷分析,概述了目前农村集体土地权利登记中在法律法规、登记技术与登记制度中存在的问题,为第六部分针对性措施的提出与较为完善的农村集体土地登记体系的构建奠定基础。第六部分是农村集体土地权利登记制度完善,针对第五部分农村集体土地登记中存在问题提出可行性的建议措施,同时对目前集体土地登记制度本身存在的缺陷构建较为完善登记体系,同时分析了重庆市江北区双溪村集体土地登记的新做法、特点与预期效益。第七部分是结束语即本文的结论与展望部分。

【Abstract】 A Discussion about Issues of Rural Collective Land Registration based on interrelated theory of land registration including the Dealing Cost Theory of New Institutional Economics, Property Rights change theory of civil law and Effective Government theory of Public Management Subjects, combined with current rights system of rural collective land of our country involving Laws and regulations, analyses the significance of land regulations and issues on Laws and regulations and registration technique involving current registrations of collective land ownership, usufruct and other rights of collective land. In allusion to these issues, this paper put forward Corresponding policy and measures for dealing with issues; on the basis of these, combined with macro backgrounds of Chongqing Municipality as a sample of Overall Planning for Development of Both Urban and Rural Areas reformed in land institution, taking Shuangxi Village of Jiangbei District in Chongqing City as an example analyses how to accelerate collective land conversion and to promote Overall Planning for Development of Both Urban and Rural Areas by means of An innovation of rural collective land registration, put forward suggestions and measures to refine rural collective land registration. This paper can be divided into 7 parts, thereinto, part 5 and 6 are the highlightsPart I is the exordium, this study provides an overview of the macroeconomic background, the significance of the study and research methods and expatiate the literature about rural collective land rights registration from five aspects.Part II is the land register theoretical foundation, which summarizes the theoretical basis of and registration (transaction cost theory, the theory of property rights and effective government theory) and the relationship with the land registration as a theoretical basis of study rural collective land registration, meantime, In a brief introduction to the existing three basic land registration systems (Registration Of Deed, Title and The Torrens system) and current system of land registration in our country.Part III is the analysis of current collective land rights systems of our country, on the basis of clearing meaning and scope of collective land, which summarized the styles of rural collective land rights (ownership, usufruct and other rights) and the relationship of it with rural land registration, clearly the scope of rural collective land registration.Part IV is the necessarily analysis of the rural collective land registration, this part analyses the effectiveness and necessity of the rural collective land registration, from the effectiveness of land registration, with a case of Shuangxi Village, Jiangbei District.Part V is the analysis of the rural collective land rights registered with the problems that exist in their own registration system defects, which summarizes the current rural collective land rights in the registration of laws and regulations, registration and registration system technology to the problems existing in some specific measures. This part establishes a good basis for Part VIPart VI is the consummating of the rural collective land rights registration system, which put forward many feasible suggestions and measures and conceives perfect registration system of he rural collective land registration, finally, it analyzes the Shuangxi Village registered new approach, characteristics and the desired results. Part VII is a tag viz. the conclusions and prospect part of this paper

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】F321.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】839

