

The Develop of Control System in Invertering Spot Welding Power Supply

【作者】 朱燕丛

【导师】 李西恭;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 机械与电子工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 点焊在汽车工业中得到了广泛的应用,国外大批量生产的汽车厂(美、日)将中频点焊机器人和伺服技术点焊机器人应用于轿车车身装焊线。据统计,一辆轿车车身上大约有4000~6000个焊点需要点焊来完成,因此点焊机和多点焊机器人在车身焊接生产线上所占的比例就体现了该生产线的自动化程度。而在汽车制造业主要使用50-75kVA的移动式点焊机,这种点焊机要求机身的体积小、重量轻,因此,整体控制系统小型化是非常必要的。但是,国内的逆变电阻焊机与国外先进技术相比,与国民经济要求相比,还有很大的距离,存在不少问题。特别是小型化问题,还需要进一步完善。本文针对传统的点焊控制器或电参数检测系统存在的参数检测精度不够高、实时性较差、电路复杂等缺点,提出了合理、简单、可靠的硬件电路及软件设计,实现对焊接电流、焊接方式、焊接时间的精确控制。同时简化了控制系统的电路。本文首先分析了国内外点焊焊接控制系统的研究现状,阐明了本课题研究的目的和意义;分析了现代逆变焊接电源的结构,确定了焊接电源装置的整体框架。本课题研制了点焊焊接电源装置的中心控制系统部分。此中心控制系统采用单片机控制,分为过程控制部分和人机交互部分。通过软硬件的灵活合理配合,一方面实现单片机控制时序过程,按要求给定焊接电流、焊接延时时间,从而控制合理的焊接功率输出;另一方面,实现面板显示和控制,通过面板调节焊接中的各项参数,界面友好。本课题设计了逆变点焊电源装置中以单片机ADuC812为核心的中心控制电路、单片机外为接口电路、人机交互界面等电路;分析了主程序、设定程序、数据处理程序的设计思想并且对系统的抗干扰措施进行了介绍。控制系统采用模块化编程。文章最后对系统的键盘输入、显示及焊接过程的模拟检测结果进行了调试和分析,实现了合理的点焊焊接方式、时序过程以及人机交互。设计的电阻焊微机控制系统具有结构简单、运算速度快等特点,能够满足逆变电阻点焊电源控制的需要,具有焊接参数设置、参数显示等功能,可实现电阻点焊过程多参数信息检测及处理。对实现逆变电阻焊机的点焊过程及质量的智能化控制有一定的工程实用价值。

【Abstract】 Spot welding has been used in many industry fields such as aviation, spaceflight,atomic energy, electron technology and automobile etc. On abroad, the mid-invertspot welding servo-robot has been used by the motor manufactory (U.S.A. and J.P)in Automatic production line. There are around 4000~6000 spots in a body of car,The more use of welding servo-robot the higher the automatization level is.Generally we most use welding power supply which is between50KVA~75KVA .This need the power supply smart and light .With the rapiddevelopment of economic we need more and more supply, but, we also have lots ofproblems to solve compared to the abroad welding supply. The most importantproblemisminiaturization.Weneedmoreandmorefinishedproducts.Inthispaper,aimingat thelowprecision,poorreal-timeandcomplicatedcircuitof the traditional spot welding controller ,a precision control to the implementationof welding current, welding mode ,welding time with high speed and high precisionis introduced through software program and reasonable simple but reliable hardwarecircuit.The present condition and trend of the spot weldingtechnologyis analyzed firstlyin this article. The construction of modern inverting spot welding power is analyzedand the whole frame of this inverting welding power equipment is defined. Acentre-controlsystemofspotweldingpowersupplyisdeveloped.Thesystemcanbedivided into the single chip controlled inverting spot welding power andman-machine interactive system. The two parts adapt smartly and appropriately bythe software and the hardware. On one hand, centre circuit controlled by the singlechip can give welding current and welding time according to the requirement.Consequently, the output of welding power can be controlled logically. On the otherhand, the panel display and control is implemented. The parameters can be adjustedconvenientlybythepanelcontrol.In the inverting welding power supply part, the center control circuit with theADuC812 single chip as the core, exterior interface circuit of the single chip and theman-machine interface circuit are designed. The ideology of software developing,the main program, and other function program and the system’s anti interferencemeasure are introduced systematically. We use modularized programmer software inthe system. At last, debug the keyboard, LED display, I/O port and A/D port ofcurrent. The control system we have designed has simple structure, operating fast, canmeet the need of the inverter-based resistance spot welder, and has such function asparameter setting up, parameter showing etc, capable of the multi parameter andinformation sampling and processing of the spot welding, has some theory andpractical value of the realization of the inverter-based resistance spot qualityintelligentcontrol.

  • 【分类号】TG434.1
  • 【被引频次】6
  • 【下载频次】395

