

【作者】 韩冬梅

【导师】 吴义勤;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 中国现当代文学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 1994年病中的阎连科创作了以怪异疾病喉堵症为题材的长篇小说《日光流年》,此后又有《受活》、《丁庄梦》等有关残疾、艾滋病的作品相继问世,在十几年的创作中,疾病和残疾成为其小说的主要创作对象。疾病作为审美对象是作家切入世界、切入存在人的一个独特角度。本文将从三个方面对阎连科小说中的残病叙事做力所能及的阐释。第一章分析残病叙事的叙事图式。阎连科的童年布满痛苦的疾病记忆,家人常年患病使他产生对生命的崇拜,这影响了阎连科的世界观和文学创作。而90年代中期的一场大病,更使阎连科体会到疾病的痛苦和健康的重要。特殊的生命境遇会使人产生异于常人的审美体验。童年记忆和获病经验成为残病叙事的起因。虽然《日光流年》、《受活》、《丁庄梦》的关注对象不同,但在具体的写作中呈现出共同的叙事模式,即以意象的抽象化作为叙事前提,淡化疾病的病理学含义,为小说的讲述提供有效条件;以情节的荒诞化极端化作为叙事策略,完成对历史和现实的改写与重构,使叙事行为能够自由发展;以结局的悲壮和必然作为叙事旨归,为文本染上宿命的色彩,残病叙事的终极意义得以彰显。第二章分析残病叙事的文本形态。在阎连科的作品中,残病叙事既对小说的的主题意义产生重要影响,同时也参与到文本构建中。苦难是阎连科小说的主题,残疾和疾病在文本中既是身体的疼痛、个体的苦难,同时也是集体的受难。疾病将人抛入特殊的轨迹,人性的本质在变异的生命旅程中显露。人类为了生命的延续努力抗争,性作为生命之流在人患病之时也显示出独特的意义。残疾和疾病在生存的向度上拉近了与死亡的距离,因而在某种意义上,残病叙事是对死亡命题的追问。在文本构建中,残病叙事主要体现为对疾病的想象以及情节的衍生。想象主要从病状的真实与治病方法、对待疾病态度的荒诞,生活细节的真实与情节框架的想象和虚构,情感的真实与超越道德束缚的构思和想象三个方面进行论述,正是在这个基础上,小说的情节得以衍生并且合理地发展。第三章分析残病叙事的美学意义。主要从审美价值和文学价值两个方面进行论述。90年代末“身体”一词的泛滥导致人们对真正身体的文学修辞的误读。虽然阎连科的残病叙事对身体的运用是酷烈残忍的,但却是一种独特的审美理念和把握世界的诗学方式。阎连科的叙事话语也有别于传统知识分子话语的文人气,散发出理性与乡土内质紧密糅合的韵味。残病叙事的话语系统既关照了农村的生活本质,又传达出人类生命的悲剧意味,从而达到生活于历史之中,却又游刃于历史之外的效果。人文精神则表现在因为疾病所形成的三种身份——患者、医生、健康者的微妙关系中。与健康者的隔阂对峙,使患者成为孤独的存在,而医生的缺席则使病人们处于无医可寻、无药可救的境地中。在隐喻的作用下,阎连科通过疾病表达出一种苦涩的人文情怀。

【Abstract】 In 1994 Yan Lianke who was ill then created the novel Ri Guang Liu Nian about a weird disease larynx plugging broom-symptom, with Shou Huo, Ding Zhuang Meng coming out consecutively. Among the decade of his creations, disease with disable and sick being a special aspect in the world and human as aesthetic object,become the main object creation. This text will explain narrative about disability and diseases in Yan Lianke’novels from three aspects.Chapter 1 analyzes narrative schema. The childhood of Yan Lianke is spreat much painful disease memory. The sickness of the family year after year makes him set up the worship of life, this influences Yan Lianke’s global view and literature creations. In the mid 90’s, the severe disease make Yan Lianke realizes the pain of diseases and the importance of healthy. Special life-circumstances will make the person produce esthetic experience that differ with ordinary people. The childhood memory and disease experience cause the narrative about disability and diseases. Although the perpetual objects of Ri Guang Liu Nian, Shou Huo, Ding Zhuang Meng is different, the concrete writing patterns is similar. Imaginary abstraction as narrative premise, desalinizes diseases’pathological meanings, provide a valid condition for novelistic telling; as narrative strategy, plots absurdity completes to rewrite and reconstruct the history and the reality, which makes narrative behavior develop freely; as narrative purpose, solemn and inevitable ending makes the word have fatal colors, ultimate meanings can be showed.Chapter 2 analyzes text forms. In the works, narrative about disability and diseases produce importance influence to the topic meaning, also participate the construction of the text. The distress is the topic of Yan Lianke’s novels, diseases in the text are the pain of body and individual distress , also collectivity suffering. The diseases throw people into a special track, human nature of the essence rears in the variant life process. The mankind contends hard for the sake of the continuing of life; as life flowing ,sex also displays special meaning when person falls ill. The disease drews near to die in existing, as a result narrative about disability and diseases is heckling to the death proposition. In the text construction narrative about disability and diseases manifest as the imagination of body and the derivation of the plots. Imagination demonstrates mainly from the true symptoms of disease and fantastic method and attitude ,the true details of the life and the imagination of the details , the true emotion and the imagination of transcendence of moral binding. On this foundation, the details of novels can derive and develop reasonably.Chapter 3 analyzes the esthetics meanings mainly from aesthetic value and literary value. That the word "body" overflows at the end of 1990’s caused people’s misunderstanding of the real body literature rhetoric. Although the usage of Yan Lianke’s narrative about disability and diseases is cruel, it is a special aesthetic concept. Yan Lianke’s narrative discourse is different from traditional intellectuals’discourse that have more scholar spirit, sporadic unique lingering charm that reason and native endoplasm made up. The discourse about disability and diseases perspects the essence of rural life, also convey the tragic meanings of mankind life. This comes to the result that the narrative lives in history, but swims out of the history. The humanistic spirit expresses in relationships of patients, doctors, healthy persons. The confrontation between patients and healthy persons makes patients become cloistral existence, the doctor’s absence makes the patients be placed in the situation that no doctors can rescue them. Under the function of metaphor, Yan Lianke expresses a kind of acerb humanistic feelings through diseases.

  • 【分类号】I207.42
  • 【被引频次】7
  • 【下载频次】671

