

The Investigation and Analysis of the Present Physical Situation of Full-time Postgraduates in Colleges and Universities in Chongqing

【作者】 周利

【导师】 龚坚;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 体育人文社会学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 采用文献资料、问卷调查等方法,对重庆高校全日制硕士研究生参与体育活动现状进行调查研究,旨在全面了解重庆高校全日制硕士研究生体育活动现状及其规律,找出存在的问题,分析影响重庆高校全日制硕士研究生参与体育活动的原因,提出建议。以便为重庆高校体育决策部门组织和管理研究生体育锻炼活动等工作提供依据,为研究生参加体育锻炼活动提供一些理论参考,为推动和深化高校体育改革提供经验借鉴和理论依据。本次调查的结果显示:(1)重庆高校全日制硕士研究生对体育锻炼的重要性都有明确的认识,对体育活动的态度、意向、兴趣都是比较积极的,男生和女生在体育活动的态度、意向、兴趣比较上男生要比女生强烈些。但对一些体育政策如《全民健身计划纲要》的了解都是很差的。(2)重庆高校全日制硕研究生体育活动的动机非常明确,参与体育活动的首要动机是为了强身健体,男女研究生的参与动机在兴趣爱好和减肥健美上存在比较显著的差异,男生偏重兴趣爱好,而女生偏重减肥健美。研究生参与体育活动的动机随着社会经济条件的发展向着多元化的趋势发展。(3)研究生的体育意识、态度和行为不协调。重庆高校全日制硕士研究生经常参与体育活动的人数较少,每周锻炼的频数和锻炼的时间呈现不足;在锻炼时间段上形成了以下午锻炼为主,晚上为次的特征;在锻炼的场地选择上主要是“就近原则”集中在校内公共场地和宿舍;在参与体育锻炼的形式上,“与同学结伴锻炼”是主要形式。总体上,在经常参与体育锻炼的人数、每周锻炼的频数和每次锻炼持续的时间上男生都要比女生多些。(4)重庆高校全日制硕士研究生体育活动在锻炼项目的选择上,球类运动还是研究生的最爱,男生和女生比较,男生偏重选择那些身体接触多,对抗性强的运动项目;女生比较喜欢对抗性、竞技性不强,轻松、优美、舒缓、趣味性强,对形体塑造有较大作用的运动项目。随着社会和经济的发展,研究生喜欢的运动项目向着多元化和个性化的趋向发展;改进自己的饮食和营养情况、保证充足的睡眠、有规律的生活是重庆高校全日制硕士研究生改善自己体质健康状况的主要途径;目前研究生的体育消费还处在实物性消费上,体育消费水平还处在一个较低层面。(5)影响重庆高校全日制硕士研究生参加体育活动的原因是多方面,有主观原因也有客观原因。其中,学业和科研负担太重,缺乏业余时间是影响研究生参与体育锻炼的主要客观原因;没有兴趣是影响研究生参与体育锻炼的主要主观原因。还有缺乏体育器材、场地和体育氛围也是影响研究生参与体育活动的重要原因。在调查研究的基础上对重庆高校全日制硕士研究生体育工作发展提供以下建议:(1)完善研究生体育管理模式,以体育运动处方教学模式为基础,开设研究生体育课程、或者是组建体育俱乐部及其他体育活动形式满足其体育活动多样化的需求,培养研究生体育兴趣,提高研究生的体育意识和健康观念。(2)开展多种形式、各种级别的体育比赛,组织各类集体活动,定期举办研究生运动会。(3)培养研究生花钱买健康的观念,积极引导研究生进行体育消费,培养正确的体育消费意识。(4)改善学校现有体育场地、设施条件,加大学校体育设施建设力度,提高场馆利用率。(5)提高高校体育教师的理论水平和组织管理能力。加强对研究生体育活动的指导。(6)加大宣传,增强研究生体育锻炼意识,营造体育文化氛围。(7)高校有关部门和研究生体育管理部门要加大对研究生体育工作的重视,增加研究生体育经费投入。(8)加快高校校园体育文化建设,营造体育文化氛围。

