

The Application of Modern Space Syntax Theory in Residential Gardens

【作者】 翟羽丰

【导师】 倪琪;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 园林植物与观赏园艺, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 庭园是住宅建筑空间的基本组织手法之一,有其独特的空间构成特征,在经历了数千年的历史演变之后,仍被广泛应用于现代居住区之中。本文的研究从现代庭园和传统庭园两方面展开,主要研究住宅庭园的空间构成、群体组织方式及其对使用者的空间分布的影响。并希望通过本文的研究,为现代住宅庭园空间设计提供有益的参考。在研究时,以典型四合院、郭庄、山水人家居住小区为实例,首先运用空间句法理论的视域模型和轴线模型对庭园空间的深度值、连接度、整合度、可选择性等方面进行分析,预示其空间构成与组织方式对人流分布的影响。其次,实地调查统计空间的人流分布,并与空间句法分析结果进行比较分析,运用多元回归模型计算其吻合度。最后结合两方面的结果,得出传统庭园在空间组织方面存在很多优点值得借鉴。现代住宅庭园,采用人车分流的方式组织交通,在一定程度上缓解了车行与人行的矛盾,但并不能彻底解决问题;住区小庭园群体组织方式多采用并联式,基本满足了居民需求,但也造成了空间隔阂。针对住宅庭园空间设计中存在的不足,提出一、大型居住区设计应从整体设计入手,规划好主要的车行线与步行道路,要根据人流的多少,合理规划道路的宽度;二、合理布置小区组团广场与中心庭园,加强整个社区之间的联系,有效缓解空间隔阂。笔者还在前文研究的基础上,总结出现代庭园和传统庭园在空间构成与空间组合方式以及空间类型与空间意向上存在相关性,并从空间构成要素和空间设计方法两方面提出继承与创新的措施。

【Abstract】 As one of the basic organizational techniques of residential architecture space, residential courtyard garden is provided with the particular character in spatial structure. After evolved over thousands of years, it is still largely used in modern residential area. In this article, we will study in two aspects of modern and traditional courtyard garden. The main investigation is spatial structure, spatial organization of groups and the impact of the foot passenger distribution. And hope that through this study, we can provide a useful reference for the design of modern residential garden.In the study, we take Quadrangles, Guozhuang, Shanshuirenjia for example. First use of the theory of space syntax of Visibility Graph and Axial Graph, in connectivity- value, controlvalue, depthvalue, integrationvalue and other aspects to analysis, indicate its composition and organization of space on the distribution of firms. Second, field survey and statist on the distribution of foot passengers in the space, and compare with the results of the space parsing and use of multiple regression model to calculate of the anastomosis. Finally, coalescent the two aspects of the results, obtained that in the spatial organizations of the traditional garden space there are many advantages to be learned from. By the way foot passenger and vehicles streaming detached in the modern residential courtyard garden, it eased the contradictions to a certain extent, but it does not solve the problem completely. In most of the time small garden groups organized use of parallel, this can meet the basic needs of residents, but also caused the space barrier. Aim at the deficiencies in the design of residential garden space, the author bring forward tow conclusions. First, large-scale residential area design should start with the overall design, planned for the main walk street and roadway, according to the number of people, decided the reasonable width of the road; Second, group squares and the Centre Square Garden should be arranged reasonably, and strengthen the link between the entire community to mitagate the space barrier.On the basis of the former text, the author summarized that modern and traditional courtyard garden have association in spatial structure and spatial organization, and bring forward measures form the spatial inscape and spatial design of both inheritance and innovation.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 08期
  • 【分类号】TU984.12;TU-024
  • 【被引频次】18
  • 【下载频次】1266

