

【作者】 胡红娟

【导师】 戚万学;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育行政管理, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 任何一个国家的发展,都离不开其国民综合素质的提高。重视人的作用,提高人的素质是实现社会进步的前提。改革开放30年,我国步入了物质文明、政治文明与精神文明协调发展,构建社会主义和谐社会的新阶段。伴随构建社会主义和谐社会的进程,人们日益认识到,发展公民教育,培养现代公民是推动社会和谐进步的重要因素。大学生是和谐社会构建的生力军,他们即将步入社会,其公民素质的高低直接影响到社会的发展。高校对大学生实施公民教育,显得尤为重要。公民教育的核心,就是要使人正确认识社会、关心社会,积极和负责任地参与社会事务,以发展社会为已任。大学生是公民教育实施的重要对象,他们的心智日趋成熟,对事物有自己的分析判断,他们积极热情、精力充沛。因而,较之于中小学,高校在公民教育方面不仅具有独特的优势,而且有了更高的层次与水平。大学生的公民教育是社会主义政治文明发展的需要,是发展与社会主义市场经济相适应的公民道德的需要,是构建社会主义和谐社会的需要,是大学生自身发展的内在要求。但其现状却并不尽人意,教育内容存在偏差,教育目标不明确,教育途径单一,教育方法老套、理想化,教育效率低下等。造成这种现状的原因是多方面的,既有历史的原因,也有教育本身的原因,如缺乏良好的社会氛围,缺乏系统的公民教育,重理论轻实践,未能充分利用社区活动资源进行公民行为的训练与养成等。社区是公民社会中最基层的社群层次,是培养公民资质的奠基工程,是推动民主政治发展的保证。社区在社会主义民主政治、公民道德教育、社区服务等方面有丰富多彩的活动。研究社区活动在大学生公民教育方面的功能,如何充分挖掘各类社区活动等社区资源,为大学生公民教育提供实践的场所和机会,发挥它们在大学生公民教育中的作用,是本文的研究内容。论文对本研究的背景、研究的意义、相关现状、研究思路和方法作了说明与解释。从历史和理论发展的角度追溯了公民、大学生公民教育的内容以内他们的由来,以此认识开展大学生公民教育的紧迫性,并从社会主义政治文明、市场经济发展、和谐社会构建和大学生自身发展几个方面,分析大学生公民教育的现实必要性,找出现阶段存在的问题并分析了存在这些问题的原因。从社会因素对大学生公民教育的影响出发,将视角转向社区,研究各类社区资源在大学生公民教育中发挥的作用,如社区民主政治资源在培养大学生政治主体意识和参与能力方面的作用;社区公民道德资源在调节人与人相互关系的道德素质养成方面的作用;社区服务活动资源在培养社会责任心,适应社会和主动参与公共事务的能力方面的作用。进而研究开发利用社区资源进行大学生公民教育过程中要遵守的几个原则和途径。

【Abstract】 Each country’s development can’t separate itself from the improvement of national quality. Stressing on the talents’role and improving the people quality is the premise to realizing the social improvement. After 30 years’opening and reforming, our country has been stepping into the coordinated development in material, politica,spiritual civilization and a new stage of constructing socialism harmonious society. In the process of constructing the social harmony, the people has been realizing that improving the citizens’quality is an important factor to propel the social harmony and improvement. College students is a new power to constructing the social harmony when they step into the society. Their qualities will directly affect on the social development.The key to the citizen education is to make people correctly realize the society,care for the society,positively and actively join in the social affairs and take responsibility to the society. College students are the important object of implementing the citizens’education because their intelligence are active,enthusiastic,near to mature and have their own judge. Compared to middle and primary schools’education, college and university education has not only a special advantage but also a higher level.College students’education need socialism political civilization, market economic development , social harmony and their own development. But current situation is not satisfied, the content is deviant, the aim is not correct, the method is out-dated, the efficient is lower. The reason is complex. It is a historic problem and also education it-self problem, such as lack of a good social atmosphere and a systemic citizen education, stressing on theory rather than practice and so on.Community is the social basic level, is a citizen intelligence cultivation project and also an guarantee to propelling political democratic development. Community has a colorful activity in socialism,political democratic,citizen ethic education and community service. The text try to research on the function of college students’education in the community,how to use the resource of community,the place and opportunity.The text tries to explain the background, the meaning, the current situation and the method and also have a complete research on citizens, college students and their coming into being in the perspective of history and the development of theory. Thus we come to recognize the urgent situation to carrying on the college education, socialism political civilization, market economic development, social harmony and themselves development. The text analyzes the necessity of college students education and to find out and analyze the problem. From the social effect on college students education, the text researches on all kinds of the resources of community and their function in the college students education, such as, the function of community democratic and political resource to the college students’consciousness, the ability to participation in, the function of actively balancing the relationship. The community service resource has a good function in cultivating social responsibility, adjusting to society, the ability of active participation in the affairs, giving some principles and methods in further research on in the process the resource of community to cultivating the citizens’education.

  • 【分类号】G641
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】389

