

Government Responsibility to Improve Enterprises’ Ability of Defence Against Antidumping Lawsuits

【作者】 张璐

【导师】 莫童; 闻媛;

【作者基本信息】 上海交通大学 , 公共管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 1979年我国出口欧共体的糖精钠被诉反倾销,这是新中国成立后,我国出口产品遭遇的第一起反倾销案,到2009年正好是30年。在这近30年的时间里,反倾销这种原本用于维护贸易公平的措施出现被滥用的情况。从发展中国家到发达国家,越来越多的国家开始频繁采用反倾销措施作为贸易壁垒,而我国对外贸易规模尤其是出口规模的不断扩大,进一步增加了被反倾销的可能性。在1995年到2006年的12年间,我国是世界上被反倾销申诉以及采取反倾销措施最多的国家,成为了世界上最大的反倾销措施受害国。面临严峻的反倾销形势,国内企业的应诉表现不佳,反倾销应诉能力低已逐步成为世界上针对我国产品发起的新一轮反倾销申诉的主要诱因之一,当前提升企业反倾销应诉能力具有迫切性。倾销、反倾销和反倾销应诉是国际贸易中特有的经济、法律现象。倾销是反倾销的必要条件,反倾销是反倾销应诉的必要条件。同时,研究提升企业反倾销应诉能力的政府责任,必须充分考虑到在世界经济领域具有重大影响力的世界贸易组织(简称“WTO”)的相关法律规定。本文首先概要阐述了国际贸易中关于倾销与反倾销的理论及其新发展、WTO法律规范相关内容,提出了反倾销应诉能力的概念及其评估公式,阐述了市场失灵与政府责任的基础理论以及提升企业反倾销应诉能力的政府责任具体包括哪些方面内容,提出了现阶段提升企业反倾销应诉能力的意义;第二,说明我国成为世界上反倾销措施最大受害国的现状,当前,造成这一现状的主要原因是我国企业的反倾销应诉能力低,面对反倾销积极应诉、有效应对的情况少,在国际上产生不利的示范效应,某一国家(地区)对我国发起的反倾销调查极易引发一连串反倾销调查,改变这一现状的关键是提升企业反倾销应诉能力,并通过实证分析国内企业反倾销应诉能力普遍较低主要问题中的市场失灵现象;最后,提出实现相应政府责任的构想,主要包括建立健全反倾销预警体系,完善外贸行业协会的服务功能,在WTO框架体系下积极斡旋等三方面。本文综合了多位专家的研究成果,对系统阐述当前提升企业反倾销应诉能力的意义方面有新意;本文在把市场失灵和政府责任理论运用到提升企业反倾销应诉能力的实践方面有个人的观点;本文对界定“反倾销应诉率”、反倾销“有效应诉”、“反倾销应诉能力”等概念有部分新的理解,并据以提出反倾销应诉能力的评估公式,具有一定的可操作性;本文提出了通过出口配额由相应外贸行业协会管理和以外贸行业协会为主设立反倾销应诉基金等方式,来完善外贸行业协会反倾销应诉服务功能的设想,有一定的新意。本文的研究对象是个体,研究目的是提升企业某一方面的整体能力。这里包括两层含义:第一,从反倾销应诉案件本身来看,以单个企业或行业协会为探究对象,以实现国内企业反倾销应诉能力的整体提升为目标;第二,全文主要围绕提升国内企业的反倾销应诉能力展开,然而反倾销作为一种非传统贸易壁垒以及贸易摩擦的表现形式之一,本文的研究宗旨同样也在于为今后政府解决其它贸易争端提供一定的借鉴和奠定一定的实践基础,因此,体现在相关政府责任的实现途径中,不仅顺应了提升企业反倾销应诉能力的要求,同样也为提高解决其它贸易争端的能力奠定基础。

【Abstract】 In the year of 1979, Chinese enterprises, when exporting Saccharin Sodium to European Union, met antidumping lawsuits for the first time since liberation. To the year of 2009, it has been thirty years. During this period, more and more countries and economic zones have abused antidumping, which was used to protect fair trade initially, as a kind of barrier to trade. At the same period, China’s economy has grew fast,as well as the volume of products exported from China has been increasingly huge, which lead to more and more antidumping investigations proposed by related foreign countries and economic zones. China has been the World’s largest anti-dumping target for more than ten years. The number of antidumping cases initiated against China has been No.1 for more than ten years. Facing such situation, Chinese enterprises can’t defend themselves well, which makes the situation more and more severe. It is urgent to improve Chinese enterprises’ability of defence against antidumping lawsuits.This thesis tried to find out the government responsibility to improve Chinese enterprises’ability of defence against antidumping lawsuits. Because dumping first emerge in international trade, this thesis introduced the basic theory and its new development of dumping and anti-dumping according to international trade theory. WTO is very important in World Multilateral Free Trade System, and all members should abide by WTO rules, so this thesis introduced the general rules of anti-dumping by WTO. This thesis introduced the basic theory of market failure and government responsibility in order to find out the government responsibility to improve Chinese enterprises’ability of defence against antidumping lawsuits. This thesis introduced the significance of government to improve enterprises’ability when facing antidumping cases. The writer also put forward the idea of the ability of enterprises to defend against antidumping lawsuits and the formula to assess such ability as well. Second, this thesis setting forth antidumping investigations worldwide present situation and how Chinese enterprises acting presently, then analyzed the problems why it is hard for Chinese enterprises winning anti-dumping cases. Thinking that Chinese enterprises were weak and easy to bully in antidumping cases, foreign enterprises would easily subject to the related authority of their own countries, using dumping as an excuse. It has been the truth. Third, this thesis put forward methods for government to improve enterprises such ability, including, how to complete anti-dumping forcast system, how to make trade organizations serving enterprises well, and how to appeal to WTO as well.This thesis put forward the idea of enterprises’ability of defence against antidumping lawsuits and the formula to assess such ability for the first time. This thesis set forth the comprehensive of government to improve enterprises’ability when facing antidumping cases for the first time. This thesis proposed that international trade related organizations should have the right to allocate export quota and set up a fund of defence against antidumping lawsuits.

  • 【分类号】D630;F752.02
  • 【被引频次】1
  • 【下载频次】375

