

The Influence of Exercise upon Twenty-four Hours Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Its Mechanism

【作者】 邢燕燕

【导师】 赵敬国;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 体育教育训练学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 目的:探讨一次有氧或无氧运动对24小时动态血压的影响以及6周次极量有氧运动对24小时动态血压的影响及其机制,以便能更好地了解运动对血压正常者血压的影响规律,为运动防治血压升高提供实验依据。方法:采用文献法、调查法、数理统计法、实验研究法,比较了安静时两次动态血压参数的变化,观察了一次无氧运动及有氧运动对24小时动态血压的影响,动态观察了6周有氧运动对24小时动态血压的影响规律,比较了6周有氧运动前后安静状态下血清一氧化氮含量的改变,探讨了有氧运动对24小时动态血压的影响机制。动态血压的测量采用德国I·E·M公司生产的MOBIL-O-GRAPH无创便携式动态血压监测仪。无氧运动的实施采用瑞典生产的Monark Ergomedic 894E功率自行车,进行30秒Wingate无氧功测试运动,阻力负荷为0.075kg/kg体重。有氧运动采用瑞典生产的Monark Ergomedic 839E功率自行车为负荷工具,一次有氧运动采用手动方式增加负荷,运动准备活动时间为5分钟,达目标心率140次/分钟后稳定负荷,持续运动时间为25min,运动结束后,受试者进行10分钟的积极性休息。6周有氧运动采用Monark Ergomedic 839E功率自行车中的BRUCE方案作为运动负荷方式,运动准备时间为5分钟,当心率达其最大心率的85%后停止运动,运动结束后,受试者进行10分钟的积极性休息。每周三次。每次运动结束后,记录受试者运动持续时间、最大吸氧量、询问受试者运动后即刻的主观感觉等级。血清一氧化氮的测定采用清晨指端取血,分离血清。采用硝酸还原法,BTS-333半自动生化分析仪比色分析,试剂盒由南京建成生物工程研究所提供。结果:①连续两次安静状态下24小时动态血压各参数值均没有显著性改变(P>0.05),说明受试者安静状态时的动态血压测量值是相对稳定的。②一次有氧运动后较运动前相比,白天、晚上及24小时的收缩压、平均动脉压、舒张压均有显著降低(p<0.05),较运动前均下降了约2mmHg左右。运动后血压下降的持续时间在15-23小时,平均为21.25小时。③一次无氧运动后,受试者白天和24小时的收缩压、平均动脉压、舒张压均有显著的升高(p<0.01)。晚上的收缩压、平均动脉压、舒张压变化不明显。④6周自行车有氧运动过程中受试者的运动能力逐步提高,表现在运动持续时间延长,最大吸氧量增大,主观感觉等级降低。⑤实验组经过6周有氧运动后较运动前相比白天及24小时收缩压、平均动脉压显著降低;白天收缩压变异性及变异系数明显降低;而晚上平均动脉血压及舒张压的变异性明显降低。⑥经过6周有氧运动训练后,实验组的血清NO含量与训练前相比,有显著性降低(p<0.05)。⑦实验组白天的收缩压、平均动脉压、舒张压及24小时收缩压、平均动脉压与运动周次呈显著性负相关(p<0.05)。结论:①一次有氧运动(强度为心率140b/min,运动时间为25分钟)后受试者白天、晚上及24小时的收缩压、平均动脉压、舒张压均有显著降低,较运动前均下降了2mmHg左右,且运动后血压下降的持续时间在15-23小时,平均为21.25小时。②一次无氧运动(30秒Wingate无氧功测试)后,受试者白天和24小时的收缩压、平均动脉压、舒张压均有显著的升高。③6周有氧运动训练可导致受试者白天及24小时收缩压、平均动脉压显著降低;白天收缩压变异性及变异系数明显降低;而晚上平均动脉血压及舒张压的变异性明显降低。提示6周有氧运动可导致血压正常者24小时动态血压明显降低。④有氧运动降低血压的可能机制是运动锻炼提高了机体组织对NO的敏感性。

