

Ecological Suitability Analysis of Planned Area of Hongensi Park for Landscape Planning

【作者】 杜燕超

【导师】 王海洋;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 生态适宜性是指土地本身所提供的生态条件(如光、热、水、土以及地形等)对某种用途的适宜与否及适宜程度。山地公园由于生境存在比较大的异质性,可以利用生态适宜性分析为规划决策提供准确的依据。目前园林景观规划中,适宜性分析方法应用较少,因此有必要加强适宜性分析方法的研究。本文以鸿恩寺公园规划区为对象,通过现场生境调查,并通过R2V对地形图的赋值、校正,利用地理信息系统的空间叠加分析、径流分析和缓冲区分析等技术手段,对鸿恩寺公园的地形、土壤、水文和植被4个方面进行了适宜性分析。1、地形分析,包括高程分析、坡度分析、坡向分析。经过分析可以得出山体坡度范围0°-85°,山地区域朝南向的区域占公园规划面积的45%,南向由于能够在一定时间内受到阳光的照射适宜进行植被景观的营造。2、通过对土壤类型、土壤容重的分析,结合坡度和坡向分析,重点分析了敏感区域——土壤侵蚀严重地区和陡崖地区,可以得出其中小于5°的平缓坡大致在山体的山顶、山脊位置;5°-25°的斜坡占地面积较大,基本位于山体的中间段,属于弱敏感区域:25°-45°的陡坡占山体的绝大多数,面积较大,属于敏感区域,林地应以保护为主,耕地不宜建设,应增加植被覆盖,以减少水土流失;大于45°的急陡坡比例很小,多为陡崖,是水土流失极敏感地段,很不稳定,易发生滑坡、垮塌,应增加植被覆盖,加强保护。其中超过18°的坡耕地土壤侵蚀模数较大,植被覆盖率很低,是水土流失极敏感地段,应进行植被恢复,增加植被覆盖度,是护坡林建设的重点区域,这部分占了规划区域的25%左右。3、根据水流方向、汇流累积量和汇流区域分析,结合地面的起伏度、山脊线和山谷线的位置,为洪恩寺公园的水体景观的选址提供必要的参考,最终确定了鸿恩寺公园湿地景观的位置和范围。鸿恩寺规划区域内自然降水主要汇集在山体的东南面,因此可以将湿地景观设置在此处。可能设置湿地的区域有两处,其中东南面南侧湿地所在区域较为广阔,流域面积约为84088m~2,可建成较大的生态湖泊;东南面北侧湿地所在流域面积为35939m~2,流域较为狭长,且存在一定数量的陡崖,可考虑设置阶梯状湿地,可形成独特的湿地景观,还可以将水体的净化。4、在对植被现状包括植被类型、植被郁闭度和植被盖度进行分析以后,结合鸿恩寺公园的土壤和地形分析,可以知道规划区土壤整体上为微酸性紫色土,占总面积的86.9%。紫色土、暗紫色土的有机质含量较高,主要分布在公园的西北面,也就是植被盖度大的区域。分析的结果为不同生境的植物配置提供合理的依据,确定了公园中不同区域的植物配置方法。游线沿途通过林相改造和绿化美化,重点突出林相、季相、林层、林缘线、林冠线和植物群落整体结构的景观效果,提供多姿多彩的植被群落景观观赏内容,达到提高整体植物景观质量的目的。将乔、灌、草等不同类别的植物进行合理配置以形成群落式的景观效果。护坡和坡岩采用植物处理,减少水土流失。护坡选择生长快、密度高、固土能力强、耐水性强、易养护的植物。对于沟谷地和园内水体,包括湖池、溪流等,周围的植物景观构建也不忽视。在沟谷存在次生灌丛的区域进行改造绿化,以针阔混交方式造景;并配置种类丰富的色叶小乔木、灌木和花灌木,丰富景观层次,或种植本地特色植物,形成独特的景观。为了保证景观建设的合理性和可持续发展,道路系统要建立合理缓冲区,用来保护生态脆弱地带,在起到连接各个景点的作用的同时,也建立了优美的园林景观。文中还对景观视线的可达性进行了分析,结合重点景区的功能辐射范围,建立合理的重点景区的缓冲区。最终根据各个单因子的分析结果,通过Arc view的叠加分析,确定了鸿恩寺公园各区域的适宜性等级,为景观建设提供决策依据和规划参考意见。

