

Study on the Current Situation and Impact Factors of Chemistry Academic Motivation of the High School Students

【作者】 颜红芹

【导师】 毕华林;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 促进学生全面的、有个性的和可持续的发展是本轮化学新课程改革的基本理念之一,但目前在中学普遍存在的厌学现象却严重阻碍了学生的发展,有效培养和激发中学生化学学习动机成为每一位化学教育工作者面临的重要任务。但化学学习动机的已有研究却无法提供可靠的理论依据,这不仅是因为化学学习动机的研究远远落后于一般意义上学习动机的研究,更是因为随着社会的发展,学生学习的主客观条件不断发生变化,化学学习动机的影响因素也呈现出新的特点。如果我们不能充分把握目前中学生化学学习动机的现状和影响因素,那么培养和激发学生的化学学习动机就缺乏可靠的理论依据。因此,我们将依据相关理论编制化学学习动机问卷,调查新课程背景下中学生的化学化学学习动机,并详细地分析当前中学生化学学习动机的水平和强度;依据相关理论编制中学生化学学习动机影响因素的问卷,调查分析各影响因素对化学学习动机的影响性质和影响程度。本研究采用了目前唯一被心理学家公认的学习动机分类,即把学习动机分为内因性动机和外因性动机,然后根据二者的特征编制了中学生化学学习动机调查问卷;在编制化学学习动机影响因素问卷时,我们首先综合了关于学习动机影响因素的多种理论,然后按照心理测量的原则并结合我们现有的研究条件,确定了四个影响因素:自我效能、成败归因、师生关系、价值观,最后结合化学学科的特点对每一个因素编制项目。问卷经过初测并修订后正式实施。为全面地描述当前中学生化学学习动机的现状,我们先采用配对样本t检验的方法分析当前中学生化学学习动机的强度和水平,然后再利用多元方差分析的方法描述化学学习动机的性别差异、年级差异、优差生之间的差异、重点与普通高中学生之间的差异;为深入地研究各影响因素对化学学习动机的影响性质和程度,我们通过路径分析得到了四因素对化学学习动机、化学学习内部动机、化学学习外部动机的影响路径分析图。研究结果表明:(1)当前中学生化学学习动机强度较大、水平较高,学生学习化学的主导性动机是内部动机。(2)中学生化学学习动机总体上在男女之间、化学学习成绩不同的中学生之间、不同年级之间形成了十分显著的差异。(3)在化学学习内部动机的平均得分上,男生明显高于女生;优生、中等生、差生依次明显升高;初三学生明显高于高中学生、高一学生明显高于高三学生;普通高中学生略高于重点高中学生。在化学学习外部动机的平均得分上,女生略高于男生;差生明显高于优生、略高于中等生;年级变化特点是:初三、高二、高一、高三依次缓慢下降;普通高中学生略高于重点高中学生。(4)中学生化学学业成败归因、自我效能、价值观都对化学学习内部动机发生积极的影响,但它们的影响程度依次降低;中学生化学学业成败归因、师生关系都对化学学习外部动机发生积极的影响,但它们的影响程度依次降低;这四个影响因素是相互影响和相互促进的。本研究在对以上结论讨论与分析的基础上提出了有针对性的建议:加快推进教育改革,进一步提高中学生化学学习动机;切实转变教育观念,培养和激发女生的化学学习动机;尊重中学生的身心发展规律,提出创新性的培养和激发策略;努力提高中学生化学学习成绩,促进中等生优化和差生转换;努力缓解学生压力,促进学生全面发展;统筹考虑多个因素,全面提高中学生化学学习动机。本研究是对新课程背景下整个中学化学阶段学生的化学学习动机现状的调查分析,是对可以控制和调节的化学学习动机影响因素系统和深入的研究。本研究所得的结论不仅丰富和发展了学习动机的理论,更是为中学化学阶段的化学教师培养和激发学生的化学学习动机提供了可靠的理论依据。

