

Water-cultured Flowers and Their Development Countermeasres in Shanghai

【作者】 陈建德

【导师】 陆国权; 翟建中;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业推广, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 水培花卉在欧美、日本等发达国家已具一定规模,在我国则已逐渐发展成为花卉行业的新宠,并因其具有独特的观赏性以及环保清洁等特点引起人们越来越多的关注,并为消费者所认知和消费。本文总结了水培花卉的发展历程,认为水培花卉的发展是无土栽培技术和生态思想相结合的产物,并在人们生活水平提高和保健意识增强,购买力上升的前提下得以兴起和发展。本文以君子兰和露草水培为例对水培花卉的特点进行重点阐述。通过对环保营养液在君子兰水培中的应用研究,提出了适度提高“绿孢宝”营养液浓度有促根效应。同时通过对室内水培技术的研究,明确了适用品种选择、容器选择、管理要素、家庭室内管理技术,为水培技术的推广奠定基础。本文从经济学角度对小型企业产品进行初步的经济学分析,指出了水培花卉发展中存在的主要问题,并提出了水培花卉今后的发展对策。最后,在对国内水培花卉的研究与市场分析基础上,阐明了该领域广阔的发展前景。并从产业化角度分析了上海地区具有发达的经济社会环境,区域地理位置十分优越,消费升级引领产业升级等有利因素。为了水培花卉的发展,提出现阶段企业宜于专业化、小型化;提高组织化程度;完善市场体系,引导消费成熟;建立产品标准等策略。

【Abstract】 Much progress on water-cultured Flower industry in Europe and the United States, Japan and other developed countries has been made, recently this industry becomes a new bright spot in China. Because of its specifically ornamental and friendly environmental characteristics the water-cultured flowers made a strong appeal for comsumers, particularly city residents.This article from the perspective of the development of flower industry had recalled that the development of water-cultured flower is soilless cultivation technology and a product of ecological thinking, people enjoy the fruits of economic development with higher consumer prices of new flowers. The basis of and demand for products.The author of the environmental nutrient solution Clivia water culture in the application of observation, made a high concentration of a nutrient solution KEL promote root effect. At the same time on the family water culture technology research, on the application of species selection, container selection, management elements, the family room on the management of technology, consumer support for the family.The author made the development of water culture based on the flowers, including the products of small enterprises conduct a preliminary economic analysis, and analysis of the water training and development of flower the major problems, the cause of flowers on the water training and the development strategy recommendations.The studies on water-cultivated flowers and its market in China are outlined in this article, which indicates that the prospect is rather inspiring. Investigations in the aspect of industrialization show that it is of advantages due to Shanghai’s modern social eco-environment, incomparable geographic location and its updated industry by consuming, In order to develop the industry of water-cultivated flowers, the strategies are suggested in this article: it is appropriate for the companies to be specialized and small-sized; improving the level of organization; perfecting the market; directing the consuming concept; and setting the standards of products.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】S68
  • 【被引频次】4
  • 【下载频次】696