【Abstract】 The ecology suitability is refers to the ecological condition of land (for example light, heat, water, earth as well as terrain and so on), being suitable or not and the suitable degree for some kind of use. Because the mountainous park has the quite great environment heterogeneity, that need ecology suitability to offer reference. At present stage in the botanical garden landscape plan, although the suitability analysis method has the application, but also has not formed the system the theory, therefore has the necessity in the present stage to research on the method of suitability analysis.This study was focused on the suitability analysis of Hongensi garden from four aspects, terrain, soil, hydrology and vegetation. By using the R2V evaluation, the adjustment, the use geographic information system technical method, based on the two-dimensional topographic diagram of Hongensi garden.1. The results of terrain analysis, including elevation analysis, slope analysis, direction analysis indicated that the slope of the mountain was from 0°to 85°, the mountainous region faces south to the region occupies the park plan area 45%, because the southing can receive the sunlight in certain time illumination being suitable to carry on the vegetation landscape building.2. The type and volume weight of soil were analyzed, combined with direction and degree of slope, and the sensitive region, serious soil erosion territory area and steep mountain cliff area was analyzed. The results showed that the slope degree less than 5°was mostly distributed on the top and back of the mountain, slope degree from 5°to 25°takes a major part, located in the middle part of the mountain, belonging to less sensitive region, slope degree from 25°to 45°has the most distributed area, belonging to sensitive region, the woodland showed focused on protection and not fit for arable land construction. Vegetation should be enhanced to minimize water loss and soil erosion. Slope degree high than 45°takes a small part, mostly steep coast, is the extremely sensitive region of water loss and soil erosion. It is instable and easy to results in coast, collapse, so vegetation should be enforced for protection. The slope region which higher than 18°the soil erosion modulus is big, the vegetation coverage fraction is very low, is the soil erosion extremely sensitive land sector, should carry on the vegetation to restore, the increase vegetation degree of coverage, is the slope protection forest construction key region, this part occupied has planned about region 25%.3. The basis current of water direction, the afflux cumulate and the afflux region analysis, unifies the ground the prominence, the ridge line and the valley route position, provides the essential reference for Hongensi park water landscape selected location, finally has determined the Hongensi park wetland landscape position and the scope. The Hongensi Park plans in the region the natural precipitation mainly to collect in the mountain massif southeast surface, therefore may establish the wetland landscape in here. Possible to establish the wetland the region to have two, south side its Middle East the south side wetland is broad in the region, the drainage area is approximately 84088m~2, may complete the big ecology lake; The southeast surface north side wetland in the drainage area is 35939m~2, the basin is long and narrow, also the existence certain quantity steep mountain cliff, may consider the establishment stepped wetland, may form the unique wetland landscape, but also may purify the water body.4. After analyzed the vegetation present situation including the vegetation type, the vegetation shade density and the vegetation coverage, join together with Hongensi Park soil and the terrain analysis, may know in plan area most soil for micro acid violet ochre, accounts for the total area 86.9%.Purple ochre, the dull purple earth organic content is high, mainly distributes in the park northwest, also is the vegetation degree of cover big region. The analysis result provides the reasonable basis for the different habitat plant disposition, has determined in the park the different region plant disposition method. Swims the line along the way beautifies through the forest form transformation and the afforestation, the key prominent forest form, the seasonal aspect, forest story, the edge of forest line, forest canopy line and the plant community overall construction landscape effect, provides the colorful vegetation community landscape watching content, achieved improves the overall plant landscape quality the goal. Tree, shrub, the herb and so on the different category plant carries on the reasonable disposition to form the community -like landscape effect. he slope protection and the slope crag uses plant processing, reduces the soil erosion. The slope protection choice grows the plant which quick, the density high, solid earth ability strong, the water resistance strong, easy to maintain. Regarding in the gully region and the garden the water, including the lake pond, the brook and so on, the periphery plant landscape construction does not neglect. Carries on the transformation in the gully region existence secondary brush region to afforest, mixes by the conifer and broadleaf hands over the way to make the scenery; And it disposes the type rich color leaf microphanerophyte, the bush and the flowered bush, the rich landscape level, or the planter local characteristic plant, forms the unique landscape.In order to guarantee the rationality and the sustainable development of the landscape construction, the road system must establish the reasonable buffer to protect the ecology frail region, not only plays connects each scenic spot role, but also established the exquisite botanical garden landscape. This study also carried on the analysis to the landscape line of sight accessibility, the union key scenic area function radiation scope, establishes the reasonable key scenic area the buffer.Finally, according to every single analysis results, through the Arc View superimposition analysis, we determined the various regions suitability rank of Hongensi Park, provided the policy-making basis and the plan advisory opinion for the landscape construction.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】TU986
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】624

