

Equal Opportunity of Interaction between Teacher and Children in the Kindergarten

【作者】 王文乔

【导师】 杨晓萍;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 学前教育学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 教育机会均等是教育民主化的重要内容。就目前中国的现状来看,教育公平问题主要表现在教育机会均等上,而教育机会不均等现象不仅表现在宏观层面的入学机会上,更重要的还表现在教育活动内部的微观层面如师幼互动中。在日常的师动互动中,教师是互动资源的控制者,并且有绝对的权力将这些资源分配给不同的幼儿。教师对待幼儿是否会一视同仁,是否会做到因材施教,就会涉及到幼儿在园的受教育机会状况。本研究以上海市一所幼儿园中班为个案,以一位带班老师和全班30位幼儿为研究对象,通过观察、访谈、文献分析等多种方法,考察他们在日常的教育教学活动中是如何互动的,分析和探讨了教师在日常的互动中是否给予不同的幼儿以合理的待遇,相同条件下的幼儿是否有均等的参与互动的机会。研究发现,不同的幼儿在互动中的参与机会,存在着显性与隐性两种情况。显性的参与机会包括互动的时间、次数、方式、内容等表面所能够看到的差异;隐性的参与机会包括互动的类型、性质以及其中所隐含的情感特征等不易看到的差异。无论是显性或是隐性,在调查中均存在着或多或少的差异,这些不均等现象产生的原因是多方面的,办学一体化的模式、园长缺乏管理的自主性、教师落后的教育观念、家长整体素质不高,再加上家园合作较少,这些因素都影响了互动中的机会均等,为此提出如下建议:提高园长自身的能力和公平意识;转变教师和家长的教育观念,共同为幼儿营造一个充满心理安全与心理自由的氛围;正确处理师幼互动中公平与差异的关系问题;建立儿童视角的教师评价机制和多元化的互动模式,才能使幼儿各方面得到健康而又和谐地发展。

【Abstract】 To equalize the educational opportunity is one of the major tasks in education democratization. At present, the inequality of educational opportunity exists not only on macroscopic level such as the opportunity of being admitted into kindergarten but also on microscopic level of the inner educational activities such as interaction between teacher and child. The teacher as the controllers and distributors have absolute power in the allocation of resources in the kindergarten. So it becomes very important for the teacher to treat the children without discrimination so as to let the child obtain the education resources equally.This research is focused on everyday interactions between teacher and child by equal opportunity angle of view and a middle class in the kindergarten of Shanghai was selected as my research case. The composition used observation, interview and document to review how the teacher and the child have interacted in educational activities everyday. Analysis and explorations were carried out from the data collected to see if there existed different treatment of children by the teacher in their daily interactions, whether children in the same condition enjoyed equal opportunities in the activities.My research showed that the opportunity to participate in educational interaction between teacher and child could be divided into one of visible and of invisible. Visible opportunity to participate referred to the differences or gaps in the time, frequency, quomodo, content of interactions that were obvious and visible ;Invisible opportunity to participate referred to the types, quantity and affect characteristic of interactions which were not easy to see about. Both visible opportunities and invisible opportunities to participate were all different and more or less unequal. These phenomena were mainly caused by many aspects: running the school by model of incorporating; the manager lacking of the power of supervising kindergarten independently; the teacher uncultured educational conception; the whole low quality of the parents; the less cooperation between kindergarten and homestead. These factors all affect equal opportunity of interaction between teacher and child. So The research gives some suggestions: we should improve the managers’ competence of kindergarten by themselves and fair consciousness, transform teachers and parents lagging educational conception in order to form a safe and a free environment for children, correctly deal with the relations between equal and difference in the interactions of teacher-child, establish teachers evaluating mechanism in visual angle of child and mutual multi-interaction, In these ways the children have developed healthy and harmoniously.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G612
  • 【被引频次】21
  • 【下载频次】1430

