

New Curriculum Poetic Sentiment Language Teaching Exploration

【作者】 刘青艳

【导师】 曹明海;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 作为传承中华五千年文化的学科,语文教学应该具有诗意情怀,应该给学生开辟一片自由的天地,让他们的心灵留存一片诗意的绿洲。语文课的意义绝不仅仅在于教给学生某种知识和技能,更重要的是,它通过一篇篇凝聚作家灵感、激情和思想的文字,潜移默化地影响学生的情感、情趣和情操,影响学生对世界的感受、思考及表达方式,并最终积淀成学生的价值观和人生观。《普通高中语文课程标准》指出:语文教育是审美的,诗意的,充满情趣的。新课标启示我们有必要重新认定诗意才是语文教学的发展,语文教育的过程应该是诗一般的审美创造过程,是用教师的诗心去感染学生的情绪、陶冶学生的情操的过程。世纪之交的语文教改呼唤诗意的回归,人文性的语文呼唤诗意,众多语文教师也正在积极探索语文的诗意。诗意语文的提出是语文教育、语文课程发展的必然走向,是新课程改革的一个突破口。很多语文教师都把诠释诗意语文,构建诗意课堂当作自己追求的目标,课堂教学的每个环节都在重新审视和定位,教学一线的语文教师要准确把握语文教学的诗性和语文课堂的诗意却并非易如反掌,故决定选取这一命题进行研究。本文的研究对象是新课程诗意语文教学,通过文献分析、实验研究和理论分析等方法针对诗意语文教学的现状进行分析、概括和创新,试图深入研究诗意语文对语文教学的价值意义以及如何在实践中更好地运用,全文共分五个部分。第一部分主要阐述了诗意语文的内涵及对新课程的价值意义,从对诗意和诗意语文的理解和倡导诗意语文教学的价值意义两个方面展开。关于诗意语文的基本内涵,追溯根源,尝试着界定这一关键词。本篇中认为“诗意语文”是指在新课改的思想指导下,注重课堂教学的生成性,相机诱导,因材施教,灵活地、创造性、富有激情地上好每一节语文课。第二部分主要分析了诗意语文教学的特征及实现师生诗意栖居的原则。第三部分讨论了诗意语文教学的教师建构。第四部分举例详细阐述了诗意语文教学的基本思路与教学实践策略,分别列举了感悟教学策略、唤醒教学策略和自由对话策略。第五部分讨论的是诗意语文教学应注意的问题。目前,诗意语文的探索者对诗意语文这个理念虽然有了一些论述,但仍没有一个明确的界定,对诗意语文教学的实施策略等问题仍处在探索、研究和论证之中,需要我们在教学实践中继续努力去研究加以完善。

【Abstract】 Chinese teaching, as a Chinese traditional subject, should be provided with poetry and cut a free land for students to keep a poetry oasis in their minds. The significant for Chinese teaching is not only teaching knowledge and skills but, more important, is to deposit a sense of worth and philosophy through exerting a subtle influence on students sensibility, interest and sentiment by the words with writers’inspirations passions and thoughts. Ordinary high school Chinese New Curriculum Standard has pointed out that Chinese teaching is aesthetic, poetic and full of interest. New Curriculum inspires us that poetry is the aim to Chinese teaching development; process for Chinese teaching should be the process for creating taste, communicating and edifying student’s sentiments. Chinese innovation calls for the return of poetry which is explored by many Chinese teachers in the beginning of the century. It is the necessary drift and sally port for Chinese curriculum development to put forward the poetry Chinese. Many Chinese teachers make poetry Chinese explanation and Poetry class construction as their pursuits. And as every teaching tache is resurveyed, it is difficult for Chinese teachers to master the poetry classes in Chinese teaching. That is why I choose this topic to search. The thesis is researching poetry Chinese in new curriculum which consists of five parts, including it significant and usage in practice. Through the methods of dissertation analysis, experiments and theory analysis, we analyze, summarize and create the poetry Chinese teaching situation and try to deeply research the significant of poetry Chinese and how to use it practically. The first part states the connotation and significant of the poetry Chinese which will start from the understand of poetry and poetry Chinese, and its significant in Chinese teaching. As for the connotation of poetry Chinese, I will try to define this key word. In my opinion, it is, under the new curriculum innovation, having every Chinese lesson with creation and passion. The second part analyses the characters of poetry Chinese teaching and realizes the policy for poetry in teachers and students. The third part discusses the teacher’s construction in poetry Chinese teaching. The fourth part states the basic thoughts and instructional strategies with some examples, such as gnosis, waken-up and freely-talking instructional strategies. The fifth part discusses some questions which we should pay attention in poetry Chinese.Nowadays,the explorers have some statements of poetry Chinese, but have no exactly definition,and poetry Chinese instructional strategies are still under exploration and demonstration which need our endeavor to make it perfect.

【关键词】 新课程诗意语文教学策略
【Key words】 New curriculumpoetry Chineseinstructional strategies
  • 【分类号】G633.3
  • 【被引频次】12
  • 【下载频次】680

