

A Correlative Study on Job Burnout of Police

【作者】 伊翠莹

【导师】 高峰强;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 应用心理学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 职业倦怠是近年来的一个研究热点,在许多职业领域都有体现。有关职业倦怠的研究,起源于20世纪70年代的美国,至今已有30多年的研究历史,取得了丰硕的成果。国内有关职业倦怠的研究也取得了一些进展,但多以教师和医护人员为研究对象,对警察职业倦怠的研究还为数不多。1997年,Maslach和Leiter提出了个体-情境匹配理论,认为个体与情境越是不匹配,越有可能产生倦怠;越是匹配,工作的投入程度就越高。本研究简单回顾了国内外关于职业倦怠的研究现状,并在前人研究的基础上,从个体-情境匹配理论入手,运用文献综述、问卷调查的研究方法探讨角色压力、应对方式、集体效能等因素对警察职业倦怠的影响,实证部分的问卷调查研究对象是来自40个中队的245名警察,研究结果如下:1.对各因变量进行人口学变量分析发现:男性警察在人格解体和角色冲突上的得分均显著高于女性警察;未婚警察在情感耗竭上的得分显著低于已婚警察,在角色模糊上的得分显著高于已婚警察;26-35岁的警察在成就感降低、角色模糊和角色冲突上的得分均显著高于36-45岁的警察,在情感耗竭上的得分显著高于25岁以下的警察;警龄在16-25年的警察在成就感降低上的得分显著低于警龄在5年及以下的警察和警龄在6-15年的警察,警龄在5年及以下的警察在角色模糊、角色冲突上的得分均显著高于警龄在16-25年的警察;特警在情感耗竭、人格解体、成就感降低、角色模糊、角色冲突上的得分均显著高于其他警种。2.职业倦怠与角色模糊、角色冲突、消极应对方式呈显著正相关,与积极应对方式呈显著负相关;情感耗竭与角色模糊、角色冲突、消极应对方式呈显著正相关,人格解体与角色模糊、角色冲突、消极应对方式呈显著正相关;成就感降低与积极应对方式呈显著负相关,与消极应对方式呈显著正相关;角色模糊与积极应对方式呈显著负相关,与消极应对方式呈显著正相关;角色冲突与消极应对方式呈显著正相关。3.角色压力对职业倦怠既有直接作用,也有通过应对方式的间接作用。应对方式是角色压力作用于职业倦怠的部分中介变量。变量间的具体作用机制如下:积极应对方式在角色模糊和成就感降低之间的中介效应显著,在角色模糊与人格解体之间的中介效应不显著。消极应对方式在角色冲突与情感耗竭之间的中介效应不显著,在角色冲突与人格解体之间的中介效应不显著。4.以警察职业倦怠及各维度为因变量的多层分析表明:(1)在职业倦怠上,角色模糊、角色冲突、消极应对方式是显著的正向预测因子;在情感耗竭上,角色冲突、消极应对方式是显著的正向预测因子;在人格解体上,角色模糊、角色冲突、消极应对方式是显著的正向预测因子;在成就感降低上,角色模糊是一个极其显著的正向预测因子。(2)中队水平的集体效能正向预测了警察的职业倦怠和情感耗竭水平。通过对结论的分析,本文还提出了相应的对策来预防和干预警察的职业倦怠,提高警察的工作满意度和身心健康水平,并对可能的后续研究进行了展望。

【Abstract】 Job burnout is a research hotspot in recent years, and has reflected in many occupational fields. Research on job burnout, originated in the 1970s in the United States, has been more than 30 years of studying history and achieved fruitful results. Research on job burnout have been achieved some results in China, but more to teachers and health care workers as the research object. Study in police occupation has also been few. In 1997, Maslach and Leiter put forward the Individual -Situation Matching theory that the more individual and situation does not match, the more likely job burnout is; more match, the higher degree of job input is. This study briefly reviews the history of job burnout, and discusses how factors such as roles pressure, coping style, collective efficacy affect the job burnout of police on the basis of previous studies, from the Individual -Situation Matching theory, using the method of literature and survey research. The part of the empirical study is a questionnaire survey from 40 Squadron 245 police, the results are as follows:1.Analysis to dependable variable dealt with demography variable shows that: The scores of policemen in the role conflict and depersonalization are significantly higher than those of policewomen officers; the scores of unmarried police in the emotion exhaustion are significantly lower than those of married police, role ambiguity in the scoring significantly higher than that of married police; the scores of 26-35-year-old police in the diminished personal accomplishment, role conflict and role ambiguity are significantly higher than those of 36-45-year-old police, the emotion exhaustion scores are significantly higher than those of under the age of 25 police; the scores of the 16-25 years police in reducing the achievement are significantly lower than those of below 5 years and 6-15 years police, the scores of below 5 years police in the role ambiguity, role conflict are significantly higher than those of the 16-25 years police; the scores of special police in emotion exhaustion, depersonalization, diminished personal accomplishment, role ambiguity and role conflict are significantly higher than those of other police.2. Job burnout is positively related to role ambiguity, role conflict, and negative coping style but negatively relate to positive coping style; emotion exhaustion is positively related to role ambiguity, role conflict and negative coping style; depersonalization is positively related to role ambiguity, role conflict and negative coping style; diminished personal accomplishment is negatively related to positive coping style but positively relate to negative coping style; role ambiguity is negatively relate to positive coping style but positively relate to negative coping style; role conflict is positively relate to negative coping style.3. Role pressure not only impacts on job burnout directly, but also impacts on job burnout indirectly through the medium of coping styles. Coping style works as partial medium between role pressure and job burnout. The explicit mechanism of variables is described as follows:Positive coping style significantly mediates between role ambiguity and diminished personal accomplishment but do not significantly mediate between role ambiguity and depersonalization. Negative coping style do not significantly mediated between role conflict and emotion exhaustion, between role conflict and depersonalization.4. Multilayer analysis for using police job burnout as dependable variable concluded: (1) On job burnout role conflict, role ambiguity, role conflict and negative coping style are significant positive anticipation genes; on emotion exhaustion, role conflict and negative coping style are significant positive anticipation genes; on depersonalization, role ambiguity, role conflict and negative coping style are significant positive anticipation genes; on diminished personal accomplishment, role ambiguity is a significant positive anticipation gene.(2) On lochus level, collective efficacy of the police can positively anticipate job burnout and emotion exhaustion.After results, the thesis put forward the corresponding countermeasures to prevent and intervene in job burnout of police, improve satisfaction with the work and the level of physical and mental health, and possible recommendations on follow-up study.

  • 【分类号】B845;D631.1
  • 【被引频次】8
  • 【下载频次】842