【Abstract】 Objective:To study the influence of one aerobic exercise,anaerobic exercise and six weeks submaximal exercise upon twenty-four hours ambulatory blood pressure and its mechanism,so as to understand the effects of exercise on normotensive,s regularity and provid the base of experiment on exercise preventing blood pressure.Methods:Using the methods of documentary,investigation,statistics, empirical study,this study compared twice 24-hour Blood Pressure in quiet. At the same time, measured the 24-hour Blood Pressure after one aerobic and anaerobic exercise.This study observed the effects cf six weeks aerobic exercise on 24-hour Blood Pressure,compared before and after six weeks aerobic exercise blood serum nitric oxide and investigated the mechanism of exercise on 24-hour Blood Pressure.The Mobil-O-Graph Ambulatory 24-hour Blood Pressure Monitoring system(ABPM) where manufactured in the company of IEM in German was used to measure the blood pressure. Anaerobic exercise used Monark which Sweden produces the 894E power bicycle carrying out thirty seconds Wingate experiment,and the loading is 0.075kg/kg boody weight. Aerobic exercise used Monark which Sweden produces the 839E power bicycle. One aerobic exercise used manual mode increasing loads.The prepared time of aerobic exercise is five minites.After achiving the aim of heart rate 140 seconds/minite, continued 25 minites exercise.After exercise, subjects had 10 minutes resting.Six-week aerobic exercise used Monark which Sweden produces the 839E power bicycle. The mode of BRUCE was used aerobic exercise. The prepared time of aerobic exercise is five minites. After achiving the maximum heart rate,s85%,stoped exercise. After exercise, subjects had 10 minutes resting.The frequency of exercise was three times per week. After every time recorded the exercise time,maximum quantity of respiratory oxygen,asking the subjects,s subjective feeling rank. Blood serum nitric oxide was determined through using in front of the finger at early morning.Using nitrc acid restoring method,this study used BTS-333 biosystems reagents instruments.The Chemistry was supposed by Nanjingjianchengshengwugongchengyanjiusuo. Results:①Compared to continuous twice 24-hour blood pressure at quiet,this study discovered no marked changes(P>0.05).It is said that subjects,24-hour blood pressure at quiet is stable.②Compared to before and after exercise,this study discovered day、night and 24-hour systolic blood pressure、diastolic blood pressure and mean arterial pressure having significantly drop(p<0.05).Compared to before exercise, this study discovered the tryings, having about 2mmHg after one times aerobic exercise.After exercise 24-hour blood pressure dropped between fifteen hours and twenty three hours,and the average was 21.25 hours.③After one anaerobic exercise,day and 24h systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure can high significantly(p<0.05).But the blood pressure at night has no significantly changes.④After six weeks submaximal exercise,subjects,exercise ability having steadily improved.That is the time of exercise prolonged, maximum quantity of respiratory oxygen improved,the subjects, subjective feeling rank lowed.⑤Compared to before exercise,the experimental group day and 24h systolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure and day systolic blood pressure variation coefficient dropped significantly. But the blood pressure and the blood pressure variability at night has no significantly changes.⑥Compared to before exercise,after six weeks submaximal exercise the trying group,s serum nitric oxide dropped significantly(p<0.05).⑦The trying group had the tendency of inverse correlation between day,night and 24h blood pressure and the times of exercise(p<0.05).Conclusion:①After one aerobic exercise, this study discovered day、night and 24-hour blood pressure having significantly drop.Compared to before exercise, this study discovered the tryings, having about 2mmHg after one times aerobic exercise.After exercise 24-hour blood pressure dropped between fifteen hours and twenty three hours,and the average was 21.25 hours.②After one anaerobic exercise,day and 24h systolic blood pressure, and diastolic blood pressure can high significantly.③Compared to before exercise,the experimental group day and 24h systolic blood pressure, mean arterial pressure and day systolic blood pressure variance and variation coefficient.dropped significantly. But the blood pressure and the blood pressure variability at night has no significantly changes.That is six weeks submaximal exercise can dropped significantly to normotensive,s blood pressure.④The possible mechanism of aerobic exercise dropping blood pressure is the body improved the sensitive of serum nitric oxide.

  • 【分类号】R544.1
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