【Abstract】 To promote students to get comprehensive, personalized, and sustainable development is one of the basic ideas of the new chemistry curriculum reform, but widespread weariness in the high school has seriously hindered the development of students, so to train and inspire the chemistry academic motivation of students effectively has become an important task for every chemical educator. But the existing research on chemistry academic motivation is actually unable to provide the reliable theory base, not only because the research on chemistry academic motivation falls behind by far the research on general academic motivation, but because with the social rapid development, the objective and subjective conditions for students to learn constantly change, and the impact factors of the chemistry academic motivation emerge new features. If we can not take full advantage of the current situation and influence factors on chemistry academic motivation, then to train and motivate chemistry academic motivation of the students will lack reliable theory base. Therefore, we ,based on the related theories ,will construct questionnaire on chemistry academic motivation, investigate the middle school students’ chemistry academic motivation under the new curriculum background ,and analyze its’ the level and the intensity in detail; we ,based on the related theories ,will construct questionnaire on chemistry academic motivation impact factors , and diagnose the nature and degree which each factor influence chemistry academic motivation .The research has used the academic motivation classification uniquely recognized by the psychologists at present, that is to say, the academic motivation is divided into intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation, and then, according to their own characteristics, we construct questionnaire on chemistry academic motivation. when we construct questionnaire on chemistry academic motivation impact factors , first, We synthesize many kinds of theories on the academic motivation influence factor. Secondly, according to the mental measurement’s principle and our existing research condition, we determine four influence factors: the self- efficacy, the attribution of success and failure, the student-teacher relationship and the values. Finally, with the characteristics of chemistry, we construct items for each influence factor .After the questionnaire is initially measures and the revision, it is officially christened.In order to fully describe the chemistry academic motivation present situation of the high school students, firstly, with the method of paired samples t-test, we analyze the intensity and the level on chemistry academic motivation of high school students. secondly, with the method of multivariate analysis of variance, we describe the high school students’ differences in gender, grade, different chemistry academic record, key senior high school and ordinary high school。To thoroughly study the nature and the degree which each influence factor influence chemistry academic motivation, with the method of path analysis, we get path analysis chart which four factors influence chemistry academic motivation,intrinsic motivation and extrinsic motivation. The study shows as following:(1)At present, the middle school students have high-intensitive and high-level, and their dominant chemistry academic motivation is intrinsic motivation.(2)In regard to the middle school chemistry academic motivation, on the whole, the difference is significant between boys and girls, between excellent and poor students, between different grades.(3)In regard to the average scores of chemistry academic intrinsic motivation, boys’ is significantly higher than girls’; gifted students’ is significantly higher than middling students’, middling students’ is significantly higher than poor students’; middle school Grade 3 students’ is significantly higher than high school students’, high school Sophomore’ is significantly higher than high school seniors’; ordinary high school students’ is slightly higher than key senior high school students’. In regard to the average scores of chemistry academic extrinsic motivation, girls’ is slightly higher than boys’; poor students’ is significantly higher than gifted students’ and slightly higher than middling students’; middle school Grade 3 students’, high school junior’, high school Sophomore’,high school seniors’ orderly decreases; ordinary high school students’ is slightly higher than key senior high school students’.(4)The attribution of chemical success and failure, the self-efficacy, and the values have a positive influence on chemistry academic intrinsic motivation, but their influence orderly decreases; the attribution of chemical success and failure, the student-teacher relationship have a positive influence on chemistry academic intrinsic motivation, but their influence orderly decreases; These four influencing factors influence and promote mutually.After discussing and analyzing these above conclusions, we put forward some pointed countermeasures: expedite the educational reforms, improve chemistry academic motivation of the high school students; change the concepts of education and culture in a practical way, raise and stimulate female students’ chemistry academic motivation; follow the law of high school students’ law of somatopsychic development, put forward innovative strategies to raise and stimulate students’ chemistry academic motivation; try to rise students’ chemical academic record,promote middling students optimize and poor students convert; try to alleviate the students’ pressure, promote the comprehensive development of the students; make overall plans and take all factors into consideration, enhance the high school students’ chemistry academic motivation all sidedly.This study is a diagnosis on chemistry academic motivation of the high school students under the new curriculum background, and a systematic and in-depth study about some manageable and adjustable impact factors of chemistry academic motivation of the high school students. Our research conclusions not only enrich and expand the theories of motivation, but also provide a reliable theoretical basis for chemistry teachers to train and motivate chemistry academic motivation.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1964

