

The Research on Academic Self-efficacy of Students in Practical Technical College

【作者】 谭玲玲

【导师】 杨刚;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 学业自我效能感是自我效能感在学习领域的表现,与学业成就有着紧密的联系,是影响学业成就水平的重要因素。国外对学生学业自我效能感早有研究,并重视对学生学业自我效能感的培养,而目前我国学业自我效能感的研究却十分薄弱,特别是对于应用技术本科学生学业自我效能感的研究更是缺乏。应用技术本科教育是我国高等教育的重要组成部分,应用技术本科学生是我国未来的高级技术应用性人才。但是,当前众多应用技术本科学生学习状况的实际水平与期望之间却存在着一定差距,表现出学习努力程度不够,缺乏主动性,学习情绪低落,学业自我效能感偏低等现象。为此,本研究以西南大学高职学院、重庆邮电大学应用技术学院、四川外语学院应用技术学院三所高校共806名应用技术本科学生作为被试,通过问卷调查,探索应用技术本科学生学业自我效能感在性别、专业、年级,生源上的差异及交互作用。结果表明:1、应用技术本科学生学业自我效能感总体强度偏低。学业自我效能感总分平均接近中点2.5,学习行为自我效能感平均得分稍大于2.5,而学习能力自我效能感平均得分低于2.5。2、不同性别应用技术本科学生学习能力自我效能感存在显著差异,男生显著低于女生,学习行为自我效能感和总分差异不显著。3、不同年级应用技术本科学生在学习能力自我效能感上达到边缘显著,大一(边缘)显著低于大三学生,学习行为自我效能感和总分差异不显著。4、不同专业应用技术本科学生学习能力自我效能感差异显著,文科学生显著低于理科学生,学习行为自我效能感和总分差异不显著。5、应用技术本科学生学业自我效能感在年级与生源的交互作用上差异显著。学习能力自我效能感,在年级方向上:大一,城市学生显著低于农村学生得分;大三,差异不显著。在生源方向上:城市学生,大一显著低于大三得分;农村的差异不显著。学习行为自我效能感,在年级方向上:大一,城市学生与农村学生得分差异不显著,大三,城市学生得分显著低于农村学生。在生源方向上:城市学生,大一显著高于大三得分,农村的差异不显著。最后,在研究结论的基础上,本研究提出:树立名元智力观,计学生体验到成功的喜悦;设置合理的学习目标,减少学生失败的机会;增强榜样示范,发挥榜样的力量;引导学生正确归因,提高学习积极性;营造良好的学习氛围,对学生取得良好成绩充满期待五条教育建议,以提高应用技术本科学生的学业自我效能感,增强学习动机,影响学业成就,为国家和社会培养出优秀的高级应用技术实用人才。

【Abstract】 The academic self-efficacy on study is the display of the self- efficacy , which has a close relationship with the academic achievement. And it is the major factor in affecting the academic achievement. In fact, the issue has been studied in early times in foreign nations. Besides they pay much attention to the growth of the academic self-efficacy in students. However, we don’t have much research on the field at present, much less to study the academic self-efficacy in practical technical colleges. As we see, the education of practical technical colleges is an important part in our senior education, and the students there are our future senior technical talents. Whereas, the practical situation of their level in studying has a long distance with the expectation which shows that they don’t study hard; lack of initiative, low in spirits of study and short of the academic self-efficacy etc. So my research based on the students in Practical technical College in Southwest University, Sichuan Foreign Language college, Chongqing Postal University, amounts to 806 college students. By the paper investigate, I want the result in the relation between the academic self-efficacy and the sex, major grade and their origins. The consequence is as follows:1. The general strength of the academic self-efficacy is lower. The academic self-efficacy on study is close to the average 2.5, and the study behavior self-efficacy is a bit higher than 2.5, but the study ability self-efficacy is lower than 2.5.2. There is a big difference in the study ability self-efficacy. Because of the sex, boys lower than girls dramatically, but the general scores and the study behavior self-efficacy don’t have much difference in sex.3.The students in different grades can reach the edge of the study ability self-efficacy quite differently, which shows that the edge of Grade 1 is much lower than Grade 3, However, there’s no complete difference in the general scores and the study behavior self-efficacy.4. Students in different majors are quite different in the study ability self-efficacy, among which students of literature are much lower than science ones, however, there’s no complete difference in the general scores and the study behavior self-efficacy.5. The academic self-efficacy in the interaction between grades and origins differ a lot.First, the study ability self-efficacy, on grades: Grade 1, Students from cities marks is much lower than ones from villages; Grade 3, there is no big difference. On origins: Students in cities: their marks in Grade 1 are much lower than Grade 3. However there’s no big difference in villages.The study behavior self-efficacy, on grades: Grade 1,no big difference between city students and village students; Grade 3, the marks of city students are lower than village students; On origins: city students , the marks from Grade 1 are higher than Grade 3, no big difference in counties.At last, on the basis of the research, I insist the Multiple intelligence, which makes students have the joy of success; At the same time, to reduce the chance of the students’ failures; enhance the function of models; conduct them to know the reasons of the results, promote their initiative; besides that, it can offer a suitable atmosphere of study. Basing all these, I offer five acceptable educational suggestions to improve the academic self-efficacy in the practical undergraduates, strength their study motives, affect their academic achievement, and train excellent senior practical talents for the most importance.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G642.0
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】296

