

The Relationship between Vocational College Students’ Social Networks and Risk Behaviors

【作者】 张丽丽

【导师】 张文新;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 发展与教育心理学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 危险行为(risk behavior)是指个体所从事的会对其身心健康发展产生直接或潜在危害,并对他人、社会有直接或间接危害的行为。青少年危险行为是最近几十年来流行病学、社会心理学和发展心理学研究领域里的研究热点之一。来自国内外的调查研究表明,青少年危险行为在世界范围内普遍存在。自上世纪70年代开始,国外(尤其是美国和欧洲的英国、荷兰等国)开始对青少年危险行为进行研究,至今已有了长足的发展,已获得了有关青少年危险行为的发生特点、影响因素及干预措施的较为丰硕的研究成果。目前国内的心理学及医学工作者虽然也开展了一些有关青少年危险行为的研究,但总体来说起步较晚而且研究缺乏全面性与系统性,这就不利于我们了解当前我国青少年危险行为发生、发展的特点与机制,并在此基础上提出有针对性的预防和干预措施。本研究拟通过对高职生危险行为情况的调查,得到当前我国高职生危险行为的现状,分析社会关系网络与不同危险行为的关系,并在此基础上找到对高职生的危险行为进行预防和教育的切入点。本研究探讨的主要问题包括当前我国高职生危险行为的现状、高职生各种危险行为之间的关系、高职生社会关系网络与危险行为之间的关系。本研究采用修订后的青少年危险行为调查问卷、关系网络问卷、同伴的过失行为问卷,对随机分层抽样的山东省1094名高职院校大一、大二学生的意外伤害、暴力伤害、离家出走与自杀、吸烟、饮酒及其他药物使用、不安全的性行为、不适当的减肥、不健康的饮食行为、缺乏体育活动和网络成瘾等危险行为现状及其与社会关系网络的关系进行研究。结果如下:1.高职生危险行为的普遍性高职生部分危险行为的发生率普遍较高。其中乱穿马路、骑车闯红灯或逆行、乘车不系安全带、曾经吸烟和饮酒、近期饮酒、曾经喝醉、不合理饮食和缺乏体育锻炼等危险行为的发生率最高,其次表现为财产损失、曾经想离家出走、近期吸烟、严重吸烟、锻炼减肥和节食减肥、网络成瘾等。2.高职生危险行为的城乡差异、性别差异及父母文化程度差异按照家庭所在地进行的城乡划分显示,来自农村、郊区和城市的高职生在某些危险行为上存在显著的差异。高职生危险行为的性别差异除了在减肥行为和缺乏体育锻炼上,女生极显著高于男生之外,在意外伤害、暴力伤害、吸烟、饮酒与其他药物使用、性行为、不合理饮食、网络成瘾等危险行为上,男生均极显著高于女生。父母文化程度不同的高职生,在某些危险行为上存在显著差异,但这种差异不具有普遍性。3.高职生各危险行为的相关性高职生各种危险行为之间相关性非常高,这充分说明危险行为的聚集性特点,即某一种危险行为的出现会增加高职生从事其他危险行为的可能性。4.高职生的社会关系网络与危险行为的关系高职生的社会关系网络与危险行为有密切关系。其中父母的陪伴、工具性帮助、情感支持、亲密性与大多数的危险行为如意外伤害、暴力伤害、离家出走与自杀、吸烟、饮酒、性行为、不合理饮食、网络成瘾呈显著负相关;而与父母的争吵和冲突与绝大多数的危险行为如意外伤害、暴力伤害、离家出走与自杀、吸烟、饮酒、性行为、减肥、不合理饮食、网络成瘾呈显著正相关。同伴群体特征与意外伤害、暴力伤害、离家出走与自杀、吸烟、饮酒、性行为、不合理饮食、网络成瘾呈显著正相关,只与减肥行为呈显著负相关。研究表明,高职生与父母的关系不同、同伴群体特征不同,对危险行为的预测力不同。同伴群体特征除了对缺乏体育锻炼行为预测力稍差之外,对意外伤害、暴力伤害、吸烟、饮酒与药物使用、离家出走与自杀、性行为、减肥、不合理饮食、网络成瘾行为都具有很高的预测力;个体感知的父母的支持,如父母的陪伴、工具性帮助、情感支持、亲密性对某些危险行为起负向预测作用,而与父母的争吵和冲突对某些危险行为起正向预测作用。

