

A Probe into the Fault of Students’ Discourse Power in the Middle Schools’ Class Field

【作者】 何森林

【导师】 杨昌勇;

【作者基本信息】 西南大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 和其他社会场域一样,课堂场域也包含了权力、资本、冲突和惯习等。课堂场域里的冲突首先是老师和学生的冲突,冲突根源在于他们拥有的不同文化资本、经济资本、社会资本和社会转型带来的价值观的改变。其次是学生之间的冲突,冲突根源在于不同学生拥有的不同文化资本、经济资本、社会资本和由此生成的不同象征资本。在不同类型学校课堂,学生间各种资本所发挥的作用,也表现各异。规训,作为课堂场域的一种惯习性行为,既制约着课堂里多种权力和资本使其在冲突中保持平衡,也使得课堂场域里的各种权力和资本产生意义,生成了永远稀缺的象征资本。课堂规训的重要依据和形式是课堂行为规范和惩罚。课堂规训的主要作用点之一是学生身体,表现为对身体的惩罚和磨练、身体的格式化和空间限制。课程(知识)和考试则是一种隐形的规训。师生间应然的学生话语权特征为生命性、自由性和发展性。可实际上师生间学生话语权却表现为无声或独白无群或被规训的缺失状态。这些缺失的原因都可以理解为规训使然,也可以从社会学、伦理文化、心理学和生理学、意识形态等角度之分析。学生间话语权的应然原则既要考虑平等又要考虑差异,可实际上却是既有不平等现象(包括量的方面和质的方面),又有不正确对待差异现象。无论那一种缺失,其原因都可以从不同学生之间拥有的不同资本去探究。在农村中学和职业中学课堂场域内部,学生拥有的文化资本(即学生成绩)和学生课堂话语权之间有较大的相关性,即成绩优异者拥有较大的话语权:在市重点中学的课堂场域内部,学生拥有的文化资本和学生课堂话语权之间没有明显的相关性。在不同类型中学的部分课堂之间,学生总的话语权差异极大,一般说来,市重点中学学生课堂上有充分的话语时间,而农村中学和职业中学课堂上,学生话语时间少。市重点中学,学生更多的经济资本带来学生强势话语,会在部分课堂出现:农村普通中学和职业中学,学生经济资本对学生课堂话语权影响不大。在3种类型中学课堂上,学生间拥有社会资本的多少都直接影响到学生的话语权。所以,要想改变课堂学生话语权的缺失状况,只有立足于课堂场域,先从社会学角度出发,来消解课堂里的规训,改善弱势学生的资本。在此基础上,再辅之以教育学、心理学和伦理学等诸多规律,才能事半功倍。

【Abstract】 Class field includes power, capital, conflict and habitus just like other social field. In class field, various power and capital conflict. Firstly, teachers and students have conflict the root of which lies with the different cultural capital, economic capital, social capital between them and the change of values brought about by the social transition. Secondly, conflict happens between students, the root of which lies with different cultural capital, economic capital, social capital and different symbolic capital among them. The difference of students’ capital plays a different role in different type of class.Discipline, a kind of habitus of the class field, not only restricts the powers and capitals of the class to keep balance in the conflict, but also makes the powers and capitals in the class field have significance. As a result, the rare symbolic capital comes into being. Class discipline’s basis and forms are class rule of conduct and punishment. Students’ bodies are one of what Class discipline has effects on. Physical punishment, furnace, body formatting and physical space constraints are all class disciplines. Courses (knowledge) or examination is an invisible discipline.Equitable students’ discourse power between teachers and students should be based on living, liberty and development. In fact, students’ discourse power between teachers and students is silent or isolated or disciplined. The reasons for these shortcomings can not only be understood as the result of discipline, but also be analyzed from sociology, ethics, culture, ideological, psychology and physiology perspective.We should consider not only the principle of equality but also the differences about students discourse power among themselves. In fact, there are both inequalities (including the volume and in terms of quality) and fault in dealing with differences. Whatever kind of fault can be reasoned from the different capital of different students. In the rural middle and vocational middle schools’ classes, students’ cultural capital (that is, students’ achievement) and discourse power are relevant, that is, outstanding students have greater voice. In the city key middle schools’ classes, there was no obvious correlation between students’ cultural capital and discourse power. In some classes of different kinds of middle school, students’ total discourse power is obviously different. In general, students in the city key middle schools’ classes have much more discourse time than the other two kinds of classes. In some classes of the city key middle school, more economic capital brings stronger discourse power, but in the other two kinds of classes, there is no such phenomenon. In each class of these 3 kinds of schools, students’ social capital has a direct impact on the discourse power.Therefore, if we want to change the fault situation of students’ discourse power, we should dispel the class discipline and improve the disadvantaged students’ capital basing on class field from the perspective of sociology. On this basis, it can be more effective with the help of the methods on education, psychology, ethics, and so on.

【关键词】 课堂场域话语权缺失规训资本
【Key words】 class fielddiscourse powershortcomingdisciplinecapital
  • 【网络出版投稿人】 西南大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】G632.4
  • 【被引频次】16
  • 【下载频次】673

