

The Content and Teaching Methods of the Education of Life Philosophy in Middle-school Biology

【作者】 黄勇

【导师】 曹道平;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 中学生物学生命哲学教育是指在中学生物学教学中进行世界观、人生观和价值观、道德观和伦理观以及生命科学观等生命哲学内容的教学过程。在生物学科教学中渗透情感态度与价值观教育一直是中学生物学教学的一个难点,中学生物学生命哲学教育作为渗透情感态度与价值观教育的一种手段,是值得去研究和探讨的。本论文以中学生物学生命哲学教育的内容与方法为研究对象,试图通过这方面的研究从理论层面寻找一种更为合理有效的在生物学教学中渗透情感态度与价值观教育的教育方式。本文主要采用文献研究法,辅以调查问卷、访谈、个案研究等方法,对研究对象做了较为深入的整理与分析。论文由七部分构成,第一部分为引言,论述本研究问题的提出缘由,综述研究目的、方法及现状;第二部分界定中学生物学生命哲学教育的概念,对相关概念进行辨析,指出其教育功能和基本要求;第三部分阐述中学生物学生命哲学教育内容的分类、选择、整理与归纳;第四部分探讨适合中学生物学生命哲学教育的教学方法;第五部分论述多媒体与网络辅助下的中学生物学生命哲学教育;最后部分简述研究结论及不足之处。经过一系列的分析讨论,笔者认为,中学生物学生命哲学教育是在生物学教学中渗透情感态度与价值观教育的一种重要手段,不断总结整理中学生物学生命哲学教育的相关内容,探索发现适合于中学生物学生命哲学教育的教学方法,对于实现生物学教学的情意教学目标是有重要帮助的。本课题在前人研究的基础上,针对中学生物学生命哲学教育的内容与方法从理论层面提出了较为具体的实施建议,并且就借助多媒体与网络资源构建教师、师生交流平台提出了进一步的建议,希望能够引起广大中学生物学教学工作者以及生物学教学科研工作者的重视,真正将中学生物学情意教学目标落到实处。

【Abstract】 The Education of Life Philosophy in Middle-school Biology (ELPMB) is the process of building students’views on the world, life, values, morals and ethics, and also the process of teaching the knowledge of Philosophy of Biological Science during the teaching process of the course: Biology. The difficulty lies in how to compose the two processes in to a whole. So the research on making ELPMB to be a method of the affective education is of great worth.This study tries to find a more reasonable and effective educating method to accomplish the above aim during the teaching process of Biology based on the research of the contents and teaching methods of ELPMB, which is considered as the object of this study. The study mainly adopts the literature investigation method, assisted with questionnaire, interview and case study. An in-depth study and analysis has been made on the object.The paper consists of seven parts. The first part is the introduction, which is about the reason of choosing this subject as the thesis, the study purpose, the researching methods and the status quo. The second part gives the definition of ELPMB, and also puts forward the basic request of it. The third part sets forth the classification, selection, arrangement and induction of the content of ELPMB. The fourth part discusses the teaching methods fit for ELPMB. The fifth part introduces ELPMB assisted with multimedia and network. The last part is the conclusion.After a series of discussion and analysis, the author arrives at a conclusion that ELPMB is an important method in building the students’emotional attitudes and views on values and morals, and that continual sum-up and arranging the contents of ELPMB to explore the suitable methods is of great importance in achieving the affective education goals in the teaching process of Biology.Based on the former research, the study aims at the contents and teaching methods of ELPMB, brings forward concrete practising advice in theory, and gives suggestion on constructing a communicating plat for teachers and students with the assistance of multimedia and network. It is expected to arouse the recognition of the vast number of teaching and researching staff of middle-school Biology and to fully achieve the affective education goals.

  • 【分类号】G633.91
  • 【被引频次】11
  • 【下载频次】468

