

【作者】 张笋

【导师】 杨泽忠;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 学科教学, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 当前,以计算机为核心的信息技术的迅猛发展对人类社会产生了极为深刻的影响。目前,在教育界各有识之士的努力尝试和推动下,计算机辅助教学的研究与实践得到了前所未有的快速发展。在提倡素质教育的今天,在数学教学领域里,如何适应信息时代的发展,如何利用计算机来辅助数学教学是一个值得研究的新课题。笔者撰写本文的目的,旨在通过剖析计算机辅助高中数学空间直线和平面的教学,结合具体的教学实验,探索较为科学的教学原则、策略和模式,让计算机从“电子黑板”中解脱出来,真正给学生创造一个良好的学习氛围和参与的机会,促使学生主动地去探究、发现和解决问题,充分体现出学生的主体地位和作用。本文首先调研了目前学术界研究计算机辅助空间直线和平面教学的实况,并对青岛市区计算机辅助教学的实际情况进行了抽样调查。从调查情况来看,计算机辅助教学虽然走进了数学课堂,但知识的传递主要还是依靠教师对学生的灌输,只是由“人灌”变成了“机灌”。作为认知主体的学生在教学活动中自始至终处于被动状态,不能作为学习的主体参与教学,不利于创造性人才的培养和学生各方面能力的培养。根据以上现状,结合学生学习空间直线和平面的过程,笔者提出了计算机辅助空间直线和平面教学的新方法:即实施学生自主探索操作型为主的计算机辅助教学,并提出了相应的原则、策略和模式:1、计算机辅助空间直线和平面教学应当遵循的原则:(1)实效性原则;(2)平衡性原则;(3)主体性原则;(4)实践性原则;(5)开放性原则。2、计算机辅助中学数学空间直线和平面教学的具体策略:(1)认真钻研教材,精心设计,确定总体的结构与教学策略;(2)课件设计应注意提供模拟训练的多媒体环境;(3)课件设计应注意教学内容表达的多样化和优化组合;(4)课堂网络化,优化交往,尊重差异,满足多样化的学习需要;(5)课件设计应注意提供充分的操练机会。3、计算机辅助空间直线和平面教学模式:(1)教师演示模式;(2)交互式学习模式;(3)网络教学模式;(4)个别辅导教学模式;(5)模块式多维化教学模式。笔者在综合分析阐述计算机辅助空间直线和平面教学的理论基础上,利用近一学期的时间在笔者本人所教的两个平行班进行了实验研究。实验结果显示以学生自主探索操作为主的实验班比传统教学及教师演示型为主的对照班学生的数学思维能力、数学成绩都有了显著的提高,进一步验证了笔者所提出的计算机辅助中学空间直线和平面教学新形式的作用和价值。当然,多媒体作为一种教学技术,与其它媒体一样,在教学中的作用是有条件的,并不是在所有方面都优于其他媒体,不可以把多媒体当作一种万能的教学技术,而忽视其它媒体的研究和应用。

【Abstract】 At present, with computer as a core, the development of the information technology has had a profound effect on the human society. And under the promotion of a lot of people in the field of education, the research and practice of the computer assistance teaching have got unpretending development. In the days of emphasizing all-around education, in the field of teaching mathematics, there arises a new problem worth exploring on how to adjust to the development of the information age and how to use computer to assist teaching mathematics.The purpose of this essay is to analyses the computer assisted mathematics teaching in high schools; together with the teaching practice, to explore some scientific teaching principles, strategies and modes; to free computers from being as "an electric blackboard" and to give the students a surrounding and some chances to explore and solve the problems by themselves.The teaching of mathematics assisted by computers involves every aspect of mathematics and this article is trying to expatiate the teaching and methods of it by investigating and analyzing the current situation of computer assisting space, line and flat teaching. The author has analyzed the development of the computer-assisted mathematics teaching in the city of Qingdao and the result shows that though most educators use computer as an assistant to teaching, the transmission of knowledge still mainly depends on teachers, but changes by using computers. Students, as the core of teaching and learning activities, are still in a passive position, which is not good for training students as creative people and developing their abilities.In response to the above situation and considering the practical problems the students often have while studying, the author has put forward a new method of computer assisting line, space and flat teaching--- to let the students explore and operate in the course of teaching. And the principles are as follows:First, there should be actual effects and the development should be comprehensive. Students should be given enough chances to study and explore by themselves. Second, teachers should make reasonable class arrangement and use the multimedia properly. At the same time, they should play the roles of a designer, a guide and a valuator well.There are also some specific strategies:First, teachers should study the textbooks and design the lessons carefully and try to work out the main structure and strategy of the teaching.Second, the design of the lessons should focus on providing a multimedia environment for the simulating training.Third, while designing the lessons, teachers should show the content in different ways and combine them properly.Fourth, teachers should use the internet to help teach; respect the difference of levels among the students and satisfy different needs.Fifth, teachers should try to provide students more opportunities to practice in class.There are also some modes in computer assisting line, space and flat teaching: teacher’s demonstration; interactive study; teaching by internet; individual tutorship and module and multidimensional teaching.After studying the theories of computer assisting line, space and flat teaching, the author made some related trials in the two classes she taught for a semester. The result shows that students who explored and operated during the teaching and studying courses have made much greater progress in studying mathematics than those who mainly followed the teachers’ instructions and their abilities of analyzing and solving problems have been greatly improved. This helps prove that the author’s new method is of high value in teaching mathematics.Of course, we should notice that the multimedia, as a tool in teaching, has limited functions as well as the other medias. It’s not better than others in every aspect. We shouldn’t regard it as an all-purpose tool or skill. Instead, we should also pay attention to the study and use of other medias in teaching.

  • 【分类号】G633.6
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】178

