

【作者】 严秀琴

【导师】 陈昆松; 马国斌;

【作者基本信息】 浙江大学 , 农业推广, 2007, 硕士

【摘要】 以自主育成的哈密瓜型甜瓜新品种‘东方蜜1号’和‘东方蜜2号’为研究对象,分别以上海栽培的新疆哈密瓜品种‘雪里红’和‘仙果’为对照,研究了新品种的果实发育与品质变化、对镰刀菌酸和NaCl的抗性、耐低温弱光性及果实耐贮性;此外,还选择了来自Cucumis属的23对SSR引物,对甜瓜‘东方蜜2号’的杂交种子及其亲本进行SSR标记研究。主要结果如下:大棚设施栽培条件下哈密瓜型甜瓜果实生长发育过程呈典型的单S型曲线,即两头慢中间快;果实发育过程中的TSS含量和总糖含量变化趋势相同,即逐渐增加,至成熟期又逐渐趋于平缓;果实可滴定酸含量呈单峰曲线变化;新品种‘东方蜜1号’和‘东方蜜2号’除果形略小于各自对照外,TSS含量、果糖、葡萄糖、蔗糖和总糖含量均高于各自对照,这在果实发育后期尤其明显,表明‘东方蜜1号’和‘东方蜜2号’在品质方面表现优良。对镰刀菌酸的抗性实验结果表明,镰刀菌酸对各品种甜瓜胚根生长均具有强烈的抑制作用,镰刀菌酸浓度越高抑制作用越强,处理后24h,较高浓度的镰刀菌酸还造成了胚根死亡,但不同品种之间所受伤害程度有所差异;镰刀菌酸处理7d后的幼苗即表现出明显的受害症状:‘东方蜜1号’和‘东方蜜2号’在枯萎病的抗性方面强于各自对照,且以‘东方蜜1号’的表现相对突出。对NaCl的抗性实验结果表明,NaCl对各品种甜瓜胚根生长有一定的促进或抑制作用,NaCl浓度越高抑制作用越强;NaCl处理后5d瓜苗表现出明显的受害症状,NaCl浓度越高瓜苗受害越重,但品种之间也表现出差异性;盐渍化土壤对种子出苗数和正常苗数也有显著影响;‘东方蜜1号’和‘东方蜜2号’在NaCl抗性方面强于各自对照,以‘东方蜜1号’的表现更佳。耐低温弱光性实验结果显示,在各处理温度下‘东方蜜1号’和‘东方蜜2号’的发芽率和平均胚根长度都明显好于对照;低温弱光处理后,各品种叶绿素a(Ca)、叶绿素b(Cb)及叶绿素总量均显著下降,但比值(Ca/Cb)提高,各品种Ca/Cb值提高幅度不一;‘东方蜜1号’和‘东方蜜2号’的耐低温和弱光性明显优于各自对照。研究表明,‘东方蜜1号’和‘东方蜜2号’果实都具有优良的耐贮性,在夏季高温条件下,该两个新品种可保证2周以上的货架期。杂交种纯度的SSR鉴定结果,在‘东方蜜2号’及其双亲间找到4对表现多态性的引物,即M4、M13、M17和M18,其中利用引物M4和引物M18对“东方蜜2号’检验的电泳图谱表明,‘东方蜜2号’的杂交纯度是100%,都与田间种植检验结果完全一致,说明用SSR方法检测甜瓜杂交种子纯度是可行的。基于‘东方蜜1号’和‘东方蜜2号’的部分生物学特性,及对新品种示范以及栽培技术的探讨,本研究还提出了“设施哈密瓜新品种东方蜜1号、2号双季无公害栽培技术操作规程”,包括:产地要求、农药使用和肥料使用三大关键控制技术;田块选择,施足基肥,设施类型及栽培方式,春季栽培,夏秋季栽培等栽培技术规程。

【Abstract】 Two new Hami melon (Cucumis melo) varieties, i.e. Dongfangmi No.1 and Dongfangmi No.2, and their control varieties, i.e. ’Xuelihong’ and ’Xianguo’, were used as plant materials in the present study. Comparisons on fruit quality, resistance to fusaric acid, NaCl, low temperature and weak light between the new varieties and their own control as well as SSR marker assisted parental identification of ’Dongfangmi No.2’ were carried out. The main results were summarized as folio wings:The development of Hami melon fruit showed a classic S dynamic growth pattern with TSS and total sugar content in fruit increased with the growth of fruit. Changes in titratable acidity during fruit development showed a one-peak pattern. The two new varieties had higher concentration of TSS, fructose, glucose, sucrose and total sugar than those in their own control variety, which suggested that Dongfangmi No. 1 and Dongfangmi No.2 had better fruit quality.Fusaric acid (FA) stongly inhibited the growth of the radicle in all melon varieties tested and such inhibition showed a concentration effect. High concerntration of FA hurt the melon radicle and seedlings to different degrees among different varieties. Young melon plants showed significant injury symptom 7 d after fusaric acid treatment. Dongfangmi No.1 and Dongfangmi No.2, especially Dongfangmi No.1, had higher resistance to blight than did the control varieties.NaCl at low concentration showed promotion effect on the growth of melon radicle, while it showed significant effect at higher concentration. Young melon plants showed significant injury symptom 5 d after high concentration NaCl treatment and the symptoms varied among different varieties. Saline soil influenced seedlings numbers and the normal seedling numbers. Dongfangmi No.1 and Dongfangmi No.2, especially Dongfangmi No.1, had higher resistance to NaCl than did the control varieties.Seed germination and the average length of radicle of the new Hami melon varieties under low temperature and low light were better than those of controls, respectively. The chlorophyll a (Ca)and chlorophyll b (Cb) concentrations and the total chlorophyll concentration decreased significantly under low temperature, but the Ca/Cb ratio increased. Dongfangmi No.1 and Dongfangmi No.2 showed better resistance to low temperature and weak light than did the control varieties.Dongfangmi No.1 and Dongfangmi No.2 also shwoed better storability with long shelf life of more than 2 weeks at high temperature in the summer.The results of SSR marker assisted parental identification of ’Dongfangmi No.2’ showed that the outcrossing purification of Dongfangmi No.2 was 100%, which consisted with the result obtained from the field planting.Based on the results above, an operating procedure of cultivation of pollution-free melon fruit was established, including three key control techniques. Results of the present study will play an important role in the cultivation and production of Hami melon of new varieties.

  • 【网络出版投稿人】 浙江大学
  • 【网络出版年期】2008年 09期
  • 【分类号】S652
  • 【下载频次】139

