

Study on Sustainable Tourism Developing Model of the Emerging Tourist Areas

【作者】 朱本利

【导师】 田红;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 人口、资源与环境经济学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 随着国内旅游业的高速发展和旅游需求的迅速增长,旅游业在我国很多地区被看作是促进区域经济发展的发动机,得到了各级政府的高度重视和大力扶持。近年来,国内出现了以“焦作现象”、“栾川模式”、“沂水现象”等为代表的一大批新兴旅游区,这些地区旅游业大多是从几年前的一片空白到目前的“声名鹊起”,发展迅猛,取得了很好的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益,探索出了一条以旅游产业为主导带动区域发展的新路子,引起了广泛关注。但是,在新兴旅游区发展过程中也存在着很多不可持续的因素,尤其是快速的旅游开发对自然环境和社会文化的冲击和破坏日益严重,成为新兴旅游区可持续旅游业发展亟待解决的问题。本论文站在可持续发展的高度审视“沂水现象”、“焦作现象”等新兴旅游区的发展问题,从保护资源环境、转变发展方式这一全新的视角,研究新兴旅游区的界定与特征,构建新兴旅游区可持续旅游业发展模式,并以山东省沂水县为例进行了实证分析,提出符合可持续发展原则的、切实可行的对策与建议,注重研究的超前性、动态性和可操作性,为制定正确的旅游产业政策和发展规划提供决策依据,也为区域发展提供一种新的思路和发展方向。论文的主要研究内容包括以下几个方面:1.新兴旅游区可持续旅游业发展的理论研究。对本文的研究对象——新兴旅游区进行界定,并分析其特征;在此基础上阐述了新兴旅游区可持续旅游业发展的内涵及相关理论。2.新兴旅游区可持续旅游业发展模式研究。从产生背景、发展的动力因素和旅游业发展的可持续性三方面剖析了我国“新兴旅游区现象”,阐述了新兴旅游区可持续旅游业发展模式的内涵和构建原则,从旅游资源可持续利用、可持续旅游的产品开发、可持续旅游的市场开发、可持续旅游管理四个方面构建了新兴旅游区可持续旅游业发展模式,并对其相互之间的关系和具体要求作了深入分析,指出新兴旅游区如果能够做到这四方面的具体要求,那么其旅游业发展就是可持续的,否则,就是不可持续的。3.以山东省沂水县为例的新兴旅游区可持续旅游业发展的实证研究。在阐述沂水县旅游资源特点和旅游业发展状况的基础上,从资源利用、产品开发、市场开拓和管理四个方面对沂水旅游业发展模式进行分析评价,指出沂水旅游业发展模式既有成功之处,也面临着挑战。它成功地探索了一种以旅游促发展的区域发展新模式,同时也面临着向现代旅游产业体系、复合型旅游产品体系、持续增长的市场体系和完善的宏观调控体系转变的挑战。走可持续发展之路是沂水旅游业发展的唯一正确选择。4.基于实证分析的新兴旅游区可持续旅游业发展的策略研究。在对沂水旅游业实证分析的基础上,提出政府有限主导,确立可持续旅游业发展战略;整合资源并进行资源储备;通过市场化运作,形成多元化融资格局;健全现代旅游产业体系;提高社区居民参与旅游发展的能力;建立完善的旅游预警系统等旅游业发展对策。本论文的创新之处主要在于:一是本论文把新兴旅游区界定在经济欠发达地区,将新兴旅游区作为区域发展新模式来研究,跳出旅游看旅游,探讨了以旅游为主导,发挥后发优势,带动区域发展的基本规律,构建出新兴旅游区可持续旅游业发展模式,具有较大的开拓性。二是站在可持续发展高度审视“沂水现象”,采用模式评价方法对沂水旅游业发展模式进行评价,尽管是定性分析,但扩展了模式的意义,从机制、相互作用等过程来评价,可找出发展中的不足,为新兴旅游区制定正确的旅游产业政策、发展方针和发展规划提供决策依据。

