

Analysis and Design of College Educational Administration System Based on the Credit System

【作者】 孙彩云

【导师】 赵远东;

【作者基本信息】 南京信息工程大学 , 系统分析与集成, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着计算机技术和计算机网络的飞速发展,高质量的教育更需要高效的管理,所以,教务管理系统也在不断的变化和完善。高校的教务管理工作繁琐、细致、量大,它是高等学校教育工作的一项重要内容,是整个学校管理的核心和基础。教务管理工作是指学校管理人员按照一定的教育方针,运用先进的管理手段,组织、协调、指挥与指导各方面人员的活动,以便高教率、高质量地完成各项教学任务,完成国家所制定的教育目标。它往往是衡量一个高校办学水平高低的标准。因此,各高校都非常重视教务管理工作。应我校教务处委托,我们开发了一套功能实用、技术先进、具有学分制特色的教务综合管理系统。该系统充分考虑了学分制的特色,在选课方面给予学生足够的自由。学分制教务管理系统根据面向人员不同主要分为三大功能模块,即教务管理人员模块、教师模块、学生模块。教务管理人员模块包括资源管理子系统、学生基本信息子系统、课程计划管理子系统、排课管理子系统、选课管理子系统、成绩管理子系统。教师模块主要包括个人信息、课程安排、成绩录入、成绩打印。学生模块主要包括个人信息、课程设置、学分要求、课表查询、成绩查询、已选课程查询,选课。本系统采用C/S结构与B/S结构相结合的体系结构,满足了教务管理用户集中、处理数据量大的要求。本系统采用C/S模式作为系统的主要模式,结构简洁、方便、快捷。采用这种模式不仅可以提高工作效率、减轻网络负担,而且在一定程度上也保证了系统的安全性。本文围绕教务综合管理系统的项目实施,系统地阐述了系统所涉及的技术知识、教务管理领域知识,并从业务流程、功能描述、数据流、数据字典四方面对系统进行了详尽的分析,从数据库逻辑模型、软件结构、模块加工说明、界面设计四方面对系统进行了详尽的设计。最后对系统的进一步完善提出了展望。

【Abstract】 With rapid development of computer technology and internet, education of high quality requires more efficient management. Therefore, education management system is continuously changing and perfecting.Teaching affairs management in college is a complicated, specific and highly loaded work. It is vital for educational work in college and also the core and basis for the management of the whole college. Teaching affairs management is that managing personnel in college, based on some certain educational guidelines, use advanced management methods to organize, coordinate, command and instruct the activities of all people concerned in the aim to finish all teaching tasks with high efficiency and top quality and also to fulfill educational objectives assigned by the country. In most of the cases, it is a criterion measuring the educational level of a college, so all colleges pay much attention to the efficiency of teaching affairs management. In this situation, we have developed a software system which is functional, advanced and fractural in credit system.According to different users, this system can be divided into three modules, namely the Senate management module, the Teachers module and the Students module. The Senate management module includes six parts: the resource management subsystem, the student basic information subsystem, the project management courses subsystems, the schedule arrangement subsystem, the course plan management system and the performance management subsystem. The teacher module includes personal information, the curriculum, recording results and print results. The students module include personal information, curriculum, credit requirements, Timetable for results enquiries, classes and others.We adopt C/S mode and B/S mode in our system to process large amount of data. The system applies C/S mode as the main mode. it is very simple, convenient and has a high speed. It can improve the efficiency, release the loan of the network, it also has a high safety.This paper introduces the relevant knowledge about educational administration and software design. It makes a detailed analysis from business processes, functional description, data flow, and data dictionary system. Finally, this paper prospect the further improve of this system.

【关键词】 高校教务管理学分制C/SB/S
【Key words】 University Educational AdministrationThe credit systemC/SB/S
  • 【分类号】TP311.52
  • 【被引频次】29
  • 【下载频次】569

