

Electromagnetic Compute in Electromagnetic Entironment Estimate

【作者】 李良进

【导师】 王群;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 材料学, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 本文运用电磁场计算方法与面向对象编程理论,针对北京地区受到人们广泛关注的地铁、蜂窝移动通信基站和短波天线的电磁环境进行评价,并运用C++Builder6开发出了可视化仿真软件。接触轨和走行轨共同组成了地铁直流牵引系统,本文提出了其感应电磁场模型,并应用有限差分法对其求解并编写了仿真软件,软件的功能如下:①计算任意点的电场强度与磁感应强度值;②绘制地铁站台电场强度与磁感应强度的等值线图。根据欧盟(1999/519/EC)指令,本文对地铁站台电磁环境进行评价。考虑到大地对电磁波的反射及方向性函数对辐射场的影响,本文运用双径模型求解了移动通信基站天线辐射场并编写了仿真软件。软件的功能如下:①可判断计算点位处于天线哪个场区,如位于远场,则可计算该点的功率密度;②可绘制功率密度与距离的关系曲线;③可绘制任意长方形区域的功率密度等值线图。根据国标GB8702-88和导则HJ/T10.3-1996,本文对移动通信基站天线电磁环境进行评价。本文利用实验室成熟的短波同相水平天线电磁场模型,编写了仿真软件,该软件特点如下:把阵元天线电气参数与场计算函数封装在dantianxian类中,这样既降低的编程难度,又保证了数据的安全性;运用链表数据结构,实现了多付天线的场强叠加运算,并具有对结点的浏览,插入、删除和修改等功能。本文对上述电气设备的电磁辐射进行了研究,为其设计、建设和环境评价提供参考,这对于从源头上控制及减少电磁辐射具有现实意义。

【Abstract】 Using electroma gnetic computing method and object-oriented programmingtheory ,This paper researches the electroma gnetic environment of subwa y station,mobile communication base station antennas and shortwave antennas which catchpeople’s attation more and more. Based on that,visua l electroma gnetic simulationsoftwares have been explored in C++Buider 6 .Supply rail and track rail compose the DC traction power supply system ofsubway.This paper puts forward theirs induced field model, and then solves the modelwith finite differeace approach and programmes simulation software. This softwarefunction contains:①calculating electric field intensity and ma gnetic inductionintensity at very point;②drawing contour graph of electric field intensity andma gnetic induction intensity in the station of subway.This paper estimates theelectroma gnetic circumsta nce of subwa y station,according to the instruction ofEuropean union (1999/519/EC).In view of the electroma gnetic wave-reflection on the earth and the directivefunction,this paper puts forward two-path model to simulate the electroma gneticradiation of mobile communication base station antenna and programmes simulationsoftware. This software function contains:①calculating power density at every point,lacated in the far field of antenna;②drawing damply curve of power intensity vsdista nce;③drawing contour graph of power intensity in every rectangular area.This paper estimates the electroma gnetic circumsta nce of mobile communication basestation antenna,according to the nationa l standard (GB8702-88) and guideline (HJ/T10.3-1996).On the base of electroma gnetic model of horizontal shortwave antenna at thesame phase, conducted in our laboratory, This paper programmes simulation software.The software has two characteristics:①electric parameters of array antennas andfield calculation function have been encapsula ted in dantianxia n class ,this is in favorof lowering the programming difficulty and safty of data.②The software uses linked lists data structure in order to superpose field intensity of antennas,and ma inta iningthe linked lists through browsing, inserting , deleting and modifying.This paper reasearches the electroma gnetic environment of above electricequipments,in favor of designing ,constructing and environment impact assessment. Ithas practica l significa nce to control and decrease electroma gnetic radiation from thesource.

  • 【分类号】TM152
  • 【被引频次】5
  • 【下载频次】561

