

On the Assessment and Design of Soundscape in Urban Park

【作者】 孙春红

【导师】 秦华;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着人们生活水平的提高,对周围景观环境质量的要求也越来越高,城市公园作为城市居民娱乐、休闲、游憩的重要场所,其景观的规划设计备受关注。而传统的城市公园景观设计通常只注重视觉要素和使用功能方面的要求,往往忽视基于听觉、触觉、嗅觉等感官对景观的感知与体验。本文以听觉要素为切入点,用声景的理念对城市公园的景观进行把握和再认识。在分析国内外关于声环境的相关研究的基础上,本文尝试将声景概念引入城市公园景观的研究。首先,对声景的概念进行了界定,阐述了声景的组成要素及组成要素间的相互关系。接着,对北碚公园进行了多次的现场踏勘与访问调查,摸清了公园声景的特征,并利用声级仪对公园各时段声景的声级进行了准确测定,根据测定结果对北碚公园声景现状进行了客观评价,发现公园部分景点受到一定程度的噪声污染。然后选择了语义差异量表法对公园声景进行了主观评价,评选出了人们喜欢与不喜欢的十大声景,通过声景好感度与协调度的评价,证明了声景是景观整体中的一个不可分割的组成要素。根据游客对各景点声景的主观感受评价,采用聚类分析的方法对景点声景进行了声景空间分区,发现声景的空间分区与公园的功能分区基本吻合。阐述了声景设计的心理学基础、声景设计的步骤及公园声景的运营管理。最后,根据公园声景的现状及对北碚公园声景的主客观评价,发现北碚公园声景还存在一些问题,针对这些问题,结合常用的声景设计方法对北碚公园提出了相应的改善建议。本文通过对城市公园声景的研究,期望能为公园景观设计带来更加丰富的设计要素和新的切入点,使公园景观设计能够强化人与环境之间的和谐关系。

【Abstract】 With the improvement of people’s standard of living, the requirement of quality of the surrounding landscape environment becomes higher and higher, urban park as the important place of entertainment, leisure, recreation of citizen, the landscape planning and design is concerned greatly.Usually, people only pay attention to the use of visual elements and functional requirements in the traditional landscape planning and design of urban park, ignoring the perceptioin and experience of the sense organ such as hearing,touch,smell to landscape.Based on auditory elements, this paper apply the idea of soundscape to urban park landscape for grasp and further understanding.In analyzing the sound environment at home and abroad on the basis of relevant research, paper will try to introduce the concept of soundscape to urban park landscape studies. First, the concept of soundscape was defined, describing the elements of soundscape and the mutual relations of components. Then, found out the features of soundscape in the Beibei Park, according to a large number of survey and investigation,measuring the sound level each period in the park with sound meter,and assessing objectively the status quo of soundscape in the park,learned that some view spots are beening suffered from noise pollution to some extent.After that, choosed Semantic Differential Scale to assess soundscape of park subjectively, selecting the ten liked voices and ten disliked voices.Proved that soundscape is indivisible element in the overall landscape, after the assessment of the amenity degree and the harmony degree. According to the subjective assessment to soundscape in every view spot from tourists, planning the soundscape block of view spots with cluster analysis,found that the soundscape block matches the functional block basically. Stated the psychology foundation,steps of soundscape design and the operation and management of soundscape in the park. Finally,found that there are several problems in the sounscape of Beibei Park,according to the status quo and subjective and objective assessment of soundscape,gave corresponding recommendations for improvement,considering commonly used method of soundscape design.Based on research of soundscape in urban park , hope to bring more design elements and the new entry point for the wealth of landscape design, so as to strengthen the harmonious relationship between people and environment.

【关键词】 声景城市公园景观设计
【Key words】 SoundscapeUrban ParkLandscape Design
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】TU986.2
  • 【被引频次】30
  • 【下载频次】625

