

A Study of Classical Texts in High School Chinese Course Books

【作者】 邓爱丽

【导师】 代迅;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 学科教育, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 文言是我国古代长期以来使用的一种较为固定的书面语言,用以记载史实,表达思想。“五四”新文化运动中,“白话”代替了“文言”,语文教科书中也大量引进白话文,于是出现了文言文与白话文在语文教科书中并存的现象。进入新的时代后,作为一种书面语言,文言文完成了它的历史使命,当代中学生有没多久有必要学习文言文?在经过了几次“文白之争”的讨论之后,中学语文界已基本达成了共识:文言文仍然需要学。但是需要学习哪些文言文?如何让学生更快和更好地掌握文言文?仍然是中学语文界需要认真思考的问题,也是本文研究的中心问题。本文着重研究高中语文教材中的文言文选文。在中学文言文的学习过程中,文言文的选文观念至关重要。作者试图以内容分析法和比较分析法来研究现行高中语文教材(人教版)文言文选文,通过对比祖国大陆与香港高中语文教材(香港教育图书公司出版的《中国语文新编》中四一中五)在文言文选文方面的异同,以期了解香港语文教育现状,取其长处作为祖国大陆新一轮课程改革中语文教改的借鉴。并通过研究影响高中语文教材中文言文的选文标准的因素,拟从高中学生培养目标的角度,尝试提出教科书选文标准的理论假说,即在实施新一轮基础教育课程改革的背景下,高中文言文的选文应遵循统筹性原则、拓展性原则、科学性原则、继承性原则、开放性原则。

【Abstract】 Classical Chinese is a regular written language which was used over a long period of time during ancient times in china for recording historical facts and expressing thoughts. In the May 4th movement of 1919, "vernacular" took the place of "classical Chinese", and was largely cited in Chinese textbooks, resulting in coexistence of vernacular and classical style of writing in Chinese textbooks. After entering new times, as a written language, classical style of writing has accomplished its historical mission. Is it necessary for contemporary secondary school students to learn classical style of writing? After several discussions over vernacular and classical style of writing, the circle of secondary school Chinese has come to a common understanding: there is still a need to learn classical style of writing. But what kind of classical style of writing is worth learning? And how to help students master it better and faster? They are still questions require serious consideration of the circle of secondary school Chinese and also the topic this thesis studies on.This thesis aims at researching selections of classical style of writing in Chinese textbooks for high school, as in the process of learning classical style of writing in high school, the concept of selecting appropriate pieces is quite critical. Two methodologies, content analysis and comparative analysis, are used to research selections of classical style of writing in current Chinese textbooks (RJB) for high school. It is supposed to know the status in quo of Chinese education in HongKong and use advantages of which in the new round of Chinese courses reform in China’s mainland, through comparing differences and similarities in selections of classical style of writing of high school Chinese textbooks used in China’s mainland and HongKong. By studying factors affect selecting standards of classical style of writing in Chinese textbooks, the thesis tries to raise a theoretical hypothesis on the selecting standards for Chinese textbooks from the point of review in training goals for high school students. That is to say, under the background of a new round of reform in basic education courses, selecting standards of classical style of writing in Chinese textbooks for high school should obey the following principles: planning as a whole、expansibility、scientificalness、inheritability and openness.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】66
  • 【下载频次】3214

