

The Consideration of Rural-surplus Labor’s Absorbability in Interior-country

【作者】 涂云龙

【导师】 朱泽山;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 政治经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 农村剩余劳动力的内部吸纳是通过深挖农村内部的就业潜能,扩充农村地区的就业容量,以达到减少农村剩余劳动力,缩小城乡差距,改变目前城乡二元经济结构现状,实现城乡经济协调发展为目的的一条农村剩余劳动力转移途径。农村内部吸纳部分农村剩余劳动力能在一定程度上缓解目前我国城镇就业困难,交通季节性拥堵,社会治安混乱等方面的压力,促进城乡社会的和谐共建;同时,农民对土地的天然亲合力使他们中的一部分人愿意生活在农村地区而不愿转移到城镇。农村内部吸纳能减少类似农村剩余劳动力向城镇转移过程中的诸多摩擦以及高昂的转移成本的问题的出现,并能有效提高农村居民收入,活跃和繁荣农村经济,扩大国内市场需求,改变日前我国经济增长过多的依赖国外需求的局面,从而促进我国经济持续、快速、健康的增长。以农村地区对农村剩余劳动力的吸纳作为本文研究的出发点,以农村地区各产业结构和各生产力要素调整对农村剩余劳动力内部吸纳会产生什么样影响作为本文的研究核心,以论证农村地区能有效的吸纳农村剩余劳动力。通过深化农村各产业结构调整,改革传统农业生产模式以促进农产品深加业的发展,使农业内部能开创出更多的就业机会;通过积极推进以乡村工业和农村服务业为核心的农村二、三产业的发展,扩大乡村工业企业规模,繁荣农村服务业市场,增强农村二、三产业吸纳农村剩余劳动力的能力,从而促进农村剩余劳动力的内部吸纳;通过加大农村土地制度的改革以实现土地适当的集中,从而提高土地的利用效率使单位面积的土地上容纳更多的农村劳动力,从而减少农村隐性失业人口;通过大力发展农村教育,改善农村劳动力的素质,使他们能掌握更多的科学文化知识,提高其劳动技能,使农村劳动力的在农村地区有寻觅和拓展更大就业空间的能力;通过加大农村地区的资金投入,使农村地区有较为充实的资金用来促进各产业的发展,以增强各产业吸纳农村剩余劳动力的能力;并通过能加强农村剩余劳动力内部吸纳的各项政策、措施的改革,使在农村内部吸纳的农村剩余劳动力能安心在农村地区生产、生活,从而达到能稳定农村内部吸纳农村剩余劳动力的成果。

【Abstract】 The interior-country absorbability is an efficient route of transferring the surplus rural labors. To minus the surplus rural labors, shorten the gap between the rural with city and reform the current two-dimension economic system of rural and city. We should take advantage of the potential of obtain employment and enlarge the capability of employment in interior-country. To some extent, some surplus rural labors have been absorbed in interior-rural will alleviate the following pressure, such as urban obtain employment, seasonal traffic jam, law-and-order confusion or something, which will help us accelerate the concerted building of rural and city in a harmonious way. Apart from those, rural labors have the natural affinity for their lands that would lead some of them to stay in rural rather than urban. Obviously, the interior-country absorbability will help the surplus rural labors avoid some phenomenon’s appearance of numberless friction and high cost in the course of transference. For the more, it will improve farmers’ income, flourish rural economy and enlarge domestic market etc. if our economy prosperity needn’t excessively depend on the demand of oversea market, it will keep more stability, speediness, health and permanence.This article bases on the point that the rural areas can offer more employments for the surplus rural labors. This article’s core is researching that the affection will be brought by the adjustment of industry system and each productivity factors. In virtue of it, this article to testify that rural areas obtain the capability to absorb the surplus rural labors. Deepening the adjustment of agriculture industry, reforming traditional produce mode of agriculture and extending agricultural industrial chain, those methods will help us create more opportunities of employment in interior agriculture; we should actively promote the village industry and rural service industry, the core of second and third industry, to develop. Those measures we take will enlarge the scale of village industry-enterprise, prosper the market of rural service industry, at the same time, which will help rural second and third industry strengthen the ability of absorbing the surplus rural labors. Through increase the reforming of rural glebe system will promote glebe to proper centralize, which will improve the productivity efficiency of glebe to reduce the recessive unemployment in rural. Energetically developing the rural education and ameliorating the rural labors’ diathesis, which will lead them to grasp more knowledge of science -culture and increase their laboring craftsmanship. Doubtlessly, the rural labors will obtain more large employment space in rural areas. Enlarging the capital input in rural areas will help the rural areas have more funds to support the rural industries’ development and promote the rural industries’ ability to absorb more surplus rural labors. Strengthening the reform of all kinds of policy and measures is bound up with absorbing the surplus rural labors. Those reforming will stabilize those men who have obtained comparative sufficient working hours to securely produce and live. The harvest of interior-rural absorbing the surplus rural labors has been stabilized.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】F323.6
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】269

