

Based on the Concept of Recycling Economy of Urban Sewage Resources Economic Analysis

【作者】 马永坤

【导师】 欧文福;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 政治经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 城市化是现代化的基本进程和重要标志。城市的可持续发展将成为可持续发展的主要部分,水资源是城市可持续发展的重要保障。目前城市的快速发展和城市规模的不断扩大使得城市缺水日益突出,城市水问题已经成为各国面临的普遍问题。水资源的不合理管理、淡水的无节制利用和水质下降是城市化地区突出的水问题。随着城市化的高速发展,特别是发展中国家大城市缺乏合理规划,无控制扩展,使这一问题将变的越来越严重,改进城市化地区的淡水管理是世界各国面临的紧迫任务。仅从经济效益——利润看,对于一个可持续发展的经济,水污染也是减少利润的。“谁污染,谁治理”实际上是“被污染者得到补偿”,它在防止污染初期为推动经济发展的程度,起过积极作用。大多数国家的治污投入主要是政府的公共财政投入。然而今天,我们不能“穿新鞋走老路”,要逐步建立起治污的新机制。要想改变污水处理这种步履维艰的窘境,就必须把污水看作一种资源引入市场,把中水作为一种商品通过销售中水米取得维系运行的经费,为经营者创造利润和再发展的资本。实现污水资源化,走循环经济的道路,才是改变我国城市污水处理现状的有力措施。仅从经济角度分析,城市污水特别是生活污水的处理亟待以新的思路去寻找新的出路,即既要节约投资、节省能源、节省人力物力,又要能获得最大的生态环境效益。也就是说,城市污水处理不能完全依靠老办法,要尽可能地再辟蹊径,走循环经济之路。本文共分为六个部分:在综述部分阐述了对构成本文研究框架的诸多概念及指标进行了解释、对国内相关研究结论进行了分类以及简单评述、导出本文的研究重点。第二部分概述本文研究的选题依据及研究的现实意义;在本文第三部分,论文着重对我国城市水资源现状进行了分析,得出了其存在的水资源产权管理混乱、水资源价格机制不合理、经济发展战略失误等三个特点,并对其成因进行了较详尽的分析。本文第四部分着重对污水处理运营成本分析,得出其运营成本高的主要特点,并从技术、环境质量、产权与成本上进行了较详尽的论述。本文第五部分为本文的研究重点,在这个部分中,论文对污水利用市场化及其过程中合理投融资体制的确定、构建污水资源化经营实体和逐步实现产业化进行了模型、时间上的互动分析,最后得出了构造高效负责的质量检测和管理机构、加大合理收费力度、正确进行城市污水处理厂的规划和设计、制定完整的水价体系、推进技术与机制创新、加快实现中水回用产业化等六个主要结论。本文第六部分作者从污水资源化的政策保障和制度建设方面进行了阐述,指出目前我国推进污水资源化过程中存在的法律障碍,得出从法律保障与完善、相关管理制度与措施推进污水资源化。科学应对中国的水资源危机的关键在于创新水资源的运行机制和管理体制,充分发挥市场机制的作用和政府的依法有效管理,以水资源的有效配置和可持续利用,促进中国社会经济的可持续发展。

【Abstract】 Urbanization is the basic modernization process and an important symbol. The city’s sustainable development will become an essential part of sustainable development, sustainable development of water resources in the city is an important safeguard. Current city’s rapid development and the continuous expansion of the size of the cities water shortages have become increasingly prominent cities, urban water problems facing various countries has become a common problem. The irrational management of water resources, the uncontrolled use of fresh water and deterioration of water quality in urban areas of outstanding water issues. Along with the rapid development of urbanization, especially in developing countries, big cities lack a rational plan for the uncontrolled expansion so that this problem will become increasingly serious and improving urban areas of the world’s freshwater management is an urgent task facing all countries.From the economic benefits - profit, for a sustainable development of economic, water pollution is also reduced profits. "Who pollution, Who governance" is in fact "be compensated by polluters", it is early in the prevention of pollution of the extent of the promotion of economic development, played a positive role. To prevent water pollution in most countries is mainly the government’s public financial investment. Today, however, we can not "wear new shoes to follow the beaten track," we should gradually establish a new mechanism to prevent water pollution.To change the treatment of this very difficult predicament, we must take the sewage as a resource to introduce the market, and to water as a commodity through the sale of water to obtain the funds to maintain operations, creating profits for the operators and further development of the capital. Implementation of sewage resources, and take the road of the economic cycle is to change the status quo of China’s urban sewage treatment an effective measure. From the economic point of analysis, especially those living in urban sewage treatment effluent to new ideas need to find a new way out, that is, it is necessary to save investment, saving energy, saving manpower and resources, but also can be the greatest environmental benefits . In other words, urban sewage treatment can not completely rely on old methods, to the extent possible, to provide Path, and take the road of the economic cycle.This paper is divided into six parts: part of a paper on the research framework of the many indicators of the concept and interpretation of the relevant domestic conclusion of the study are classified and a simple review, this study focused on export. The second part of the topics outlined in this paper, based on research and practical significance in this third part of my thesis focused on the current situation of urban water resources analysis shows that the existence of property rights chaotic management of water resources, water resources, the price mechanism unreasonable, such as economic development strategy blunders three characteristics, and its causes a more detailed analysis.This paper focuses on the fourth part of operating costs of sewage treatment, the high cost of its operations that the main characteristics, and from the technical, environmental quality, cost of ownership and a more detailed exposition.This paper is part of the fifth focus of this study, in this part of the thesis of sewage use of the market and its reasonable course of the determination of the investment and financing systems, construct sewage resources of the DOE and the progressive realization of a model of the industry, the time interactive analysis, the final component that is responsible for the efficient management and quality inspection agency, increasing the intensity of reasonable fees and charges, correct urban sewage treatment plants in the planning and design, formulation integrity of the price system and mechanisms to promote technological innovation, speed up the implementation of the Water Reuse industrialization of the six main conclusions.Part VI author of this paper from the policy of sewage resources protection and institutional construction, and explains, pointing out that China’s current resources promoting the sewage in the process of the legal obstacles, drawn from the legal protection and improvement of relevant systems and measures to promote the management Sewage Resources.Scientific dealing with China’s water crisis innovation is the key to the water resources management system and operational mechanism, giving full play to the role of market mechanism and the government’s effective management according to law, the effective allocation of water resources and sustainable use, and promote China’s social and economic availability sustained development.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】X703
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】291