【Abstract】 With the rapid development of domestic tourism industry and rapid growth of tourism demand, the tourism industry is regarded as engine of promoting the development of regional economy in many parts of China, which is paid high attention and supported vigorously by government at various levels. In recent years, there is a large number of emerging tourist areas, with representatives such as“Jiaozuo Phenomenon”,“Luanchuan Model”and“Yishui Phenomenon”, etc. These areas have explored a new pathway that driving the regional development by tourism industry and aroused wide concern, which tourism industry develops rapidly from zero to well-known brands presently and has prominent economic, social and ecological benefits. However, many non-sustainable factors exist in the process of tourism development of emerging tourist areas, especially that impact and damage on natural environment and social culture by rapid development of tourism will become increasingly serious, thus sustainable tourism development becomes urgent problems for emerging tourist areas to solve. Based on the sustainable development concept, this paper made research on the development of several emerging tourist areas such as“Yishui Phenomenon”and“Jiaozuo Phenomenon”from a new version of resource and environment protection and development model transformation. Firstly, the author gave a definition to emerging tourist area and its characteristic was also presented; secondly, sustainable tourism development model of emerging tourist areas was constructed with the empirical study of Yishui County in Shandong Province; thirdly, feasible advice and ideas in accordance with principals of sustainable development were proposed. With the characteristics of feasibility, dynamics and forecasting, this paper provided a new idea and development direction for regional development and offered a basis for making correct policies of tourism industry and tourism planning at the same time.The following content are studied principally in this paper: 1. Theoretical study on the sustainable tourism development of emerging tourist areas. The definition of emerging tourist area was identified and characteristics were presented; based on the above-mentioned effort, definition and relevant theory of the sustainable tourism development of emerging tourist areas were presented.2. Research on the sustainable tourism development model of emerging tourist areas. The author analyzed“phenomenon of new tourist areas in China”in three aspects namely background of production, driving factors of development and sustainability of development of tourism industry; gave definition to the sustainable tourism development model of emerging tourist areas and also principals for model building; constructed the model form four aspects, that is, sustainable utilization of tourism resources, product exploitation of sustainable tourism, market exploitation of sustainable tourism and management of sustainable tourism, and further analyzed interaction among the above-mentioned aspects, and at the same time analyzed the specific requirements thoroughly. The author pointed out that if the emerging tourist area arrive these four aspects’requests, its tourism development is sustainable. Otherwise, it’s unsustainable.3. Empirical study on the sustainable tourism development of emerging tourist areas, taking the Yishui County in Shandong Province as an example. On the basis of expatiating on Yishui tourism resources characteristics and tourism development condition, the paper analyzed and evaluated Yishui tourism development mode from four aspects, that is, utilization of resources, product exploitation, market exploitation and management of tourism, and pointed out that the Yishui tourism development model has the success, also faces challenging. It explores a new pattern that promoting the regional development through tourism. Simultaneously it is also facing the challenge, including needing to transform urgently to the modern tourism industry system, the multi-skill tourism product system, the sustained growth market system and the self-contained macroscopically regulation and control system. Taking road of the sustainable development is only correct choice of the Yishui tourism development.4. Strategy research on the sustainable tourism development of emerging tourist areas based on empirical analysis. On the foundation of empirical analysis about tourism industry of Yishui County, the paper proposed some strategies of tourism development such as limited leading by the government, establishing development strategy of the sustainable tourism industry, recombining resources and carrying on the resources’reserve, forming the multiplex financing pattern through the marketability operation, perfecting modern tourism industry system, enhancing the community residents’ability to participate in the tourism development, establishing perfect tourism warning system, and so on.The main innovations in this paper are as follows. Firstly, this paper researched on the emerging tourist areas defined in the economically underdeveloped areas as a new model of regional development to see tourism through jumping out the tourism. It explored the basic laws of driving regional development, which are oriented by tourism and taking subsequent advantage, and built up a sustainable tourism development model of emerging tourist areas with great pioneering attribute. Secondly, this paper reviewed the“Yishui phenomenon”based on the sustainable development concept, and evaluated the development model of Yishui tourism using model evaluation methods. Although this is qualitative analysis, it expands the significance of the model, and finds the deficiency in development from the evaluation of the process such as mechanism, interaction, etc, which also provides the basis for decision-making to formulate proper tourism industry policies, development principles, and development plan for the emerging tourism areas.

  • 【分类号】F592
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】703

