

The Study on Strategy of Korean Feed Companies’ FDI in China

【作者】 方京彻

【导师】 史清华;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 工商管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 为了避免韩国国内饲料市场的不景气,韩国饲料生产企业已经开始或正在计划通过国外直接投资向海外市场拓展饲料生产业务。中国以其地理和市场潜力等优势成为韩国饲料生产企业投资的首选。但由于中国本地市场的竞争和对中国市场状况的不了解,不少韩国企业都是以失败结束了在中国的投资。本文分析中国的饲料行业和外资环境及案例的分析,提出适合的投资策略。首先,对国外直接投资的理论,动机和类型等进行了阐释,并对国外直接投资与韩国饲料行业间的关系做了分析。其次,对中国饲料行业进行了分析。从现状入手总结存在问题和未来发展潜力。第三,概括中国近期的政策变化和对外资的影响。对比新税法和《劳动合同法》执行前后,外资企业在税收、劳动力成本等方面享有的优惠待遇的变化,指出了韩国企业在中国投资将面对的新负担。第四,对成功案例做了解剖。研究首批在中国投资的韩国饲料企业,TS集团彩虹饲料有限公司从挫折到稳步发展的过程,得出韩国饲料生产企业在中国投资的问题和成功因素。最后,从投资策略的角度对韩国饲料企业在中国的投资选择做了总结。在前期分析的基础上归纳出适合的投资策略:专注细分市场与差异化;注重质量和安全;通过当地分销商建立高效的销售渠道;立足长期发展,建立投资策略;面对中国政策的改变研究应对措施。韩国饲料企业在中国的投资将创造一个双赢的商业环境。中国饲料行业的空间和潜力为韩国饲料生产企业提供了市场机会;同时韩国饲料生产企业也将通过自身的技术优势和先进的管理经验帮助中国饲料行业的成长和发展。

【Abstract】 Recently Korean feed manufacturing companies has made or been considering FDI outward actively in an effort to overcome the limit of Korean domestic market which only has had 0.62% of annual average growth rate in terms of production since year 2000 due to the trade liberalization of Korean livestock products market, frequent outbreak of animal disease and decrease of livestock numbers.Since year 1991 Korean feed companies began investing overseas and most of the investment has been made in China which is near to Korea and has high growth potential. Not many companies investing in China, however, have been successful due to high competition and lack of understanding local market situation.Thus, this paper intends to find out successful investment strategies by means of analyzing China’s feed industry and foreign direct investment environment and doing case study.Firstly, this thesis hereby reviews the FDI theory, motives and types and finds out the relationship between FDI theory and Korean feed manufacturing industry by using Dunning’s Eclectic theory.Secondly, by analyzing Chinese feed industry does this paper introduce current status, some problems and potential of Chinese feed industry. Thirdly, this paper covers the main changes of Chinese Corporate Tax Law and Labor Contract Law that have a large influence on FDI in China and mentions that the recent policy changes bringing repealed tax incentives, increase of labor cost and labor market inflexibility could be a burden on Korean feed companies in investing in China.Fourthly, this thesis handles a case study about Rainbow Feed Co. of TS Group which is one of the earliest companies in investing in China and is regarded as the most successful Korean feed company in China and finds out initial problems and major success factors as well as its entry and marketing strategy.Lastly, this paper suggests some successful strategy for Korean feed companies planning to invest in China based on problems and success factors of Rainbow Feed Co. as follows.①Concentrate on market segment with differentiation;②Focus on quality and safety;③Utilize sales channel through local distributors effectively;④Establish Investment strategy from the long-term perspective;⑤Consider the counterplans about changing Chinese foreign investment policies and labor law;I hope that Korean feed companies’FDI in Chinese feed industry can be a win-win game which provides a good opportunity for Korea to expand market using its technology and management skill and for China to upgrade its feed industry.

  • 【分类号】F331.26;F832.6
  • 【下载频次】67

