

An Experimental Study of the Literature Aesthetic Appreciation’s Effect on the Middle School Students’ Mental Heath

【作者】 何丽

【导师】 郭成;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 自古以来,文学艺术就在人类精神领域中占有重要地位,文学审美对人的全面发展具有举足轻重的作用。心理学研究者将文学引入心理治疗领域,发展成为阅读治疗理论与技术。然而,阅读治疗技术是以问题导向的心理辅导方法,对文学作品的审美属性关注较少,局限甚至抹杀了文学审美对人的全面发展的作用。当代中学生学业压力重,心理问题突出,学校心理健康教育力度不够,方式单一,无法产生理想的效果,同时,中学生正处于心理素质发展的关键时期,教育者应对其做出适时的引导,帮助中学生解决青春期危机,促进其素质全面健康发展。因此,探索一种能够利用文学的审美功能来提高学生的心理健康水平,培养其良好的心理素质的发展性辅导方法对于促进中学生健康成长具有重要的理论意义和实践价值。本研究根据文学审美心理、阅读治疗、学科渗透心理健康教育的相关理论,结合中学语文课堂教学实际,建构了课堂教学的文学审美赏析模型。依据该模型,结合中学语文课堂教学实际,根据学科渗透的原则组织课堂教学,对教学内容进行以文学作品审美为主题的教学设计。每一类文学体裁的主要审美特征均经过专家评定,是整个教学设计的出发点。最后,根据该文学审美赏析模型实施课堂教学,对高一学生进行为期两个月的教育干预,对其心理健康水平和心理素质产生了一定的影响。综合本研究结果,得出如下结论:(1)本研究建构的文学审美赏析活动模型具有一定的可操作性和实用性;(2)中学生的文学审美能力与其心理素质的发展水平呈显著正相关;(3)本研究设计的文学审美赏析活动能显著提高中学生的文学审美能力和总体心理健康水平,促使其心理健康各因子发生显著改变;(4)本研究设计的文学审美赏析活动能有效促进中学生相关积极心理素质的形成和发展;(5)文学审美赏析模型对心理健康水平和心理素质的影响具有差异性,表现在对文学审美能力好的学生影响更为明显。总之,语文课堂教学的文学审美赏析活动,取得了较好的心理健康教育效果,可以作为中学心理健康教育的有效形式。

【Abstract】 Literature plays a significant role in human being’s spirit world since ancient time, literature aesthetic appreciation is helpful to human’s mental devleopment. Pschologist introduced literature to psychology therapy and developed bibliotherapy technology. Whereas bibliotherapy is focused on certain problem, paying little attention to literature’s aesthetic feature, which reduces literature’s educational function on human development. Nowadays, middle school students are burdened with academic pressure which endangered their mental health, while school’s mental health education is not so effictive.Considering middle school students’ mental developing nature, educator should find a way to guide them, help them to solve "puberty crisis". Based reasons mentioned above, exploring an effective method to improve middle school students’ mental heath, and foster their psychological quality is of practical and theoretical meaning,We constructed a literature aesthetic model based on theories of literature aesthetic psychology, bibliotherapy, and penetration of mental heath education on certain subjects, at the same time; we combined the model with the reality of middle school’s Chinese education. The model was supposed to carry on Chinese class, every literature works was designed according to the model. Besides, we asked experts to list the major aesthetic features of all kinds of literature, the features are the key of aesthetic designation. We experimented the model on senior one student for two months. After the experiment, we get the results as following:(1) The literature aesthetic model which we constructed is practical.(2) Middle school students’ aesthetic level is positively related with some of psychological quality factors. (3) The literature aesthetic model can improve middle school students’ literature aesthetic level, total mental health level, psychological quality significantly.(4) The literature aesthetic model can foster related psychological quality.(5) The literature aesthetic model influence the mental health and psychology quality distinctivly, students of high aesthetic level are improved prominently.On the whole, the literature aesthetic model can influence the middle school students’ mental health, psychological quality,it is a effictive way to be used as mental health education.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】420

