

The Research of Professional Specialists Management and Ecological Effect of Talent

【作者】 薛惠英

【导师】 胡近;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 人才资源开发分为宏观性开发和微观性开发两个不同的层次,政府的职能是从事宏观性开发,其任务是营造良好的人才生态和对人才资源开发工作进行宏观调控和指导,这也正是政府的优势所在。二十一世纪是知识经济时代,国与国之间的竞争将是以经济和科技实力为基础的综合国力的竞争,而这种竞争本质上就是人才的竞争,尤其是专业技术人才的竞争。培养和造就大批具有创新意识和能力的高素质专业技术人才,不仅要树立以人为本管理思想,更需要发挥人才生态效应,打造一个尊重知识、吸引人才、人才辈出的良好整体环境,使专业技术人才的主动性、积极性、创造性得到充分激发,这样才能在知识经济竞争中占据主动。本论文基于专业技术人才管理相关理论和实践,从发挥人才生态效应,加强队伍建设的角度出发,选择人才生态效应中的梧桐树效应、温室效应、群落效应进行具体分析,针对常熟专业技术人才队伍发展中存在的储备不足、实力不强、结构短缺等主要问题,对比人才生态效应发挥所需求的队伍建设要求,结合专业技术人才发展面临的机遇挑战,提出改善经济环境、创新管理制度、调整群落结构、优化人文环境四大对策建议。本论文不局限于人事管理领域和人才开发具体方式的研究,而将人才生态效应引进了研究的范围,侧重于宏观层面,主张政府加强指导和推动,主张全社会各方面一起动员、共同参与,并突出专业技术人才的需求特征,从发挥人才生态效应、加强常熟地区专业技术人才队伍建设的角度进行了尝试性的探讨。

【Abstract】 Talent resources development includes two different levels that is macroscopically developing and microscopically developing. The responsibility of the local authorities is to create a proper ecological environment for talent and give macroscopically control and instructions to talent developing. It is also the government’s advantage.The 21st century is so-called an age of technology. The competitions between countries will be an economic and technological power contest, which mostly depend on the competitions for talents, especially those professional specialists. Training a large number of high-quality professional specialists with innovative awareness and ability, not only need to create a good ecological environment which is suitable for professional specialists growing up, but also to innovate on system and build a platform to exert their spirits of initiative enthusiasm and creativity. So we can keep ahead in the age of technology. The research is based on the theory of ecological environment for talent.First, in the point view of optimizing the overall environment, we choose three from all of the ecological effect of talent: the Indus tree effect, the greenhouse effect and the community effect. Second We aim at the major problems of Changshu professional specialists which are in lack of reserves, strength not strong, and the structure shortage. From the economic, policy, and the humanities point of view, we analyzie the environment factors which restrict the contingent development. Last, integrated with the opportunities and challenges of professional specialists, we advance four proposes: improve the economic environment, innovate in management, adjust the community structure, optimize the humanities environment.The study is not restricted to traditional HR management and the normal way of talent development, but take the ecological effect of talent and the environment factors into account. The study claims the whole society should be involved in talents development focusing on the macroscopic level. Then, the study explored the way to reinforce the professional specialists contingent management of Changshu city, giving desires and requirements of professional specialists based on ecological effect of talent.

  • 【分类号】C964.2
  • 【被引频次】3
  • 【下载频次】693