【Abstract】 Adopting such research methods as literature material, questionnaire survey and so on, this paper investigates the physical exercise Status quo of Full-time graduate students in universities in Chongiqng. Therefore, we can fully learn the present situation and regulation of the Full-time graduate students’ physical exercise, also we can find the problems and analyze the causes to them, then the P.Edepartment can organize and manage the postqraduates’physical exercise,the purpose was to provide experiences for reference to promote and deepen the physical education reform in colleges and universities.The results showed that: (1) the Chongqing universities Full-time graduate students all have the explicit understanding to the physical training importance. to the physical training manner, the intention, the interest all is quite positive, The male student and the female student in the physical training manner, the intention, the interest comparison, the male student must female student be more intense than. But to some sports policies like" All the people HealthyBody Plan Summary" understood all is very bad of all the graduate student. (2) the Chongqingi universities Full-time graduate students’ sports motives are clear about extremely. The primary motivation is keeping fit. The participation of men and women graduate students interested in motivation and weight loss fitness enthusiasts there are significant differences in comparison, hobbies biased towards boys, girls and biased towards slimming aerobics. Graduate students participate in sports activities with the motive of.the development of socio-economic conditions of the trend toward diversity.(3) the Chongqingi universities Full-time graduate students’ awareness of sports, attitude and the behavior are inconsistent. frequently participate in the physical training the population to be less, each week exercise frequency and the exercise time presents the in sufficiency; When exercise on the compartment formed has exercised take the afternoon primarily, evening as a characteristic; Mainly is nearby the principle concentrates in the exercise location choice around in the school public sports place and the dormitory. In the participation physical training form, "accompanies the exercise with the schoolmate" is the main form. In the overall, in frequently participates in the time which the physical training the population, each week exercise frequency and each time exercises continues all to have female student to be more than. (4) the Chongqingi universities Full-time graduate students physical training in there excise project choice, the ball game or graduate student’s main love, the male student and the female student comparison, male student’s affection stresses chooses these bodies to contact much. Antagonism strong movement project; The female student compares likes the antagonism, athletics is not strong, relaxed, exquisite, affable, interesting, has the major function movement project to the physique mold. Along with social and the economical development, the movement project which the graduate student likes is approaching multiplex and the individuality trend development. The Chongqing University graduate student mainly is improves the oneself physique state of health through following three ways: Improves own diet and the nutrition situation, the guarantee sufficient sleep, the orderly life. At present, graduate student’s sports expends also occupies material to expend, the sports consumption level also occupies a low stratification plane. (5) affects the Chongqing universities Full-time graduate students to participate in the physical training reason is various, has the subjective reason also to have the objective reason, among, the studies and the scientific research burden too are heavy, lack the spare time are affect the graduate student to participate in the physical training the main objective reason; Without the interest is affects the graduate student to participate in the physical training the main subjective reason. Also has the deficient sports equipment, the location and the sports atmosphere also is affects the graduate student to participate in the physical training the important reason.On the base of the investigation, this article make some proposal to the development of the work of physical education of the Full-time postgraduate in Chongqing universities: (1)Perfect graduate student sports management pattern,Take the sports prescription educational model as the foundation, opens the graduatestudent sportscurriculum. meet the various need of postgraduate’s sports activity which the forms of sporting club and sports class etc. raises the graduate student sports interest, ports consciousness and healthy idea. (2) widely carries out each kind of sports competition, organizes each kind of collective activity, holds sports competition regularly among postgraduates. (3) Trains the graduate student to spend buys the health the idea, guides,the graduate student to carry on the sports positively to expend, raises the correct sports expense consciousness. (4) improvement the sports location, the facility condition, enhancement field hall use factor. (5) raises the universities gym instructor’s theoretical level and the organization management ability, strengthens the physical training the instruction. (6) Increases the propaganda, strengthens the graduate student physical training consciousness. Building sports culture atmosphere. (7) The university department concerned and the graduate student sports control section must enlarge pay attention to the graduate student sports work,and increase graduate students’ funds for physical education. (8) Speed up the construction of Campus sports culture, and create a sports and cultural atmosphere.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G807.4
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】270

