

【作者】 王天泉

【导师】 王景科;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 中职学校的语文教学已经走入了困局,形同鸡肋:所培养的学生人文素质和语文能力低下,难以满足市场对人才的需要;语文教学被边缘化,教学双方的厌倦情绪强烈。而产生这一困局的根本原因就是,在长期复制和照搬普通高中语文教学的过程中,中职语文教学始终没有找到符合职业教育类型规律和特点的教学模式。具体表现为:教学目标缺少职业化导向,没有将语文教学活动与职业道德、职业文化和职业能力的培养相结合;缺乏具有鲜明职教特点的中职语文教材体系,针对专业特点进行的校本教材开发严重不足;教学评价标准单一,缺少建立在职业学校专业差异、学生个体差异基础上的多元化评价体系;教学方法陈旧,教学组织乏力,无法有效的激发学生学习兴趣,促进学生从知识客体向学习主体的转化。打通上述肯綮的关键就在于能否跳出语文教学的传统思维和模式,以职业化为导向,以职业文化、职业意识、职业能力的培养为目标,构建新型的语文职业教育教学体系。职业教育的职业化就是要求职业教育的教学工作体现劳动者未来所从事的职业的需求,赋予职业持有者从事某种职业所必需的知识和经验、技能和能力、态度和行为。作为职业教育的一个重要组成部分,中职学校语文教学也必须体现职业化要求,即将语文教学活动与职业道德、职业文化和职业能力的培养相结合。唯此,中职学校的语文教学才可能培养出具有“全面素质、综合职业能力和适应职业变化能力”的现代劳动者,才能走出当前的困局,形成属于自己的鲜明特色,走上一条符合职业教育规律的康庄大道。针对目前职业教育面临的问题,本文试图从四个方面进行中职语文教学职业化改革的探索:教学目标的更新、教学内容的丰富、教学手法的改变和教学评价标准的转化。在对这四个方面的陈述中都结合教学改革实践,提出了一些具体的做法和构想。中职语文教学的职业化,不是仅仅满足具体的、单一的职业要求,而是要着眼于学生的长远发展和适应未来职业变化的需要,培养学生包括职业道德、职业意识和职业文化在内的综合职业能力。语文教学在着力培养学生与职业有关的各种语文应用能力的同时,必须坚持对学生人文素质和综合能力的培养。因此,中职语文教学在强化工具职能的同时,必须坚持和发挥学科的人文职能——语文的本质属性。唯其如此,中职语文教学的职业化才是完整的、科学的!

【Abstract】 Chinese teaching in secondary vocational school has faced great trouble so far. The students are still quite weak at their mother tongue and cannot meet the needs of the market. Chinese teaching is not regarded as of great importance and even disliked by both teachers and students. The major cause of the problem is that during the past years, vocational Chinese teaching mainly duplicate the teaching style of the high schools, rather than find an effective mode suitable for the vocational school students, which results in the following phenomenon: subject teaching is not vocation-oriented. Chinese teaching, vocation culture and the realistic abilities are not combined properly together. There are not suitable teaching materials for the vocational school students and the schools did not do enough research on their own ones. The teaching assessment system is old and dull and does not really work when it comes to different schools and majors. The teaching method is also too obsolete to stimulate the interests of the students which means that they can not grasp the main idea of the knowledge and use them freely. The way to solve the issue is to get rid of the traditional way and method of Chinese teaching and establish a brand-new teaching system with the word“vacation”as its main characteristic.The goal of the vocational teaching is to provide enough knowledge, skills, abilities, attitude and behaviors to the students so that they can fit into their careers in the future. As a major part of vocational education, the Chinese teaching must also be“vocational”which means that it should be combined together with the vocational culture, ethnic and skills. Only in this way, all around and capable talents can be brought up and the new teaching method with its own characteristics can be established. In this article, the author focus on four aspects in terms of the reform of the vocational Chinese teaching, namely, new teaching aims, new teaching resources, new teaching methods and new assessment system. In all of those aspects, practice on the teaching reform are closely related with concrete ideas given.The reform on Chinese teaching in vocational school does not only aims to meet the concrete goal of the vocational needs but also to the vocational ethnics, ideology and culture improvement of the students so that they can meet the competition and adapt to the changing environment in the long run. Chinese teaching can help the students use its mother tongue, as well as improve their cultural and linguistic qualities in the mean time. In this way, langue should not be only regarded as a tool. We should take it as a great culture resource. And only in this way, the vocational reform on Chinese teaching is integrated and scientific!

  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】216

