

Research on Management in Software Process Improvement

【作者】 陈琳

【导师】 王宁;

【作者基本信息】 北京工业大学 , 管理科学与工程, 2008, 硕士

【摘要】 在现代软件企业发展中,过程因素逐渐成为制约软件产品质量和生产效率的瓶颈,软件企业的软件过程决定了该企业的软件开发能力。大量的实践经验证明,在体现企业软件开发能力的因素中,技术或工具并不是第一位的。软件过程决定了软件产品质量的高低以及开发成本、进度的控制能力。软件企业只有对软件过程进行有效管理、将过程规范化并不断改进才能在预算的时间和成本下生产高质量的软件产品。因此,通过软件过程改进能帮助软件企业对其软件过程的改进进行计划、过程诊断、过程改进方案制定以及实施,从而使得企业在激烈竞争的市场环境中提高其竞争力。目前国内的理论界和软件企业对软件过程改进非常重视。大多数研究者及软件企业对软件过程改进的研究也集中在对各种改进模型、策略方法的分析及实施上,而忽略改进中管理问题的存在以及管理的重要性。尤其现在中小企业普遍面临着管理基础薄弱,资源不足,生存压力大,缺乏统一而有力的文化,人员素质良莠不齐等问题,这些都是无法通过模型、策略能得以解决的。本文贯穿软件过程改进的思想,借鉴软件工程学、经济管理学、博弈论等相关理论,从理论出发,着重研究在软件过程改进中的管理问题。本文首先介绍了软件过程改进的相关概念,对软件改进思想、原则和管理方法进行了详细阐述,指出软件过程改进的重要意义。随后将标杆管理运用到软件改进中来,对软件标杆的度量方法进行了研究,并通过对一些软件项目数据统计分析给出了实例,为软件企业提供了借鉴。并对软件改进过程管理的各类管理进行了定性和定量分析,应用层次分析法建立了评价指标体系、构造了评估模型,通过对其进行计算分析得出在整个管理中起关键的管理因素。接着对改进过程中出现的人力风险问题进行了分析研究。最后,针对管理问题提出了相应的对策。

【Abstract】 In the development of software enterprise, process factor becomes the key restraint of software quality and produce efficiency, the capability of software developing depends on software process of the enterprise. According to lots of facts, technology or tool is not the key factor of affecting software developing ability. Software process determines the quality of software products and controlling to cost and schedule. Software enterprise should produce the software products of high quality under arranged time and cost, none but it takes the affective management and makes the process standardization. So software process improvement can improve process by planning, diagnosing process, laying and carrying out a scheme, and then raise its competition ability in the market environment of fierce competition.Recently software theory field and enterprises devote much attention to software process improvement in China. Most researchers and enterprises focus on analysis and implement of models, strategy method, but ignore the management in software process improvement. Especially medium and small enterprises are confronted with a series of problem, such as unsubstantial management foundation, shortage resources, pressure of existence, lacking of unify but emollient culture, and various personnel’s character, these problem can’t resolve by models and strategy method.The thought of software process improvement is impenetrate in the article. Using software engineering, economics and management, game theory etc. related theories, the article emphasizes on researching the management problem in the software process improvement. The article introduces the related concept of software process improvement firstly, expatiates on the thought of software improvement, principia and method of management, it points out importance of software process improvement. Then making use of benchmarking, it investigates measurement of the software benchmarking standards. By selecting and analyzing the data of projects, it gives the case study and hope software enterprises can learn from these. And then it puts on qualitative and quantitative analysis of various management problems for software process improvement. By using the Analytical Hierarchy Process, it establishes an evaluation indicators system and an assessment model of software. Through calculating it finds out the key management factor in the entire process management. Also it makes the research into human resource risk in improving process. At last, the article puts forward the countermeasure of management.

  • 【分类号】F407.672
  • 【被引频次】2
  • 【下载频次】282

