

【作者】 李文华

【导师】 曹明海;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 阅读教学在语文教学中处于基础和核心地位。在一定程度上,是决定语文教学质量的关键环节,处在语文四大能力之首,历来被尊为语文教育之根本。然而,现实中的语文阅读教学并不是很尽人意,而是存在着诸多问题和不良倾向,尤其是其“少、慢、差、费”等状况被评论界指责为“误尽苍生”,已经制约并正在制约着语文教学的发展。因此,要想从源头上、根本上改进语文教学,首先就要走出阅读教学的困境,对其进行重新审视和深入探究。《普通高中语文课程标准》对语文的性质、特点、目标等问题,作出了全新的阐释和规定,提出一系列透射着科学理念和创新精神的课程与教学观,贯穿着以人为本、发展为魂的主题思想,为阅读教学乃至整个语文教育的改革与发展提出了要求、指明了方向。在实施新课标的情势下,用生态学视角研究语文阅读教学,是一种新的探索、尝试和发展。目前,还很少有人在这方面进行思考和研究。因而言之,该课题也是教学论研究的又一宽广领域。语文阅读教学生态化,就是立足语文的本质和特点,针对当前不尽人意之处,借助哲学、心理学和课程论等研究成果,从生态学、系统论、生活观、生长说等观点出发,把阅读教学看作是一个动态生成、多元开放、互相联系、持续发展的生态系统,从生态的视角加以审视,探究基本要素、内在规律、相关联系,并调整优化其多维、立体、互因的关系,构建一个更切实际、更加科学的进步模式,使生命主体与文本世界、客观存在与教学实践、内在机制与外在因素、课程目标与主观需求之间产生良性作用,从而达到一种协调有序、互动互应、和谐进步的发展状态,最终实现全面、协调、可持续发展,让语文阅读教学真正充满生命的活力、时代的强音,不断展现迷人的魅力!论文的框架结构和内容布局:共分五大部分。第一部分:语文新课程阅读教学生态化的背景及渊源。该课题以当代生态观的确立和新课程标准的实施为攻关背景,以人本、科学、和谐等时代观念为主导,联系全面、统筹、协调、可持续的发展要求,从中获取精神营养和启示。同时,对照新标准,放眼新趋势,研究新问题。通过剖析以往阅读教学中的高耗低效、循规蹈矩、主观片面等境状,找出弊端、缺憾和危害,引发深思,呼唤转变,提出观点,即:语文阅读教学亟待寻求一种顺应时代、切合规律、科学合理的方法,力达比较理想的态势和境界。生态化作为正在兴起、蓬勃发展、广为所用的新理念,富含科学性,极具生命力,具有鲜明的时代特征和现实的指导意义,运用到语文阅读教学中,既符合学科实际和新课标要求,又顺应生态文明潮流,将为语文阅读教学赋予新内涵、注入新灵魂、增添新活力。第二部分:语文新课程阅读教学生态化的内涵及特征。该部分对阅读教学生态化的基本内涵加以阐释,并分析其主要特征:生态化是生态学化的简称;阅读教学的生态化,就是通过对人本、文本、物本等各要素及其多维、立体、互因的关系,并围绕人的发展这个核心,用生态学观点加以分析、调控和链接,力达最优化状态,以求人的成长与发展、资源开发与利用、教学策略与方法等方面的科学联系,最大限度地实现师生相长、教学相益、知能相生、催发相进等目标,这也是语文阅读教学活动的时代所趋、内涵所向。它强调内部与外部、主体与客体之间的亲和性、联系性、发展性,追求生命成长、精神提升、人格发展的和谐统一,教学、认知、发展的有机结合。第三部分:语文新课程阅读教学生态化的意义追寻。生态化的阅读教学,遵循人的发展规律和事物有机联系,贯穿着素质教育和创新教学的主题,能让学生感受到体验的愉悦、生命的美好、情感的丰厚、成长的乐趣等。它以生态观、生成法、生活化为基点,力求自然和谐、动态平衡的生长关系,在科学建构中落实“为立人而阅读,以阅读来立人”的课标主旨,体现了重在发展的思想:遵循人本观、人性化,贯穿着以人为本、科学发展的教学法,体现了存在论在语文阅读教学中的指导意义;注重发展性、创造力,贯彻了统筹协调、健康和谐的生长论,体现了人文化在语文素质教育中的现实意义;尊重规律性、生态链,落实了知能并进、动态生成的标准观,实现着最优化准则在资源配置中的实践意义;注重长效性、和谐度,呈现着近远兼顾、标本结合的成效性,体现了创造性在阅读教学中的进步意义。第四部分:语文新课程阅读教学生态化的建构原则。从阅读教学的特点及生态化所包容要素的结合上分析梳理、综合考虑,针对关键性环节和重点性因素,指明注意事项、基本要求和应把握的问题,提出建构实施中应着重遵循的原则:1.讲求民主与平等交往的原则;2.尊重生命与个性发展的原则;3.互动对话与合作交流的原则。第五部分:语文新课程阅读教学生态化的建构实施。本着探有所示、研有所用、切入实际的原则,紧密结合教学案例,有针对性地进行客观论证,有重点地阐述语文阅读教学生态化的建构思路、实现途径和实践模式,给出思想方法、设计框架和具体做法,是论题研究的落脚点。同时,跟前面的四个部分一脉相承、紧密一体,形成了一个科学、系统、完善的整体,为语文阅读教学生态化的组织实施、具体运用和实际操作,提供参考和借鉴。