【Abstract】 Risk behaviors refer to the actions that are committed by an individual and that can be of direct or potential harm to the development of his own mental and physical health and to others and the society.In the recent several decades, juvenile risk behaviors have become the hotspot in the fields like epidemiology,social psychology and developmental psychology.It is indicated in domestic and abroad investigations and researches that juvenile risk behaviors are spreading widely throughout the whole world.In the western countries,(especially in America and the UK and Holland, etc.) studies on juvenile risk behaviors were commenced and great progresses have been made since 1970’s,and nowadays some topics on the arising characteristics of juvenile risk behaviors, their influencing factors as well as their countermeasures have achieved plentiful research findings.While compared with those in western countries,researches done by some psychologists and medical staffs of China lag behind and lack of systematic features and all-sidedness,which is not beneficial to understanding the features and mechanism of the arising and development of Chinese juvenile risk behaviors , and putting forward the penetratingly defending and intervening countermeasures to them.This paper,based on the investigations of the risk behaviors of vocational college students,analyses the current situation of Chinese juvenile risk behaviors,the relationship between juvenile risk behaviors and relation nets and the approaches of realizing and preventing risk behaviors.The main topics in this paper include the current situation of risk behaviors,the relationship between various risk behaviors,and the relationship between social networks and risk behaviors of vocational college students.By using the revised Juvenile Risk Behavior Questionnaire,Social Network Questionnaire,Accompaniers’Evaluations on Individual Misconducts Questionnaire,this paper makes a stochastic and layered sampling research of the current situation of these risk behaviors such as unintentional injuries,violent injuries,suicide and running away from home,smoking,drinking and other drug use,unsafe sexual behaviors,inappropriate weight-losing,unhealthy diet,lack of physical activity and internet addiction as well as the relationship between these behaviors and social networks and personality particularity.Hence it comes to a conclusion as follows:1. the universalism of risk behaviors of vocational college students Some risk behaviors are of rather high occurrence among vocational college students, which can be classified into two kinds:behaviors like violation of traffic rules (crossing the street anywhere instead of through the zebra crossing,jumping the red light and retrograding when riding a bicycle,driving without fastening safety belt,etc.),drinking and smoking even getting drunk in the past and in recent days, inappropriate diet and lacking of physical activities are of higher occurrence than those like property losses,planning to run away from home,recent smoking, heavy smoking,weight-losing by exercises and keeping on a diet,net addictions etc.Some of these risk behaviors arise on vocational college students more than high school students while some others,arise vice versa,which are much less when compared with the occurrence in the foreign countries.2. the differences between cities and countries, genders and the parental civilization in terms of risk behaviors of vocational college studentsIt is indicated according to the classification of their home address that some risk behaviors are of different occurrences between students from cities and those from countries.Girls’risks behaviors occur more obviously than boys in weight-losing and lack of physical activities while boys commit more in unintentional injury,violent injuries,smoking,drinking and other drug using,sexual behavior,unhealthy diet and net addiction,etc.than girls.What’s more,there exist some differences between the students when their parents are of different educational background.These differences are not as universal as the first two kinds mentioned above.3. the pertinence of various risk behaviors among vocational college studentsVarious risk behaviors among vocational college students are of high pertinence,which shows that they are also of assembling characteristic,i.e.once a student commits one kind of risk behavior,it will be of greater chances that he will do another one in his later life.4. the relationship between vocational college students’social networks and risk behaviorsVocational college students’social networks and risk behavious are linked closely. The accompany of parents,intermediary assistance,affection support and intimacy are of negative correlation with unintentional injuries,violent injuries,running away and suicide,smoking, drinking,sexual behaviors,weight-losing,unhealthy diet and net addiction.The disputes and conflicts with parents are of strikingly positive correlation with most risk behaviors like unintentional injuries,violent injuries, running away and suicide,smoking, drinking,sexual behaviors,weight-losing,unhealthy diet and net addition.The features of group accompaniers are of strikingly positive correlation with unintentional injuries,violent injuries,running away and suicide,smoking, drinking,sexual behaviors,weight-losing,lacking of exercises,unhealthy diet and net addition except for losing weight.The researches show that the relevance of risk behaviors will differ if vocational college students are of different relationships with their own parents, the features of group accompaniers, and the prediction of risk behaviors among vocational college students. The features of accompaniers are of high pretesting capability of unintentional injuries,violent injuries,smoking,drinking and drug-abusing,running away and suicide,sexual behaviors,weight-lising,unhealthy diet and net addition but for lacking of physical activities. Individual awareness of parents’support, such as parents’accompany, intermediary assistance, affection support and intimacy are of negative correlation with some risk behaviors, while diputes and confliction with parents are of positive correlation with some risk behavious.

  • 【分类号】B844.2
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】466

