

【作者】 燕奉青

【导师】 于冬云;

【作者基本信息】 山东师范大学 , 比较文学与世界文学, 2008, 硕士


【摘要】 “垮掉的一代”是二十世纪50年代兴起于美国的一场文学运动,对二十世纪中后期美国社会产生了广泛而深远的影响。作家杰克·凯鲁雅克(Jack Kerouac,1922—1969)被称为“垮掉的一代之王”,代表作《在路上》被认为是“垮掉的一代圣经”,但实际上凯鲁雅克长期以来为中国乃至美国读者、评论者所误读,他被树为了一个自己不愿也无力推动的运动的化身。我们无论是将凯鲁雅克看作“流氓”、“阿飞”、“吸毒犯”、“资产阶级腐朽堕落的颓废青年”,还是看作“艾森豪威尔时代的前嬉皮士”、“反麦卡锡主义的斗士”,这些都不是凯鲁雅克的真实形象。本文结合凯鲁雅克生平,从美国二十世纪五六十年代宗教禁欲与消费享乐两种文化相互交织、对抗的角度,还原一个真实的凯鲁雅克。第一部分以时间为纵向线索,从杰克·凯鲁雅克的小镇生活、纽约大都市生活与到西部去以及成名后的荣与耻等三个方面展开论述,揭示出凯鲁雅克实际上是一个“古怪的、孤独的、疯狂的基督教神秘主义者”,来自小城镇的宗教禁欲思想浓郁的保守势力代表,是50年代麦卡锡主义的地方基础和群众基础。第二、三部分则具体地从“自发式写作”与“重读小说《在路上》”的角度,进一步阐释凯鲁雅克与美国二十世纪50年代保守主义文化主流的契合。“自发式写作”的出现纯粹归因于凯鲁雅克探索文学创作技巧的尝试,而且先天具有先锋性与革命性的悖论。小说《在路上》主题并非是对二十世纪五六十年代美国社会的非难与不满,以狄安·莫里亚蒂为代表的下层人民群众此时完全沉浸于二战胜利、美国经济高度繁荣的乐观情绪之中,享受着社会进步带来的种种便利,在意识形态上与主流精神相吻合,所谓的反叛很大程度上是后世强加上的。第四部分探讨凯鲁雅克缘何成为了一场他无力承担的垮掉运动的化身,成为了一个他极力想摆脱的被操纵的文化符号,自身作为一个作家的价值让位给了莫里亚蒂这一疯狂先知的文化价值。内容涉及到金斯堡对“垮掉的一代”的运作、美国左派运动、青年亚文化与大众文化消费、60年代中产阶级学生运动与政治寂静主义、从嬉皮士到雅皮士、70年代以后美国出版业日趋商业化等方面。

【Abstract】 The Beat Generation was a literary movement of the 1950s in the United States, which had a broad and far-reaching impact on the late 20th American society. Among the writers in this period, Jack Kerouac (1922-1969) was known as the "King of the Beat Generation". his representative work On the Road was considered as "the Bible of Beat Generation". However, Kerouac’s works have being misread by readers and commentators both in China and the United States for a long time. Kerouac was regarded as the decadent youth of the degenerated bourgeois class, or as the former hippies of Eisenhower era, anti-McCarthyism fighter, but these were not the true image of Kerouac. Kerouac was actually regarded as a model in the social movement, although he was reluctant and incapable to promote this movement.This paper associates Kerouac’s life and discusses two intertwining and confrontational kinds of culture, which were the religious abstinence and the consumer hedonism in the 1950s and 1960s of the United States, so as to reveal a real Kerouac to readers. The first part of this paper discusses from the following aspects: the small town life of Jack Kerouac, the urbanism in New York then moved to west, the fame and shame after Kerouac’s succession. In fact, Kerouac was a "strange, lonely, crazy Christian mysticism", who was a representative of the strong conservative force from a small town. This conservative force was the local basis and the mass basis of McCarthyism in the 1950s.The second and third part respectively expatiate how Kerouac’s thought agreed with the main culture stream of conservatism in the 1950s from the points of spontaneous writing and rereading of the novel On the Road. Spontaneous writing can be purely attributed to Kerouac’s attempt to explore new literary writing techniques, and it was born with a paradox of revolutionary and vanguard characters. The theme of On the Road is not the condemnation and dissatisfaction of the 1950s and 1960s American society. As the representative of the lower class, Deans were completely immersed in the optimistic mood of the victory of World War II at that time and enjoyed the highly prosperous American economy. They enjoyed the various facilities brought by social progress, and kept in line with the mainstream ideology.so that, the so-called rebellion was largely imposed by the later generation to a large extend.The fourth part probes into the reason why Kerouac became the Beat campaign incarnation, which he was unable to take on and tried to shake off. His value as a writer was replaced by Dean’s cultural value as a crazy prophet. This part concludes the operation of Ginsberg on the Beat Generation, leftist movement, sub-culture and popular consumption culture,the middle class student movement in the 1960s,from hippies to yuppies, the commercialization of American publishing industry, and so on.

  • 【分类号】I712.074
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】546