【Abstract】 The teaching of reading is the foundation and core in Chinese teaching.To some extent,it can be said that the teaching of reading is the decisive key to the quality of Chinese teaching and it has always been in the first place of the four abilities in Chinese learning.But the reality of the teaching of reading is not wishful.There are many problems in it such as“little,slow,inadequate and waste”which were accused of”misuse of all students”The teaching of reading has seriously restricted the development of Chingese teaching.In order to foundamentally solve the difficulties faced by the teaching of reading, we must re-examine it. High school Chinese curriculum standards has given a new interpretation and regulation on the nature of the subject“Chinese”.These new interpretation and regulations reflected the spirits of science and humanities.It pointed out the direction of the reform and development of Chinese teaching .In the context of the implementation of the new curriculum,it is a new attempt to examine the teaching of reading from the ecological point of view.At present very few academics have made any studies and reflection in this field.Therefore,the subject showed us a broad area to research.With the help of philosophy,psychology and the study of courses,the ecological construction of the reading courses based on the nature of lauguage teaching just aims to correct the current unsatisfactory situation of the teaching of reading and sees the teaching of reading as a dynamic and open ecosystems from the point of view of ecology and system theory.The ecological construction of the new teaching of reading re-examines the teaching of reading from ecological perspective and seriously explores the relevant factors and through the adjustment and optimization of the multi-dimensional , three-dimensional relationships,makes the individuals,the text world and the enviroument interact among themselves and then achieve a stable,harmonious balanced and orderly development.In this way teachers and students can get on with each other and then the overall,harmonious and sustainable development of individuals can be realized,and the teaching of reading can be really active and charming.This paper is divided into five parts:Part one:The background of the ecological construction of the teaching of reading in new curriculum.The establishment of the view of ecology and the advocation of new ideas in the teaching of reading in new curriculum were important inspiration for the ecological teaching of reading.At the same time,high consumption inefficience of the reality of teaching of reading also asked for a more ideal development trend.The idea of ecology as a burgeoning and continuously developing idea applied in the teaching of reading,should be able to meet the requirements.Part two:The connotation and characteristics of the ecological teaching of reading in new curriculums.This part elaborates the basic content of the ecological teaching of reading ,and focus on its three main ecological characteristics.Ecological teaching of reading is to re-examine the relevant factors in it from the ecological point of view and to optimize and controle these complex relationships so as to reach stable ,harmonious,balanced,and orderly state of development and also to achieve the harmonious unity of individuals,text world,environment and the reading practice and at last it can promote the sustainable development of students and the professional growth of teaching to the maximized extent,which is the trend of the times,and the requirements of the conotation.It emphasizes the harmony, dynamism and the constructive balance between internal and external teaching factors and pursues the life growth,the joy of the promotion of spirit and the harmony and integration of personality development.This realm high lighted three main feature:multiple openess,dynamic generation and continuous development.Part three:the significance of ecological teaching of reading.Students can really enjoy the joy in reading experience,the charm of exploration,the fun of life and the passion of communication,it focus on the returning of the consciousness of life and demands the natural harmony and the dynamic balance between teachers and students,it also asks for the respect for the individuals and equality of dialogues , the advocation of innovation ,and the interaction in construction.The new curriculum standards“Reading to cultivate students,cultivation through reading”can be embodied in the above requirements.Part four:construetion principles of ecolgical teaching of reading in the new curriculum.In order to successfully carry out the ecological teaching of reading,teaching activities should be guided by the following principles:1.stress the principle of democracy.2.the principle of respect for life.3.the principle of interactive dialogues.Part five : the constructive methods of ecological teaching of reading.This part based on the teaching cases,focus on the constructive ways and means of ecological teaching of reading and present reference for the organization and implementation of ecological teaching of reading.

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】640

