

【作者】 陈广宏

【导师】 毕华林;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 课程与教学论, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 随着社会经济的日益发展繁荣,人们的物质生活水平越来越高,生活越来越舒适。但是精神层面的问题却越来越强,很多人甚至迷失了人生的方向。青少年中不珍惜生命的行为,如自杀、杀人、吸毒、性滥、酗酒等的发生率在全球范围内持续上升。这样一个严峻的现实向社会发出呼唤:在学校中实施生命教育,刻不容缓!生命教育目标就是教学生主动去认识自我,进而尊重自我、热爱自我,培养学生的社会适应能力,提升与他人和谐相处的能力,使学生充分认识生存环境,了解人与环境生命共同体的关系,协助学生探索生命的意义,提升对生命的尊重与关怀,从而实现生命的和谐发展。人文性和科学性是化学学科的基本属性,它决定了化学课程与生命教育具有天然的联系。提高自身的生命教育素质、在化学学科中实施生命教育,是化学教师义不容辞的责任。本文从结构上分为五个部分:导论部分,说明本研究的缘起、研究内容及意义,阐述对青少年进行生命教育的必要性和在化学学科中实施生命教育的可行性。第一章,从理论上介绍生命的生物学解释、哲学解释以及生命教育的内涵、生命教育的目标,并详细阐述了生命教育的现代教育理论基础。第二章,概括介绍港澳台地区生命教育的现状,并详细描述了台湾地区生命教育的沿革以及大陆地区进行生命教育的现状。分析了学生、教师面上存在的问题,以及生命教育手段落后、措施不得力的的问题。第三章,分析拟定了在初中化学实施生命教育的目标:通过学习化学,提高学生与他人、与自然和谐相处的能力;通过学习化学,提高学生的自我教育和发展能力;通过学习化学,培养学生的人文精神。第四章,在前面论述的基础上,本人结合自己的教学实践对生命教育在初中化学教学中的实施给出了策略性建议。首先,作为教育的主要实施者,加强化学教师对生命教育的认识,提高其生命教育素质——做个孜孜不倦的学习者,提高自己的生命教育质量;热爱孩子,促进学生生命个体的成长;领会新课改的精神,赋予教育以生命活力。其次,创设宽松适宜的教学环境,让学生做化学学习的主人。第三,改变固有的评价方式,全面考察学生的化学素养,促进个体生命的全面发展。第四,充分利用化学课程内容,进行生命教育理念的渗透,将生命教育渗透在化学课程的每一部分。第五,通过化学课外活动,让学生在活动中体验生命的美好和可贵。整篇论文查阅了大量的文献,在此基础上结合笔者的观察、调研和亲身实践撰写而成,希望能对化学课堂的“绿色化”贡献一点微薄之力!

【Abstract】 As the development and prosperity of our social economics, on the one hand, people’s material living standard is becoming higher and higher and our lives are getting more and more comfortable. On the other hand, people are having more and more problems on spirit layer nowadays. Some people even get lost in their daily lives. Some teenagers don’t value their lives throughout the world, such as committing suicide, killing others, taking drugs and so on. The severe reality requires our society to pay more attention to life education in school and this is of great urgency.The aim of life education is to teach our students how to know themselves well, love themselves and develop their social abilities. That can also make them understand how to get along with others. In this way, our students will get a clear understanding of their living environment, the relationships among people and the real meaning of their own lives. The humanism and scientific research are the basic characteristics of chemistry which make this subject have something to do with life education. As a chemistry teacher, I think it’s my duty to carry out life education during my teaching.There are altogether five parts in my thesis:Introduction: In this part, I explain the genesis contents and meaning of my research. I analyze how necessary and possible for us to put life education into effect in our chemistry teaching.Chapter One: In this part, I introduce the biology explanation, the philosophy explanation and the connotation and aim of life education. I also expound the basis theory of modern life education.Chapter Two: In this part, I generally introduce the current situation of life education in the areas of Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan province. I give a minute description of the evolution of life education in Taiwan province and the present situation on mainland as well. I also analyze the problems of students and teachers and the backward of our teaching methodsChapter Three: In this part, I analyze the aim of life education in junior high school chemistry teaching that is to increase students’abilities of self-education and development, let them know how to get on well with others and nature and train students’humanistic spirit by learning chemistry.Chapter Four: In this part, based on the above discussion, I give some tactful suggestions on life education in junior chemistry teaching. First of all, as main practitioners of education, we should increase our knowledge of life education and try to be good learners of it. We are supposed to love our students and try to promote their individual development. At the same time, we need to understand the core of our new curriculum reform as well as possible and make our education livelier than ever before. Secondly, we should try to give our students a happy and suitable environment so that they can become the masters of chemistry studying. Next, we should change the intrinsic ways of our valuation and check students’accomplishment variously. Try to increase individual life development in an all-round way. Then, we should make a good use of our chemistry teaching contents and permeate the purpose of life education in every part of chemistry teaching. Finally, let our students learn how beautiful and valuable of our lives are through their after-class activity practice experience.To write this thesis, I have consulted a lot of documents and combined my own observation, investigation and practice. I hope this thesis will help to do something useful for our green chemistry teaching.

  • 【分类号】G633.8
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】380

