

A Preliminary Research on Teachers’ Views on Differentiated Teaching

【作者】 郭清娟

【导师】 曾继耘;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 教育学原理, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 随着教育民主化思潮及个性化教育的发展,人们开始越来越多地反思传统教学机械、划一、压制学生个性发展的弊端。20世纪90年代以来,关注学生个性化、差异性发展的差异教学成为许多国家教育理论界和实践界关注的课题。我国教育改革中也出现了不少立足于学生差异、关注学生个性发展的改革探索并已取得初步成绩。但笔者认为,要想从根本上贯彻实施差异教学,首先,也是最重要的,即教师必须转变教学观念,理解并树立差异教学观。只有以正确的观念为先导,才能引导生成持久而有效的教学行为。本研究首先从理论上阐明差异教学的若干基本问题,深入分析差异教学观及其结构特征,然后通过实证调查来了解教师差异教学观的现状,进而探讨促进教师差异教学观转变的有效策略,以期为我国基础教育改革的实践提供有益的参考。本论文包括绪论及三部分。绪论中介绍了该课题的选题缘由、国内外相关研究的现状、研究目的与意义、研究方法等。第一部分首先对相关概念进行了界定,进而从哲学、心理学及教育学的角度论述了差异教学的理论基础,然后就差异教学中人们认识上容易存在偏差和误区的几对基本范畴,即差异发展与全面发展、自主性与规范性、个性化与社会化的关系问题进行了澄清和说明。第二部分是本文的主体部分。在此部分中,笔者就教学观及结构尤其是差异教学观的结构进行了深入的探讨,具体从学生观、教师观、教学目标观、教学内容观、教学策略观及学生评价观等六个方面进行了理论分析,以明确差异教学观的主要特征。同时,也为本研究第三部分的问卷设计提供理论依据。第三部分是调查与分析。首先通过对济南地区三所初中教师差异教学观的调查研究,揭示了目前教师差异教学观的现状,并就此分析了造成这种状况的成因。然后针对这种成因及实践中存在的具体问题,就如何促进教师树立差异教学观、实施差异教学,进而促进每一个学生个性化发展提出了若干对策建议。

【Abstract】 With the development of democratized and individualized educational ideological trend, people begin to rethink the drawbacks of traditional teaching which is characterized by inflexibility, uniformity and the suppression of individual development more and more. Since 1990s, differentiated teaching which concerns the students’individualized and differentiated development has been paid a great deal of attention by educational circles in many countries. There are also some educational reforms based on the students’differences and aimed at their individualized development in our country and some have already achieved preliminary success. But in my opinion, before differentiated teaching is essentially implemented, teachers must change their teaching views and acquire the correct idea of differentiated teaching. This is the first and most important point. Only teachers first acquire the correct views can they carry out permanent and effective teaching activities. In the research, we first clarify some basic problems of differentiated teaching theoretically and analyze the structure of the views on differentiated teaching thoroughly. Then we make an investigation to find out the present condition of teachers’views on differentiated teaching. And lastly, we explore the effective strategies that can help teachers change their views. This research is expected to provide some useful reference for the practice of elementary educational reform in our country.The thesis contains the introduction and three parts.In the introduction, we explain the reasons of choosing this subject, combing the relevant research at home and abroad, and clarify the purpose and methods of this research.In Part One, we first define some relevant concepts, then expound the theoretical basis of differentiated teaching in philosophy, psychology and pedagogy, and lastly clarify some basic relations including differentiated development and all-round development, self-determination and standardization, individuation and socialization which are often misunderstood.Part Two is the core of the thesis. A thorough research about the implication and structure of teachers’views on differentiated teaching is made. In order to define its main characteristics, we analyze theoretically from the views on students, the views on teachers, the views on teaching aims, the views on teaching content, the views on teaching strategies and the views on students’assessment in detail. Meanwhile, this theoretical analysis also provides basis for the questionnaire design in the next part.Part Three is the investigation and analysis. Through investigation of teachers’views on differentiated teaching in three junior middle schools in Jinan, we understand the current situation of teachers’views and analyze the reasons that cause it. Then in accordance with this situation and some practical problems, we advance several tactical opinions and suggestions about how to help teachers acquire the correct views on differentiated teaching so that they can carry out differentiated teaching and help actualize every student’s individualized development.

【关键词】 教师差异教学观济南调查研究
【Key words】 teachersviews on differentiated teachingJinaninvestigation
  • 【分类号】G424
  • 【被引频次】14
  • 【下载频次】764

