

Study on the Impact of the Expansion of China’s Urban Households’ Income Gap on Consumption Demand

【作者】 田园

【导师】 朱泽山;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 政治经济学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目前,我国经济增长在很大程度上依靠投资和出口拉动,国内消费需求尤其是居民消费需求不足正逐步成为制约目前中国经济发展的关键因素。居民消费需求不足可以由多种因素导致,其中一个重要因素就是收入差距在扩大。由于中国是一个二元经济结构明显的国家,城乡居民消费差异较大。本文仅对城镇居民收入差距与消费需求的关系进行研究,分析城镇居民收入差距扩大对消费需求有什么影响,其影响程度有多大。我国经济增长应该更多地依靠消费拉动,如何调整城镇居民收入分配,刺激消费需求扩大,这是一个有着重要理论和现实意义的研究课题。有鉴于此,文章首先对已有的研究文献进行了归纳总结,并作了简要评述。接着,文章提出了论文的选题背景、目的及意义、研究思路及方法。然后对相关概念、指标加以界定,对消费理论进行阐述,阐明了收入分配影响消费需求的路径与机理,并做出小结:理论上收入分配会影响消费需求,缩小收入差距能够扩大消费需求。在回顾理论的基础上,文章描述了我国城镇居民收入差距与消费需求的现实状况及变化趋势,从消费倾向、消费结构及消费率三个方面就收入差距影响消费需求的作用机制进行分析。进一步,文章提出“我国城镇居民收入差距扩大不利于消费需求增长,收入差距缩小有利于消费需求增加”这一命题,以城镇基尼系数与城镇居民平均消费倾向为变量,利用E-views统计软件进行回归分析。研究结果证明:收入差距扩大对消费需求确有重要影响,且这种影响是负面的。最后,文章从分析收入差距扩大的原因入手,并在此基础上提出完善市场经济体制,建立公平竞争环境;完善宏观调控体系,发挥政府调节职能;完善非营利组织建设,重视三次分配效能三方面建议,缩小城镇居民收入差距,以扩大消费需求。

【Abstract】 Nowadays, China’s economic growth relies heavily on the investment and exportation. The inadequacy of domestic consumption demand especially the residents’ consumption demand that can be caused by a variety of factors, one of which is the gradual expansion of income gap, is becoming a key factor to constrain China’s current economic development. As China is a country with obvious dual economic structure, there is a large difference between urban residents’ consumption and that of rural. In this thesis, we only study on the relationship between the income gap of urban residents and the consumption demand, and analyze what and how much dose the enlargement of the gap affect the consumption. China’s economic growth should depend more on consumption. How could we adjust the income distribution of urban residents in order to stimulate consumption demand? This is a research topic with important theoretical and practical significance.With regard to this, the thesis firstly summarizes the existing research and makes a brief commentary. Next, it presents the subject-selecting background, study purpose, significance, train of thought, and methods. Then, the thesis defines the relevant concepts and indicators, consumption theories, and clarifies the path and mechanism of the income distribution’s impact on consumption demand. It then comes to a conclusion that the income distribution will affect consumption demand theoretically and the narrowing of the gap can expand the demand accordingly. Based on reviewing the theories, the thesis describes the actual situation and trend of the income gap of Chinese urban residents. It then makes an analysis of consumption effect mechanism from three aspects including the consumption propensity, structure and rate. Furthermore, it presents a proposition that "The enlargement of China’s urban residents’ income gap is not conducive to the growth of consumption demand; the narrowing could be." Then, we regard urban GINI coefficient and the average residents’ consumption propensity as variables, and make the regression analysis by using the statistical software E-views. Study results prove that the enlargement of the income gap indeed makes a significant impact which is negative on the consumption demand. Finally, we analyze the causes leading to the enlargement of the income gap, and put forward the proposals for narrowing the gap to expand consumption demand from three aspects as follows: Improve the market economy system, and establish an environment for fair competition; Improve the macro-control system, and exert the government’s regulation; Improve the building of the non-profit organization, and pay attention to the effectiveness of the third distribution.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】F124.7;F126.1;F224
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】750

